Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #4352
    Ryan Hellyer

    Kyle suggested this a while ago. I don’t think he got anywhere with planning it though. Count me in for 6 hours or so. Could be tricky finding numbers from 1am-7am or so I imagine.

    The world record for the longest hockey game was apparently made ‘downunder’ previously with help of the Canadian Moose (13 hour game which has since been beaten). I’m not sure if it was in New Zealand or Australia though … http://www.canadianmoose.org/html/about.htm%5B/url:3b8qgmi8%5D


    in reply to: #4158
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Joe":no77939y wrote:
    Are there skates to be borrowed (that won’t kill my feet)?

    I’d like to give the in-line gag a try.  Do I wear a dress? 

    Heck, I might even try KFC. 

    See my reply here[/url:no77939y].


    in reply to: #4337
    Ryan Hellyer

    I voted for penguins coz, well, we have lots of Penguins around Dunedin. Plus the yellow eyed penguin type colours don’t clash badly with other teams/clubs. although like I said in another thread we do still need to sort out whether we actually have an official club team name or not first.

    Aoteroa Attack is out coz it doesn’t say anything about Dunedin. We’re not representing NZ here.

    Ducks is WAY too Disney’ish for my liking.

    South Island Saints wont work coz James might want to play for us <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” /> and we’re not representing the South Island.

    Dunedin Orcas could work, but I’m not sure we’re actually known for having any around here – or am I missing something?


    in reply to: #4214
    Ryan Hellyer

    From another thread …

    "Joe":3a7f89yb wrote:
    Are there skates to be borrowed (that won’t kill my feet)?

    I’d like to give the in-line gag a try.  Do I wear a dress? 

    Heck, I might even try KFC. 

    There are skates there, although I can’t promise anything about size or quality. There are some good skates, some bad skates and a range in between.

    A dress is optional but highly recommended. KFC pre and post game is compulsory, mid game is recommended but not a requirement


    in reply to: #3929
    Ryan Hellyer

    Phone number PM’d.

    in reply to: #4212
    Ryan Hellyer
    "matt a":1wuzalk1 wrote:
    ryan always has to drag the conversation down/back to his bloody nerd roots.[/quote:1wuzalk1]

    Ohhh, the man who’s too scaredy cat to play against us (I’m a Bullfrog tonight) is calling me names now!


    in reply to: #4210
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":5i1233vy wrote:
    "Ryan":5i1233vy wrote:
    [color=green:5i1233vy]Not something I ever want to see. If you play shirtless I will hit [on] you.[/color:5i1233vy]

    You mistyped there Ryan. I fixed it for you though.

    Damn those Freudian typing slips!

    The odd thing is, according to the moderator logs you haven’t edited anything since May 23, 2007, 01:39:55 PM, but my post which you claim to have edited was created today!


    in reply to: #3696
    Ryan Hellyer

    My vote out of that bunch would be penguins. But don’t forget we still need to decide if we’ll have a generic team name or not. I’m in favour of Steve’s idea of no generic team name and having an ambiguous design much like the Ice Blacks. It leaves a lot more scope for development of individual team branding and would cause less issues if a team wanted to use it’s own name. Ie: Premier team could be called the Penguins or whatever if they wanted whereas the (for example) the Beasts could remain the Beasts, they’d just use the same generic DIHA club uniform when representing the club. I think it would also make branding of the club simpler. For example this site would probably need a big fat penguin logo on it somewhere if that was the clubs symbol whereas a more generic design may suit things like this more. Ditto for merchandise which may look more professional with an abstract type (Ice Blacks style) logo.


    PS: this reminds me I was supposed to update Steve’s presentation with some extra stuff

    in reply to: #4229
    Ryan Hellyer

    Remaining two videos are now uploaded. I wont be uploading anything that big for a while! Took over 9 hours to upload that 400 MB behemoth! And twice it got half way through and my connection died and the upload broke <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” />


    in reply to: #4206
    Ryan Hellyer

    [color=green:1ew75o1k]Not something I ever want to see. If you play shirtless I will hit you.[/color:1ew75o1k]

    And yep, there’s a bunch of protective gear there. In fact there’s much better equipment there than at the ice rink.

    Required equipment is:
    [*:1ew75o1k]Hockey helmet[/*:m:1ew75o1k]
    [*:1ew75o1k]Shin guards[/*:m:1ew75o1k]
    [*:1ew75o1k]Elbow pads[/*:m:1ew75o1k]
    [*:1ew75o1k]Inline skates[/*:m:1ew75o1k][/list:u:1ew75o1k]
    [size=1:1ew75o1k]Inline hockey skates are not compulsory, but your skates must not have any protruding bolts or chassis parts which may damage the floor – a common problem with aggressive inlines. If you do have sticky outty bolts then make sure you cover them up with a stack of tape to prevent them damaging the floor.[/size:1ew75o1k]


    in reply to: #4204
    Ryan Hellyer

    Actually there’s only one goal and Ryan Wick has already booked it. Sorry.

    Plus Becky may be coming and maybe even Jaimee so that’d be four goalies!
    I just hope we have enough out players!

    So far we have:
    [*:3vcm5xni]Deanna from Edmonton[/*:m:3vcm5xni]
    [*:3vcm5xni]Jenel Bode[/*:m:3vcm5xni]
    [*:3vcm5xni]Ryan Wick (goal)[/*:m:3vcm5xni][/list:u:3vcm5xni]

    But I’m sure a bunch extra will turn up on the night.


    in reply to: #2686
    Ryan Hellyer

    And the reply …

    "Jerome Raateland":3uajh07i wrote:
    Hi Ryan this seems like a very good idea. I will pass the details on to
    Peter in Auckland. He will be in touch with you separately. I will put
    it my
    refs here in Canterbury at our next meeting Wednesday 6th. I am sure it
    be met with enthusiasm.

    Kind regards

    Jerome Raateland
    Contracts Manager
    027 229 5678[/quote:3uajh07i]

    in reply to: #3950
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Jack":nwjf0h8j wrote:
    ne one know if we are actually playing the stars again? or are we playing the “other” q-town team… I dunno[/quote:nwjf0h8j]

    We’re playing Qr according to the shittiest schedule in the history of schedules … SIHL Schedule ยป[/url:nwjf0h8j]

    Qy was the Stars so I’m guessing that Qr will be called the Rangers (for R?) or the Jurassics which was the ‘other’ team for the past season or so. Although they’re apparently running into trouble with numbers and are using much the same lineup for both teams.


    in reply to: #4202
    Ryan Hellyer

    Actually I think I’ve covered most of the likely suspects with my email and this post so probably don’t need to go annoying a bunch of people with an email bomb.


    in reply to: #4201
    Ryan Hellyer

    Thanks Kyle,
    Could you send an email bomb to the DIHL list?
    In the mean time I’ll send an email to all those I have contacts for at hand.


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