Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"twolefts":iffxtd63 wrote:I agree with vpatrol, we have plenty of time and we want to be the coolest hockey team in NZ.
-ha coolest, cos its so cold down here, theres a thought, [u:iffxtd63]Dunedin Freezers[/u:iffxtd63].[/quote:iffxtd63]We have a professional designer volunteering to work for us for free as part of a design course she’s taking is the problem, and she’s planning to start in a few weeks. So if we take too long she’ll just go find someone else to work for which would be a pity.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":3lfm185c wrote:I’m of the opinion that there should be a committee section of the site – this should have the constitution, minutes of meetings, list of committee members, etc.[/quote:3lfm185c]Late reply, but … I’ve tried going down that route before. However the committee refuses to allow me to post their committee meeting information for public viewing. They want to keep it secret and only allow members access to committee meeting minutes on request.
So any committee section of the site would need to be password protected, which would require them learning how to register for the site which could be tricky.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberFYI, I’m just going with the flow. I’m no expert on this stuff and am just trying to shunt it along so it doesn’t end up like a stereotypical DIHA committee meeting thing.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberIn case anyone is wondering, I’ve shunted a couple of posts from here into a separate forum for administrators as they were committee only related issues.
RyanRyan Hellyer
MemberI figured the above posts were more of a committee only issue so I’ve shunted them in here.
I don’t have much time here, but there seems to have been some miscommunication somewhere along the line as Steve Jackson was totally aware that Beth wanted a simple colour scheme and name of some sort (if at all) so she can start working on things at the very beginning of July.
Since I haven’t been to committee meetings for a while I have no idea what the committee thought other than that I assumed Steve had everything under control to be sorted out by then.
PS: Graham, I agree that naming a team without colours is ass about faced. Colours are an integral part of the concept. But others don’t seem to agree.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":1qkfgupt wrote:it hasn’t been on for about a month[/quote:1qkfgupt]I’ve told two people by email recently that the Saturday night session is definitely on! Hopefully not too many people have been turning up to an empty rink.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI didn’t make it to the meetings before the one on Monday so I’m just going by what I was told. The intention of the sub-committee was to have something ready for the end of June as that’s when our designer asked for it by.
I left this stuff to Steve Jackson to deal with so I’m not the best person to ask the details of. I assumed Phil Pielak-Jones was in the loop with everything and he requested a special meeting in a week or so to make a decision on it.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":1e38a9r9 wrote:… Oh and can we get a date on when she needs to start and finish the project and maybe set up a meeting with her for all parties involved.[/quote:1e38a9r9]Meeting is definitely intended by both Steve and Beth, plus a bunch of other stuff including meeting with the rink probably and touring the ice rink, photography session (of the rink etc).
[b:1e38a9r9]Start date: [/b:1e38a9r9]approximately two weeks from now.
[b:1e38a9r9]Finish date: [/b:1e38a9r9]before the end of the universities semester two.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberLook, sorry, but seriously, I’m way to busy …
Can someone PLEASE rewrite this thing, I shouldn’t have volunteered, but it would be really great if you guys could help out.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberIf the email looks reasonable and no one objects, Kyle could you mail bomb that to the DIHL list?
Mark Hareb still hasn’t been sent any contact lists apart from the Juniors so can’t do the emailing for us yet.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Joe":ndta9gxk wrote:I can do it if you want. Can the pics be higher res than that?[/quote:ndta9gxk]I think they can go as high as you want. 5 MB is the file limit but I can increase that if necessary – seems unlikely though!
Can you upload to it at the moment? I’m not sure if I’ve got the permissions set correct or not.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWelcome to the forum Jerome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":h3h7fxht wrote:If you’re restarting it remember that you need a game official.[/quote:h3h7fxht]What’s all this about restarting? It’s never stopped AFAIK.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Joe":3v2fyciz wrote:Ryan,If you’re feeling like a burn-out is coming skip fixing the gallery for now. It’s better not to burn out – the site is in pretty good shape.[/quote:3v2fyciz]If you wanted that gallery up and running I was going to leave all the uploading and sorting of categories/photos up to you anyway <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Unless of course you wanted something more exotic than the one I showed you.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Jono_":7tosgqjy wrote:(Jacqui?) and she was mentioning something about a saturday or Sunday night game that happens. Any info on that?[/quote:7tosgqjy]Yep, there’s a session on Saturdays at 7:30pm, although it wasn’t on last Saturday as the Beasts vs Juniors game was scheduled in then, plus the rink wasn’t open!? Unfortunately I wasn’t told about this so no notice was posted. But presumably it is on again this Saturday.