Ryan Hellyer

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: #4057
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Paul Roth":16pnf0ro wrote:
    From what I’m reading here, it can’t be too soon that Dunedin should have its own National League team.

    The argument against that has always been that the Stampede would not be viable without its Dunedin players. Well, if they aren’t making good use of the few Dunedin players on the team, that’s all the more reason to have our own team.

    At the last Ice Sports Dunedin meeting last week, the rink is 100% behind us having our own National League team and is only waiting for the club to give it the go-ahead. The rink was talking about subsidizing the team in terms of ice time and money and transport as well, as it could make money out of selling tickets. The rink is willing to plow those profits back into the team. There would also be money for professional coaching. It is all there waiting for the Dunedin club. Do we have enough good contact players to make it happen? Maybe the time for benchwarming is coming to an end….

    The concept of a Dunedin NZIHL team seems to be a bit of political minefield. Some very much for and some very much against the idea. Personally I’m 100% for it and most of the people on the ground playing hockey and organising stuff here in Dunedin seem to be for it too. Unfortunately there’s a bunch of others who are against it. One of the main complaints I’ve heard is that “Dunedin isn’t good enough”, “we don’t have enough decent players”. But that’s a complete croc IMO, we’ll never have enough good players if we don’t even have a team for them to play in!?

    Anyhows, I’m bummed I missed the game last night, sounds like it was an interesting game. I did get to go to a free dinner though so not all bad for me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #1847
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Chris":2cleg6mi wrote:
    Your columns on the main page have died (and yes I’m using firefox 2.0)

    Back to original, albeit much skinnier columns this time. Lemme know if you think they’re too skinny and I’ll fatten them out a bit.


    in reply to: #3834
    Ryan Hellyer
    "matt a":1gy6xy11 wrote:
    p.s sorry to the master overlords who preside over this humble forum’s existence; i could’t figure out how to make a poll in the “off topic topic”.[/quote:1gy6xy11]

    Perhaps I should turn it into an off-topic sub-forum? That way people could post entire topics, but it’d still be out of the way. It’d also allow me to remove those posts from the recent posts list on the home page.


    in reply to: #29880
    Ryan Hellyer

    Happy Birthday Zanzee <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    in reply to: #1846
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":38pq6gz1 wrote:
    But I think the header image could do with some imagery in it. We’ve got a professional photographer taking photos for us and offering us them for free, let’s jump on that. What you have there is fine, but we can merge in photos on one or both sides. I might be able to have a play if you’re not inclined.[/quote:38pq6gz1]

    Um, I’m not sure photos in the existing design will work very well at all. If you think you can do it and not make it look silly knock yourself out though. I didn’t design the existing one anyway, that was done by a professional graphic designer in the USA who I helped with some coding stuff a while back. Just remember that once the DIHA branding process takes place there’ll likely be a total redesign of the site anyway, so your work may be in vain as it’ll be replaced anyway.

    And thanks for the information about the high schools competition. Feel free to post all that in the main forum though. No need to hide it in here.


    in reply to: #29865
    Ryan Hellyer

    I have a bunch of those T-shirts to give away (10 or so I think). So if anyone has suggestions on other ways to dispose of them – preferably via the website – I’d love to hear.


    in reply to: #29863
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":nmagm2yx wrote:
    just five the prize to me! I mangled!

    Well at least the T-shirt would fit you. They’re definitely on the larger side of XL. I’ll probably do a forum poll to decide the winner. Leave it to the masses to decide <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> The masses will probably equal two though just like the number of entries <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” />


    in reply to: #4124
    Ryan Hellyer

    Meh, I’m happy in nerdsville.

    I’m done with naked hockey pics now though. I don’t recommend doing that google search I mentioned above, the results are a tad disturbing.

    in reply to: #1357
    Ryan Hellyer



    Don’t forget there’s an official NHL Endorsed T-shirt for the winner!


    in reply to: #1844
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Ryan":1u5z0tcl wrote:
    there’ll be this random category with weird posts which resemble pages on the site which would be weird and kinda pointless. Sounds easy to fix in theory, in practice it’s turning out to be quite a nightmare![/quote:1u5z0tcl]

    Fixed <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt=";D” title=”Grin” /> Some nerd on http://www.simplemachines.org/%5B/url:1u5z0tcl%5D showed me what to do <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #29857
    Ryan Hellyer

    Man, there’s some really nasty shit out there when you type in “Skating” and “Naked” into google! Some things are just best done with clothes on!

    In an attempt to regain what’s left of my manhood, here’s another pic for your dirty minded viewing pleasure <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />



    in reply to: #4027
    Ryan Hellyer

    This tends to stop goalies really well. We call it the karate deke. Unfortunately the prison time for slicing your oppositions head off rules you out of playing for the next 20 seasons or so.


    Reminds me of some of the moves Jono Wills taught me when I first started playing.


    in reply to: #4026
    Ryan Hellyer

    Two can play at this game <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    This reminds me of the first time I played against Matt Aitken! Those suicide runs on poor Becky in goal were hilarious – although I suspect Becky didn’t think so!



    in reply to: #3945
    Ryan Hellyer

    [float=right][img:3gg7g7lh]http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/hockey.jpg[/img:3gg7g7lh][/float]Mark said tonight we’re playing the Dunedin Juniors Saturday week <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> So that’s June 2st. Presumably Joe Sales will be on their bench coaching them so hopefully there won’t be any dangerous plays by them. They’re usually not too bad though, it’s the midgets which are a problem. Although I can’t say I’d be too bothered either way, as long as there’s a half decent ref I’m not too concerned. The midgets are too slow to cause any problems anyway, they’re more likely to fall over trying to hit us.

    I had one of the John McGlashan guys trying to line me up at the end of my last game of the DIHL B-grade. I think he just wanted to hit someone at least once for the season and I was his target. But the idiot was too slow anyway, the most he could do was swing his stick at my leg and did half assed cross check. Kinda like being bitten by a chihuahua, annoying, but it just scratches your ankles, no big drama <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” /> Midgets usually aren’t much worse IMO and Juniors slightly better. Albeit the Juniors are fast enough and strong enough to actually be a problem if they want, but I think they’ll be fine – particularly if Joe is on their bench.

    We just need to make sure that we don’t antagonise them by being a bunch of dicks ourselves.


    in reply to: #3053
    Ryan Hellyer

    I un-sticked a few things in here as they were a bit out of date. Chris and Mark feel free to re-sticky them if you disagree.

    It would be nice if people used this forum instead of email bombing everyone all the time. If you want to make sure people get your message, then perhaps it would be best to email the link to the forum post? Just a suggestion.


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