Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #4227
    Ryan Hellyer

    It won’t make any difference. They both use Flash video so will have the same problem I think. Youtube doesn’t have these problems coz they use lower quality clips but I figured people would rather have the better quality ones. Plus I’m lazy. Feel free to upload them yourself though.


    in reply to: #4178
    Ryan Hellyer

    You guys know that drill that Bode got us to do in the intermediate practice on Thursday night? The one where you go screaming along, hit the brakes and mid-slide do a 360 whilst holding the puck, deking a fake defenseman and then keep going?

    Yeah, don’t try that on wheels … it gets messy!


    in reply to: #4099
    Ryan Hellyer

    Welcome to the forum Peter <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    in reply to: #1854
    Ryan Hellyer

    Well I can’t complain about having nothing to do! Lots of updates for the site underway including much progress on the Event Calendar function:


    Since I’m powering the rest of the site with SMF I’ve had to learn a whole bunch about the extra functions it has and have managed to wrangle the built in Calendar to do roughly what I want it to do. There is a seperate forum which is not accessible by the main board index and this is where the event calendar posts are stored. The latest events are posted automatically on the BETA home page[/url:iay5718r] which also now has a link to the calendar in the main menu. I’ve added all of the peewee house league games, todays SIHL games and the next few weeks adult beginners practices.

    Feel free to add more if you can be bothered <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> Just make sure you follow the model for the Event Title as that’s what shows up on the BETA home page[/url:iay5718r] so it needs to include the date etc.


    in reply to: #2788
    Ryan Hellyer

    Welcome to Peter Idoine. He’s the webmaster for http://www.nzicehockey.co.nz/%5B/url:13ahz6qn%5D

    in reply to: #4179
    Ryan Hellyer
    "battered_and_bruised":3w0muk7x wrote:
    Ave s for everyone else, Need some feedback on the in game music, goal horns and announcing.[/quote:3w0muk7x]

    Good job. The sound system in there is pretty shit so you’re never going to get it perfect. The use of music, horns etc. was spot on. I tried doing that job for the Cadbury cup (or Easton Cup? I can’t remember) and I kept mucking it up, it’s harder than it looks. Timing is crucial which you did a good job on.

    I did have trouble hearing you speaking a lot of the time, not because of the volume, that was about right, but the sound was too distorted. I’d recommend not doing the boxing style announcement of the players at the start of the game. Feels a little to American for my liking, although others may like it.

    It’s definitely useful being able to hear what the penalties were for, who scored them etc. However it would be even better if there was less of a delay between the penalty, goal etc. and when you announce it – not your area obviously but something which be good if it could be speeded up. Is announcing things before they’re official an option? Ie: you make the call on who the goal was by and what the call was for (if you can see the refs hand gesture). Personally I couldn’t give a rats ass if it’s official or not, I just want to know roughly whats going on.


    in reply to: #1853
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":f9c3a5zc wrote:
    Worked well in my 20 second test this morning in firefox 2 for the mac.

    I think there should be some order to the sub-items. Alphabetical if nothing else.

    What do the *s mean?

    Do you mean the one * which ‘may’ be beside ‘Forum’? If so, you shouldn’t be able to see that, that’s the special admin menu which only I can see. Otherwise there aren’t mean to be any *s. Are they possibly beside the menu items which are also sub-menus? Ie: they pop out when you hover over them? If so then something’s gone hay wire as they’re sposed to be ยป’s (»).


    in reply to: #4089
    Ryan Hellyer

    Some stylish signs for some stylish players …

    in reply to: #4088
    Ryan Hellyer

    I don’t get why Brent Soper wasn’t being used. He’s a thug, brutal, damn huge and not someone you want to mess with on the ice. I would have picked him as being a good impact player to throw on for a few short shifts per period at the least but I don’t think he was used at all in either game – weird decision that one.


    in reply to: #1851
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Ryan":3iz4zgbq wrote:
    How’s this?

    I’ve only tested it in Firefox2.0 so far. It works without Javascripting although it does use a small amount of javascripting to make IE5 and 5.5 handle it correctly.[/quote:3iz4zgbq]

    Seems to work perfectly in IE6, IE7, Firefox2.0 and Opera 9.
    I don’t have a Mac though so it’d be handy if someone (Kyle?) could try it in Safari and Firefox2.0 on Mac. If anyone uses any other obscure browsers feel free to try it in those too.

    I haven’t lined up the third tier part of the menu properly yet but I’ll fix that at some stage. It works at the moment so will do in the mean time.

    Any suggestions for what to put where in the menu would appreciated as well.


    in reply to: #4086
    Ryan Hellyer

    Signs made, point made, effect = zip:(

    Stefan still didn’t get to play and I think the same applied for Brent Soper as well. Good game though, final score 3-4 to Stampede I think. Lots of team play, almost too much passing by the Stampede on a few power plays. Just shoot the darn thing! Can’t score if you don’t try and put the puck in the net. Must’ve made the Red Devils feel a little silly when they weren’t able to touch the puck for minutes on end.

    I sent some of the peewees round mid-game to chant STEFAN, STEFAN, STEFAN behind the bench to help convince their coach to put him on, but alas it didn’t work  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/angry.gif" alt=":(” title=”>:(” class=”bbcode_smiley” />” title=”Angry” />


    in reply to: #1850
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":1v989y3y wrote:
    I’m in favour of drop-down menus btw.[/quote:1v989y3y]

    How’s this?

    I’ve only tested it in Firefox2.0 so far. It works without Javascripting although it does use a small amount of javascripting to make IE5 and 5.5 handle it correctly.


    in reply to: #4080
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Joe":3pt8pebr wrote:
    Wait, who is twolefts?[/quote:3pt8pebr]

    It’s Kara Ross. Somehow she’s managed to change her username from twilight. I didn’t even realise that was possible except by me!? I’d better fix that bug or this forum’ll get really messy with name changes all over the place.


    in reply to: #4076
    Ryan Hellyer

    Anyone got a printer? If someone printed off pages with letters on we could have people stand in line and wave one each – “G”, “O”, “S”, “T”, “E”, “F”, “A”, “N”.


    in reply to: #4075
    Ryan Hellyer

    I don’t have anything to make signs with but I’m happy to turn up earlier to do some painting.

    Just lemme know when to be there <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> Preferably with 30 mins or so’s notice as I’ll be walking there.


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