Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #4422
    Ryan Hellyer

    I like the first of the yellow ones, the second of the orange ones and the second of the red and black ones. But the red and black is not an option IMO because of the severe clash with Canterbury colours.

    Can I make a serious suggestion which may or may not be very popular with a certain existing team? How about Phantoms as a name? Not an animal, kinda funky name, moderately scary and lends itself well to creating a sophisticated logo.

    I don’t like the blue and gold islanders colours as they look too Otago’ish to me. And the “Hockey Club Dunedin” doesn’t sound right to me. We’re technically not a club as we’re an association, in theory we can have a bunch of smaller clubs operating within the association, but we’re not ‘technically’ a club. That’s why we’re called the “Dunedin Ice Hockey Association”. Plus Kyle’s right, it’d really need to be DIHC, which would just sound wrong as an acronym!


    in reply to: #4420
    Ryan Hellyer

    Good job Ryan.

    "battered_and_bruised":3nhy796m wrote:
    Sorry about the size of the picture and the quality, but for some reason my damn computer would not load them onto Photobucket as bitmaps so I had to load them as PNG’s and that reduced the size and image quality.[/quote:3nhy796m]

    PNGs are definitely a better option than BMPs as they have far better compression with zero loss in quality. The best option for posting this type of stuff on the net is generally JPEGs although you will get some compression errors showing up. If you have any trouble just send them to me in an email and I’ll upload them directly the site for you.


    in reply to: #4312
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":283tjmm0 wrote:
    It’s not a breach of copyright if you scan the page and put it up. It’ll be clearly identified as an ODT story.

    Breaching copyright would be stealing the story and putting it somewhere as your own work.[/quote:283tjmm0]

    I clearly don’t understand copyright then!

    So could I publish the entire ODT news paper online then? Scan the whole thing and upload it?


    in reply to: #4295
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Azzy77":2anxn3g3 wrote:
    Cos I am scared, I heard she got a new jug cord….[/quote:2anxn3g3]

    After explaining to her what a jug cord is (Canadians  <!– s::) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gif" alt="::)” title=”Roll Eyes” /><!– s::) –>) she is planning to bring one to practice tomorrow to teach you a hockey lesson you’ll never forget.


    PS: The fajita’s were gooood  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt=";D” title=”Grin” /> Those Canadians may not know what a jug cord is, but they sure do know how to make a fajita <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    in reply to: #2781
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Azzy77":37kxr1p1 wrote:
    We are only assuming Guest isn’t 7[/quote:37kxr1p1]

    Guest is definitely not 7. In fact I’m not sure why he’s trying so hard to convince me that he’s someone he’s not. He’s actually been telling people that he’s guest and he still denies it!? I have ears all over the place guest, and what you think you’re saying in private is REALLY not.


    in reply to: #2780
    Ryan Hellyer

    I never actually checked the IP, I just recognised the name Shaw, my old ISP. And no, there’s not really anyway to track it down accurately. The Canadian police could, but I have sneaking suspicion they wouldn’t be interested in tracking down our mystery poster <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />


    in reply to: #4310
    Ryan Hellyer
    "nzicewebmstr":3266v2me wrote:
    can anyone scan the page – I’d like to put it up on the nzicehockey site pse. … [/quote:3266v2me]

    Um, aren’t you concerned about breach of copyright?


    in reply to: #4224
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":ktfyckyl wrote:
    Does it begin with “Kyle and I didn’t think to transfer the key when we were only a block away from each other at work” and finish with “Now we can’t be bothered to drive out to Kyle’s house to pick up the key”?[/quote:ktfyckyl]

    Sort of, it also involved a certain (unnamed) [b:ktfyckyl]blonde[/b:ktfyckyl] Canadian who turned up for dinner an hour late, then realised she’d forgot to bring her skates, then forgot her key so had to go back to get and then we ran out of time.


    in reply to: #2532
    Ryan Hellyer

    Awesome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll be down tomorrow to check it out <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />
    And welcome to the forum Pauly <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #4221
    Ryan Hellyer

    We have a serious last minute problem. We may not have the key to get the goalie gear! So if any of you are planning to play in goal then it may pay to bring regular gear too as you may not be able to!

    Sorry about this. There’s a long story as to why I can’t get the key but I can’t be bothered typing it out.


    in reply to: #4348
    Ryan Hellyer

    Chris, I think you meant

    "Chris":3po7cpd5 wrote:
    I’m confused. I just assumed it was me because I am an enormous penis.
    in reply to: #4292
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Jack":hcrkjdvl wrote:
    Whats a Fa-Ji-Ta? pardon my ignorance![/quote:hcrkjdvl]

    [float=right][img:hcrkjdvl]http://home.actlab.utexas.edu/~rll1980/fajita%20mov.jpg[/img:hcrkjdvl][/float]A fajita (pronounced /fax’ita/, similar to “fa-he-tah”) is a generic term used in Tex-Mex cuisine, referring to grilled meat served on a flour or corn tortilla. Though originally only beef, popular meats today also include chicken, pork and shrimp. In restaurants, the meat is often cooked with onions and bell peppers. Popular condiments are sour cream, guacamole, salsa, pico de gallo, cheese, and tomato.

    In Spanish, fajita is the diminutive form of the word faja which translates to “belt” or “girdle” in English. Butchers along the Texas border with Mexico used the word to refer to the diaphragm muscle of a steer. Researchers found references to Hispanic ranch hands eating this cut of beef in a tortilla with condiments as early as the 1930s but the word fajita is not known to have appeared in print until 1975.

    The cut is known in the U.S. as the skirt steak, and remains popular for making fajitas. In fact, many purists insist that only skirt steak can be used for making fajitas, and that the use of other meats, such as chicken, constitutes another dish altogether. Regardless, use of the word fajita has evolved from the term for a cut of beef to include the cooking method (thus chicken fajita) and also to define the grilled strips of peppers and onions that usually accompany the meat.

    Sonny Falcon is believed to have operated the first commercial fajita taco stand at a weeklong outdoor event in Kyle, Texas in 1969. He also went to rodeos, fairs, and outdoor festivals selling his fajita taco. An Austin reporter christened him “The Fajita King” and Falcon was able to trademark the name.

    The food became popular in restaurants such as Ninfa’s and other Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurants in Houston and San Antonio, Texas. Ninfa’s originally called the dish tacos al carbon and later tacos a la Ninfa before using the term fajita.

    In many restaurants, the fajita meat is brought to the table sizzling loudly on a metal platter or skillet, with the tortillas and condiments served on the side. This presentation is credited to Chef George Weidmann, chef of the Hyatt Regency La Vista restaurant in Austin, Texas. The “sizzling fajita” was created by Weidmann in 1982.


    in reply to: #4219
    Ryan Hellyer

    Poo you all and your assignments! Hopefully we’ll have enough people anyway though.


    in reply to: #4290
    Ryan Hellyer

    Lol, yes she has seen it and she’s coming round for dinner in 10 minutes and I’ll be leaving this page open for her to see <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    PS: Dinner is Fajitas in case you were wondering. No McDonalds, KFC or Burger King tonight <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />

    in reply to: #4379
    Ryan Hellyer

    10 days eh. Well count me in for 4 hours a day.


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