Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #4071
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Emann":3pbzvwmx wrote:
    and how many players from Dunedin tried out for the team and how many made it? just want to know that before i post my big rant.[/quote:3pbzvwmx]

    Not many, I’m not 100% sure exactly how many though. Maybe 3-4 tried out and 2 got in?

    I know that Stefan and Ryan Wick both tried out for certain.


    in reply to: #4067
    Ryan Hellyer

    The web master for http://www.nzicehockey.co.nz/%5B/url:1l0mewmd%5D Peter Idoine has posted a commentary on the game last night on the International Hockey Gang Forum:



    in reply to: #3483
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Joe":39skwm00 wrote:
    Maybe we should ask  Ryan to write a regular editorial column for the forum — he could submit a hockey rant and someone here could edit it and publish it.  I think that would be quite interesting.[/quote:39skwm00]

    Ohhh, I have an even better idea. Perhaps I should ask ‘guest’ to do it instead <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />


    in reply to: #4065
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Joe":s57mt8ii wrote:
    He also didn’t play Ryan our junior[/quote:s57mt8ii]

    There’s another Ryan? Well he must be good at hockey then with a name like that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    "Joe":s57mt8ii wrote:
    barely used that monster defence man from Gore.  That guy is gargantuan.  His head is a virtual planetoid. I would like to see him introduce himself to the Red Devil forwards.[/quote:s57mt8ii]

    That would be Brent Soper.


    in reply to: #4062
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Chris":187mpg5v wrote:
    I’m going tonight[/quote:187mpg5v]

    See you there then <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll be the dork scampering around videoing everything. Hopefully the footage will be posted some time tomorrow.


    in reply to: #4174
    Ryan Hellyer
    "battered_and_bruised":2x8lehm5 wrote:
    I don’t think I’ve ever heard yelling negative comments to my team from my team.[/quote:2x8lehm5]

    I suspect that’s coz you usually play at a higher level than me. It tends to be more of a problem in the lower grades in my experience.


    in reply to: #3480
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Joe":slgymhg9 wrote:
    Maybe we should ask  Ryan to write a regular editorial column for the forum — he could submit a hockey rant and someone here could edit it and publish it.  I think that would be quite interesting.[/quote:slgymhg9]

    Excellent Idea!!!

    I’ll PM him ASAP.


    in reply to: #3478
    Ryan Hellyer

    Now edited to …

    "battered_and_bruised":nd5acrnt wrote:
    Yes I thought that the hitting was so bad. They were [b:nd5acrnt][u:nd5acrnt]TRYING[/u:nd5acrnt][/b:nd5acrnt]to hit for the sake of hitting. It didn’t help the flow of play at all. Maybe we should get Bode to give them a hitting practice. As for Dave LeComte, well I think his actions speak for themselves. What kind of coach plays 2 lines for the entire game and only desides to change that up when they are down 7-1 late in the 3rd. Anywho, for the 2nd game, Ron and Don might make an apperence.  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt=";)” title=”Wink” />


    in reply to: #3477
    Ryan Hellyer

    Cool, thanks Kyle, I’ll edit accordingly.


    in reply to: #4059
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":cr6or0bo wrote:
    Paul (or anyone else) do you know the definitive on what the barriers are to making this happen? I know there was a serious look at it at the beginning of last year. Is it a problem that locally we’re not fully behind it? Is it something that the SIHL needs to agree to? Is it the NZIHF?[/quote:cr6or0bo]

    Not my area so I could be wrong. But my understanding is that the DIHA voted to propose to the NZIHF that we field an NZIHL team for the 2007 season but it was rejected. I’m not sure what the basis of the rejection was but I heard rumours about it being due to the belief that we’re not good enough – just idle rumour though so I could be wide of the mark there.

    Also, the requirements for the NZIHL are you need a roster of 22 players I think but that you only need to take (I think) 14 players away to tournaments. So we wouldn’t need to have a totally packed roster or anything.


    in reply to: #3475
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Azzy77":36r3fgqv wrote:
    Btw just be glad he didn’t critique our coach about her actions last night….. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt=";)” title=”Wink” />[/quote:36r3fgqv]

    Ohh, sounds like juicy gossip <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> What did she do? Who did she do?


    in reply to: #3474
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Azzy77":2ycslmog wrote:
    all though could be taken the wrong way by the PC brigade.[/quote:2ycslmog]

    So I did the right thing or the wrong thing?


    in reply to: #3471
    Ryan Hellyer
    "battered_and_bruised":2anu4e78 wrote:
    yeah I said that…were you going to add something? Oh and sadly Ron and Don will not be making an apperence. There were no suits capable for the Don Cherry suit.

    Woops, I was trying to remove it actually, must’ve gotten confused and hit the wrong button! It’s gone now. Feel free to reword your post, but I’m not happy with you specifically naming someone and then criticizing them outright. The others were just critiquing the coaching, not the person.


    in reply to: #3469
    Ryan Hellyer

    I edited the following post …

    "battered_and_bruised":njkbmbx1 wrote:
    Yes I thought that the hitting was so bad. They were [b:njkbmbx1][u:njkbmbx1]TRYING[/u:njkbmbx1][/b:njkbmbx1]to hit for the sake of hitting. It didn’t help the flow of play at all. Maybe we should get Bode to give them a hitting practice. As for Dave LeComte, well I think his actions speak for themselves. In case no one saw, HE’S AN ASS!!!!! What kind of coach plays 2 lines for the entire game and only desides to change that up when they are down 7-1 late in the 3rd. Anywho, for the 2nd game, Ron and Don might make an apperence.  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt=";)” title=”Wink” />

    … to …

    "battered_and_bruised":njkbmbx1 wrote:
    Yes I thought that the hitting was so bad. They were [b:njkbmbx1][u:njkbmbx1]TRYING[/u:njkbmbx1][/b:njkbmbx1]to hit for the sake of hitting. It didn’t help the flow of play at all. Maybe we should get Bode to give them a hitting practice. Anywho, for the 2nd game, Ron and Don might make an apperence.  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt=";)” title=”Wink” />

    IMO, outright criticizing someone personally on our forum is innappropriate. It’s also covered under the registration agreement with term ‘defamatory’. Lemme know if anyone disagrees with me (Chris perhaps?).

    "Registration Agreement":njkbmbx1 wrote:
    You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, [size=120:njkbmbx1][b:njkbmbx1]defamatory[/b:njkbmbx1][/size:njkbmbx1], inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or New Zealand law.[/quote:njkbmbx1]
    in reply to: #4170
    Ryan Hellyer

    My two cents worth …

    I haven’t had a problem with adults yelling from the sidelines, mainly coz I didn’t start playing hockey till I was an adult, but it always bugs me when my teammates do the same thing from the bench. There’s no point yelling at your teammate to do something when they’re 20+m away from you, the most they’ll hear is a garbled comment and their name and you’ll distract them. If they’re doing something wrong then yelling at them while they’re doing it rarely helps. Wait till they’re back on the bench and quietly explain their error, they’ll learn more, it won’t bug your teammates and drag your team moral down and best of all your team will play better as a result.


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