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MemberYou’re not supposed to say that, you know. The idea is to pretend you’re just dedicated to doing your bit for ice hockey, and are willing to sacrifice your own free time for the sake of others.
Seriously, the girls love that sort of thing <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif" alt="
” title=”Cheesy” /> .
MemberHow about charging $95 for ten games if people pre-pay the full amount, as an incentive to sign up for the full season? With small teams, giving everyone an incentive to show up every week could prove valuable.
Just a thought.
MemberGood Choice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif" alt="
” title=”Cheesy” />
MemberJust to confirm, this will be for players of all abilities, correct?
MemberJust with regard to the public Skate and Shoot session, I think that’s a fantastic idea. In most field sports, e.g. soccer, you can go out onto any field and have a kick around. With ice hockey, you can only ever practice in one place, and for newer players one session on a sunday night isn’t enough time to get comfortable with the game. I know that I personally need a lot more time with a stick and a puck to be able to compete properly at B-grade level, but I’d prefer to just have a go with a few friends rather than always doing it in a coaching environment, where you’re always trying to learn something new.
MemberFor the Beasts, Chris “Damn That Guy Rocks” Laing <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gif" alt="
” title=”Cool” />
P.S. Do you ever get called Ryan “Hell Yer!” Hellyer?
MemberYep, I’ve said my piece Ryan. If John has any further comments to make he has my number.
Member"hanffy":ky4a0b2j wrote:jack, you make your team seem like that they are perfect when in fact it was your players that started playing rough out of frustration, we were just better at it than you…
you can’t really expect to take all the contact out of hockey, the games too fast. if you want to complain about contact in a sport you should be playing soccer, not ice hockey. (apologies to any soccer players/fans)
oh and BTW Jack abusing our players and our school just makes you seem like a sore loser.[/quote:ky4a0b2j]Abusing your players and your school?
If you read my post above, you’ll see that we know perfectly well what goes on at McGlashan, sunshine. Isn’t it past your bedtime?
MemberI’ll ignore the implication that the Beasts in any way incite an unfriendly atmosphere or unsportsmanlike conduct, or that our team has or creates problems with other teams (Perhaps you’re referring to the incident where our team Captain was assaulted by a teacher from an opposing team? Or perhaps you mean the manner in which some of our players have been the victims of theft? Both occurrances, I hope you will note, are criminal offences).
I feel obliged, however, to point out that the only abuse I or Jack have ever received (to the best of my knowledge) was at highschool, from students in our age group down to those who are currently in the senior section of the school, and last night. In fact, come to think of it, I personally have seen more personal abuse from students of McGlashan than any other group of that age. Go figure. I’m not talking crap here, because I really would know, having been a student at McGlashan for seven years. Don’t be surprised that now that we’re out of uniform we’re no longer cowed into holding our peace. I’m not sure, John, that you’d be entirely pleased with the opinion that many former students of other dunedin schools have about particular groups of former, and current, McGlashan pupils.
On that basis I think “they are not perfect” might be something of an understatement. A number of other people who are, perhaps, more objective than any of us who have commented here, have intimated to me that Jack’s views are not at all “one eyed”.
However, as I have said before, we should all let sleeping dogs lie. McGlashan has had an excellent season, and as I have said on a number of occaisions, are an excellent team and deserve congratulations.
In addition, I have the utmost respect and admiration for you John, both personally and as one of the best teachers I’ve encountered. The speed and fitness of your players was impressive, their teamwork was spot on, and their individual skills with stick and puck were obvious to everyone there. Your team won, and that’s the final word.
I’m sure it will look [i:k37gzhjc]great[/i:k37gzhjc] in the newsletter.
MemberPersonally, I was kinda worried I’d step on one of y’all…. oh well, I’m sure some of you guys will have hit puberty by the time we next meet on the ice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="
” title=”Wink” />
MemberWe should all probably just mellow out about it, it’s over now. Full credit to John for trying to keep you young bucks in line. You guys have a really good team, so congratulations on the win are definately in order, but it would’ve been nice to come second to a team who really played hard but fair. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gif" alt="
” title=”Cool” />
MemberJack: I wasn’t thinking of myself anyway (seeing as I’m probably about a -4 on the grading system anyway <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gif" alt="
” title=”Cool” /> ). I was specifically thinking of people like that bloke from Kings who had a go at you. All I’m thinking is that if you’ve got a non-contact league and a contact league, then you can police the non-contact league to your heart’s content, people who feel that ICe Hockey is about getting rough can go play contact, everyone knows where they stand and what’s expected and there’s no problem.
MemberOf course safety is a priority in a non-contact league: you sign up for non-contact hockey, you don’t expect to get unreasonably bashed around. If you sign up for a contact league it’s a different kettle of fish: you sign up for a contact league to get rough, and if you get hurt that’s your issue.
Besides all that, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but there’s a lot of contact going on as it is, and while I appreciate the jobs the referees do, they’re pretty inconsistent in calling penalties (that’s a nice way of saying one-sided, btw). That’s why a contact league would be good – it will keep the non-contact league strictly non-contact. At the moment, you’ve got a lot of young bucks itching to get stuck in, and fair enough too (hell, I’m one of them). Give them a contact league to play in, and there will be much less contact in the non-contact league.
At least if you’re playing in the contact league you know what you’re signing up for. Hell, I play in Jeans and you don’t here me whining about a bit of rough and tumble (so long as penalties are called consistently).
P.S. Also note: NZ’s national sport = guys in shoes with spikes on intentionally smashing themselves into each other as hard as they can with no protective gear. North America’s favourite sport = guys in lycra tights, helmets and enough body armour to go into combat throwing balls to each other…. they even stay on their feet for touchdowns! The point? Kiwis are harder than North Americans, and can handle a little bit of contact.
MemberI think they were just a bit embarassed that an asian player could own any three of them on the ice, especially one with hair as dumb as jack’s <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gif" alt="
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Seriously though, you have to remember Jack that whenever McGlashan boarders got riled they started throwing racial abuse at you – I remember getting hauled into Dunbar’s office for smacking George Matheson for precisely that reason actually…..
The behaviour in general of the McGlashan team last night is below the standard I would expect from Johnnies. Surely we can still technically give them detention, right jack?
MemberI think perhaps the first step would be to ask the NZIHF (or IIHF) what their reasons for not allowing women to play contact are. If it’s just that they don’t want to be responsible for, I don’t know, pregnant women miscarrying or they think that women who get hurt will give them a bad rep, or whatever, then perhaps if the contact league were organisationally and publically distanced from the DIHA they would still supply cheap ice time, uniforms etc.
The other thing we do have to consider is the possibility that there’s a [i:5i4gwlwk]good[/i:5i4gwlwk] reason for women not playing contact hockey. I’ll be damned if I know what that could be, but it might exist.
Anyhow, as I said, the first step would be to ask them.