Forum Replies Created
MemberIt was confirmed at prizegiving that Stefan King received Goalie of the tournament with a 42% save percentage, congratulations to him. Its was well deserved.
I wil be in net again dont u worry!!
Bound to have a bad game, I cant fluke the saves for much longer i would imagine!
Cu all there,
MemberHahaha misinterpretation sorry. It wasnt directed at Ryan at all, he does a superb job at putting up what he knows and is told! This website is upto date almost to the minute, the time and effort he puts in is outstanding, and when there is any news, we know about it which is great! It was more a suggestion for random people on here who speculate as to why hockey could be on or not, my reply is to simply ring the rink or check first, as many of the kids especially read the random posts and obviously read them wrong, and get horribly confused.
I seriously think that the online ice booking idea would totally rock the party, it works so well for Phys Ed and think its perfect for what we want. On this website it is ok to search through and find what information you are looking for, but to have a giant diagram form of the practice times and game info would be the best way to go I recon. Make it really colourful so everyone is drawn to it. And mabye you guys will let me design a nice template for it with flowers and hearts all over it? Can i please have that job?
Peace all,
MemberThat wasnt aimed at anyone, just meant that before people say whether there will be ice or not at whatever times, they should probably check by ringing or whatever. Or tell everyone to text me or Ryan or something that way everyone will make it that wants to. Theres just so much confusion from people on various things they have read on the website, people come into work often asking about times of training as 100 people have mentioned different times on the forum. This website helps everyone get the info they need, but i think this will improve it if we have certain people commenting on ice time rather than a whole lot or people saying why or why not there will be ice time on thursday at 7pm when they really dont know for sure. Kinda sounds like people trying to outdo each other on the forum all the time with their background knowledge of dunedin ice sports hahahaha.
There must be some way we can make it easier to confirm ice times? I know with some Phys Ed stuff for uni we use a system where u write in a booking time and it will appear for everyone that goes to it, is there something similar Ryan could design for this site. Kind of like a timetable where Neil or Hans can enter a booking as it is placed? Do they even use internet at the rink? mmm… many questions to be answered, but it would be sweet if there was a huge timetable on this site so everyone could see exactly what bookings the stadium has in advance? could work? mabye not?
Peace all,
STIFF <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif" alt="” title=”Cheesy” />
MemberSorry that sounds kinda blatant, but its just everyone texts me and ryan confused as about wen trainings and games are, so would be nice for people to know the right info ay.
MemberDudes, dunno where the fact are coming from but before stuff is confirmed on here you should check it somehow…
Training is on tonight at 7pm not thursday, and a lot of people rely on the website to get practice times and they think times have changed, and may not turn up tonight.
So just a word of advice babes, if you arent coming to the trainings that are being discussed, or you simply have “heard” that training is not on, confirm it first, or ring the rink, so that people do not go on here and then not come because of a rumour…
Well im not sure whats happning really… Hans asked last week on wednesday whether we wanted the ice booked again next wednesday at the same time, and I said yes to his offer. So dont know what the deal is there? Perhaps Hans and Neil have not discussed wednesday bookings.
I agree the ice show should have the time for sure!
Il check tomorrow at training to confirm whether we have ice or not.
MemberThat really is a nice concept Wicky, but after having a little bit of a “dabble” myself, came up with some tasty new designs for next years superleague poster campaign. We could sell these in both “G” and “R18” versions, kind of like the ‘not so innocent’ Ice Fernz did with their calendars.
I think these are giving off a real macho vibe, and a feeling of physical dominance, both traits we want to portray to our opposition.
Come into work tomorrow and we will do one in photoshop, it will look 10 times better.. oops shouldnt i just txt u this instead of people having to read it on here? mabye? could do?
Hey Stef, whats the gossip I hear u asking? Well just quietly theres [b:wvgghar0]25% off everything in store at SK8[/b:wvgghar0]. Wow that is a deal and a half. Well technically its a deal minus 25%, but still pretty rad!!! Get in now ul miss us once wer gone!
Peace and Rest in Peace SK8 Dunedin,
STIFF (the guy that works there [b:wvgghar0]without[/b:wvgghar0] a beard.rookie19
MemberLOL Ryan, ROFL Ryan,
Oi so guess what, in one of the training scenes of miracle, they do a play that is offside. My claim to fame. They complete the play and its offside. Man im good, I should be a professional movie critic.
Sitting at SK8 being bored, someone come visit!
[b:118go9bc]!!!25% OFF EVERYTHING AT SK8 COME DOWN TODAY BEFORE WE SHUT DOWN!!![/b:118go9bc]
Memberum that was my post?
can i play tonight? 1% chance? 10% chance? No chance at all?
Memberany chance liv can play goal tonight?
MemberIm in net Biarrrccchhhh!!!
am i in net? please?
MemberYea it definately should be Dunedin Stars. Pretty much every sports team nowdays are named by the town they are based in, for example the NHL, the team does not represent where the players are from but where the team is based.
Auckland is a region really, and covers a pretty suuuuper area, but its teams are called Botany and West Auckland as that is where the rinks are based. And besides we are bound to have imports anyway, so we would have to include sweden and finland and russia etc in the name. Any ideas? Man that sounded way funnier in my head…
And also (wow I have more points) isnt it going to make it harder when someone says: “southern played southern”?
wow Stefan you really did well there, you brought up some great points and ur totally right.
MemberStill recon it should be called Dunedin, and Stampede should be Queenstown. Haha thats what always gets written in the papers anyway, and both the Auckland teams have taken the names of the region they are from, with Botany Swarm and West Auckland Admirals; and I assume both Auckland teams come under the Auckland ice hockey association or whatever? Why not call it Dunedin? It wont change the way anything is run or managed, its just a name.
I like “Bogans” Chris, and also, we could have Speedy as our mascot!