Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberCan some pretty please send me the results of the last two games?
I’m assuming the Brisbane Rusty Blades won but I need to know for certain before posting the results.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberMy original intention was to to make a call on what level the teams were at before the season started and place them into two seperate divisions from the get go. Then only the top team and the bottom team from the top division occasionally play each other.
Otherwise you end up with teams getting their asses severely kicked until the two groups are split off from each other.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":1yd6kvfj wrote:interesting fact – /forum/ shows only three boards, and makes it look as if you’ve logged out/forum/index.php (theoretically the same location) shows all boards, with you logged in and the “new post” icons.
[/quote:1yd6kvfj]I can’t replicate this. I’m totally baffled. I’ll have a bash at fixing it some day, not sure how soon that will be though.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":35l8vkby wrote:Kyle: How big is this prem series likely to be? big enough to totally massacre the A-Grade?[/quote:35l8vkby]Kyle is talking about the “Dunedin Premier Series” from last year which I think is now going to be called the “Dunedin Ice Hockey League Premier Grade” or something like that – I can’t remember the exact title.
It was two teams last year and will presumably be the same number this year. It killed the A-grade last year, but of course it entirely depends on what level players you allow into the A-grade.
At the planning meeting last year, it was decided that the B-grade would be split into two divisions, with a larger player pool to choose from (by increasing player rating limits). So if no A-grade is going ahead, then the B-grade plan could be renamed to A and B-grade instead of B-grade division 1 and B-grade division 2 etc.
EDIT: I see from your post in the main forum that you remembered about the B-grade plan anyway.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":39w3k9kn wrote:1) Ryan and Kyle: What (if any) DIHA hoops do I need to jump through / boxes do I need to tick / toes do I need to avoid stepping on to advertise via posters/chalk etc etc at uni for the DIHA, and in general?[/quote:39w3k9kn]The first step would be to send Joyce an email and ask her to forward it to the entire committee, or send an email directly to the committee yourself.
As long as you point out what you want to do I can’t imagine anyone will mind, in fact they’ll be thankful. In the past I’ve usually received one or two replies saying it’s a good idea, but I’ve never received any formal approval. When I’ve asked about formal approval I’ve usually been met with a blank look, implying that it wasn’t necessary in the first place. I’ve never figured out what the DIHA’s official policy on this type of thing, so I work on the theory that when no one complains, that I am indeed allowed to go ahead with whatever hair brained idea I have come up with.
I don’t know if you need approval from anyone to chalk the pavement, although I suspect if there is an approval process most people probably ignore it anyway.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1slhukmi wrote:If that prem series is still happening, there’d be no point running an A grade – or more specifically, there’d probably be no point running a split grade. I’d just suggest running a dihl which has everyone who isn’t in the prem series.[/quote:1slhukmi]Kara isn’t intending to organise the A-grade anyway.
Kara and I agreed to organise the B-grade at the planning meeting, not the A-grade. Then I pulled out, so it’s now just Kara for the B-grade.
Unless she’s changed her mind and intends to run the whole thing now, but I suspect not.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberIf you know the results of the last two games of the Masters games could you either email them to me or post them here please. I need them for a news post.
thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member"weemac115":zlnn27vm wrote:i can play in goal for the last game on friday and any games on saturday when im needed.[/quote:zlnn27vm]You are playing in the masters games?
You have aged very well <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberAh, you beat me to it. I was about to send you an email asking what I should do. Thanks for the update.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’ve been waiting for an official announcement before doing that. I’m not sure I have much to say on it either as I’m a bit lean on info. so far. I’ll see what I can come up with though.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHey Kyle.
Where did you get that information from? I tried googling for it but can’t find it anywhere.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThanks Kyle
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI guess not then.
That makes sense though. No point in having lots of randoms at practice.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Michael":2my0enbl wrote:Would I full under this category? I am keen for some extra training.
[/quote:2my0enbl]I assume so.
The email I received from Jackie Christos about the practice said that any players from Junior level and up are welcome to attend. It didn’t mention anything about needing to be at a certain level. Although I assume if you are miles off the pace they would suggest you don’t come back, but you wouldn’t be miles off the pace, so I’m guessing you are allowed to attend.
Once the season gets into full swing and other practices are on I imagine they will start restricting it quite heavily though.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYeah, I agree and I was avoiding mentioning anything about names etc. because of that.
But Jackie sent me a message asking me to post about practices for the “Dunedin Thunder” specifically. So I didn’t have much choice than to explain what “Dunedin Thunder” is or the message about practices wouldn’t make any sense to those out of the loop.