Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #4199
    Ryan Hellyer

    I wouldn’t panic Kyle. She just wanted some practice stopping wheels before playing for the Rimutaka Renegades in Wanganui on the weekend. But I live about 30 seconds walk from somewhere suitable for that anyway. Can’t use pucks there (cars everywhere) but it’ll do for skating purposes.


    in reply to: #3836
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Chris":lbg4gv2i wrote:
    Over 150 posts in one day.[/quote:lbg4gv2i]

    At that rate we’ll double our post count in the next 19 days <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    It does explain why I spent so long reading/replying to posts today!


    in reply to: #4308
    Ryan Hellyer

    Whenever the ODT interviews me about hockey I [b:2r5asxt7]always[/b:2r5asxt7] tell them to send the draft to me because of how ridiculous some of their colleagues articles have been. They usually say ‘maybe, we’ll see’ and sure enough they don’t send me the draft and it’s all messed up!

    According to the ODT (from article about Zanzee and Megan a while ago) Brooke Pielak-Jones (Zanzee’s brother) is a former NZ rep! That article also had a bunch of other mistakes but I can’t remember what they were.


    in reply to: #4286
    Ryan Hellyer

    Perhaps we should combine it with urban sprinting?


    "from Youtube":3qbdy4ch wrote:
    Urban Sprinting , how do you play it :

    You find a shop with a security guard
    You get ur security tag , and let the alarm go on
    You didn’t take nothing , but he will still chase you
    Run to the closest Burger King or McDonalds and order some Cheeseburger with Fucking chicken nuggets , Way ![/quote:3qbdy4ch]

    in reply to: #4304
    Ryan Hellyer
    "rookie#19":3tp7mpdt wrote:
    whos leftright? Graham? haha just wonderin

    Yep, none other than Graham Phipps-Black.
    And just to add to the confusion twolefts[/url:3tp7mpdt] is Kara.


    in reply to: #4225
    Ryan Hellyer
    in reply to: #2685
    Ryan Hellyer

    I was going to try and beat Kyles mammoth email from earlier, but I ran out of things to say!


    "moi":2etzzb4t wrote:
    Hi Jerome,
    I’m the website administrator for the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association website (http://www.dunedinicehockey.hellyer.kiwi/). I tried sending an email to satelliteguy@xtra.co.nz but it kept bouncing back at me so I got two other addresses from Clive Murphie so hopefully one of them reaches you!

    The referees here in Dunedin requested that I create a private web forum for them so that they could discuss various refereeing related things. I did this and there’s a bunch of posts in there now and is quite popular with the local referees here. The forum is usually a lot more effective than emails as the messages are posted for prosperity and it’s easier for people to have a conversation as the posts are kept in one place instead of spread over a series of emails. Plus new referees will have access to all the previous discussions which may be of use to them.

    They’re now keen to allow ALL referees across the country including yourself to have access to the forum. If you like the idea, it would be VERY useful if you could let the other referees around the country know about the forum. I have told Tony O’Keefe about it but other than that only the Dunedin referees are aware of it AFAIK. It would be very useful for our referees who are generally new comers to get the opinions of more experienced referees from other regions.

    To access the forum all people need to do is go to http://www.dunedinicehockey.hellyer.kiwi/forum/ and click the ‘register’ button in the forum menu and follow the instructions. Then once they’ve registered, let me know their username and I’ll arrange access to the private “Referees” forum which will show up in the main board index along with “General Chatter”, “Buy, sell and exchange” and “Hockey/Skating Videos and Photos”.

    Ryan Hellyer
    DIHA Web Admin


    in reply to: #2684
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Azzy77":2wwv04ep wrote:
    Do it!

    That way, we can bug the heck out of them with our questions

    Sweet, I’ll wing an email right now then.


    in reply to: #2682
    Ryan Hellyer

    FYI, I’ve told Tony O’Keefe (SIHL head referee) about this forum and suggested he signs up and/or lets other referees in the area know about it so I can give them access. I’m assuming no one minds that I’m telling non DIHA refs I’ll give them access in here? Seems like it would be useful to have as many refs as possible giving their input.

    If no one posts any objections, I’ll pass on information about this forum to the NZIHF head referee Jerome Raateland (sp?) as well in case he or anyone else in New Zealand is keen to join in the chatter.


    in reply to: #1624
    Ryan Hellyer

    [float=right][img:1b58ymwa]http://www.dunedinicehockey.co.nz/ryan/audreyandnick.jpg[/img:1b58ymwa][/float]Now that we’re approaching winter Audrey needs something to keep her sustained over the winter months. If anyone has any flies they’d like to donate then please email me at [email:1b58ymwa]webadmin@dunedinicehockey.co.nz[/email:1b58ymwa]. I’ll pay up to $2 for a nice juicy fly (must be alive) or up to $3 for a suitable maggot.

    She was looking very healthy earlier in the year after Jon supplied a few flies, but then I forgot about her when I went to Australia and she dried up like a prune. Luckilly she caught a whole stack of flies a couple of months ago and that helped her get back to health quickly. But the number of flies in our laboratory has diminished along with heat in recent weeks and she really does need some sustance before hibernating for the winter.

    Hopefully someone can help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    in reply to: #4281
    Ryan Hellyer
    "vpatrol":3qoo52ro wrote:
    one really needs to get to the point where frames of reference play a small part.  Scrambles in front of the net for instance don’t give you time to look for a crease or check down ice to see if you are centered.  It’s good training playing without a crease since it makes you aware of where your net is without a reference point. 

    I plan to never reach that level. My problem when playing in goal is cracking my neck/head on the goal coz I was skating back and missed the goal crease <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” /> That and inability to stop shots and jumping out the way when slapshots are fired at me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />


    in reply to: #4255
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":31u0sgfi wrote:
    A walking advertisement for Chemistry graduates if ever I saw one <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt=";)” title=”Wink” />

    Thank you Kyle <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> Yes, we chemists are indeed masters of succinct writing. If you feel the need to improve your forum posts feel free to sign up for CHEM111 next semester.


    in reply to: #4246
    Ryan Hellyer

    Cool, coz it always looks a lot more impressive when the colours match. Very professional.


    in reply to: #4279
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Azzy77":103vcrmy wrote:
    B/ To work on our angles the nets need to be in a position with frames of reference there ain’t that many on the ice.[/quote:103vcrmy]

    I concur, my meager experience in goal certainly showed that knowing where you are in comparison to the goal is critically important – very difficult if the goal is out of position.

    Having said that, there could be different drills for the goalie/s who aren’t in the end nets which would still give them practice, but just not related to positioning. I’m not sure what they would be, but I’m sure it’s possible. At least you’d get a chance to practice rather than warming the bench.

    Larry Wheeler and I were doing a horse shoe for the beginners last year. I was in net for the first few minutes, then we swapped. But I just joined in with the players and took my shot on net! And it went in  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt=";D” title=”Grin” /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt=";D” title=”Grin” /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt=";D” title=”Grin” />


    PS: This has to be one of the most unexpected problems to have! Normally there’s no goalies at practice and we have to practice our deking on good old woody.

    in reply to: #4243
    Ryan Hellyer

    I thought the NZIHL enforced that all players must wear the same coloured helmet, I guess not.


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