Re: Video quality?

Ryan Hellyer

Thanks for the input so far. It looks like 480×360 is the preferred resolution. However the example above seems to be jittering even on fast connections. So I’ve uploaded a new file, same resolution, but lower bit rate (500 instead of 768 kbps) and with a slightly lower audio quality (quite shitty instead of just shitty quality). The new example shows up more compression errors, but should load silky smooth even on crappy 256K connections.

Lemme know if you think it’s okay or if I should bump up or drop down the bit rate.


PS: I’ll still probably add the occasional full res. mega high bit rate versions for small/popular clips. I just can’t be bothered doing multiples of each one as it takes quite a while to encode and upload them all.

[align=center:zz2pgy76][size=3:zz2pgy76][b:zz2pgy76]New encoding, 480×360, 500kbps, 25 fps[/b:zz2pgy76][/size:zz2pgy76]

Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.

var so = new SWFObject(””, “40”, “480”, “360”, “7”, “#FFFFFF”);
so.addVariable(”file”, “”);
so.addVariable(”image”, “”);
so.addVariable(”overstretch”, “true”);
so.addVariable(”showdigits”, “true”);
so.addVariable(”showfsbutton”, “true”);
so.addVariable(”callback”, “”);
so.addVariable(”backcolor”, “0x000000″);
so.addVariable(”frontcolor”, “0xaaaaaa”);
so.addVariable(”lightcolor”, “0xffffff”);
so.addVariable(”volume”, “80”);
so.addVariable(”bufferlength”, “5”);
so.addVariable(”width”, “480”);
so.addVariable(”height”, “360”);
so.addVariable(”fullscreenpage”, “”);
so.addVariable(”fsreturnpage”, “”);
so.addParam(”allowfullscreen”, “true”);
