Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWow, an un-annoying post by Jane, what a lovely suprise <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
PS: If someone tries that in the main forum I will ban your ass right outta there!
Ryan Hellyer
Member"leftright":1y6pb9an wrote:Could someone please enlighten me as to who is on the marketing and branding committee.
[/quote:1y6pb9an]Me (Ryan Hellyer), Steve Jackson and Ryan Wick.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Paul Roth":8r51qakz wrote:Well, then, I guess we should be really clear on whether that is the case or not.If it is, it will be really confusing. No one will know whether the National League team is being referred to, or a Pee Wee, Midgets, Junior, or SNC team.
The Southern National League team is called “Stampede”. The regional youth teams are called the “Southern Knights”. Are all Canterbury teams called “Red Devils”?
[/quote:8r51qakz]I didn’t realise there was so much confusion here.
The marketing and branding committee are developing branding for the club, not a future NZIHL team necessarily. If you read over the original presentation by Steve I think you will find this is fairly clear – although I haven’t gone back to double check.
The only team in Canterbury called the “Red Devils” is their NZIHL team, the rest of the CIHA teams are known as the “Devils” and have been for quite some time now just as the SIHL teams are known as the “Southern Knights”.
There was some mention of fitting in with the NZIHL but that was just so that we don’t go confusing things and in case DIHA teams play any of the NZIHL teams in the future. Plus it may be preferable to use the same concept for a future NZIHL team as is used for the club much like the Red Devils and Stampede have – albeit with different names.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":2pms1qgu wrote:I’m surprised that she doesn’t want to be involved from the beginning of the project. Most of these ‘real world’ design students doing things for organisations that I’ve been involved with in any way, they start from needs assessment, mock ups, consultation etc, all the way through to design. Beth’s only going to get to do that last part.[/quote:2pms1qgu]We discussed this in depth earlier in the year and it was decided that this was a bad idea at the first sub-committee meeting. Beth was happy for us to come up with a vague concept first. Vague name idea, vague colour scheme idea. No one seems to have a problem with this approach so far including her lecturer.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberAFAIK, the NZIHL names the teams in their league.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Jason":124ocuxu wrote:PM’d Tim the details, well the ones for, i assume thats what you were meaning.[/quote:124ocuxu]
Yep, thanks.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI don’t have FTP info. at hand, if anyone has the Beasts FTP info could they pass that on to Tim?
Either that or I’ll sort out a seperate FTP account for it, but that’ll probably have to wait till Saturday.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI was trying to post the full res. pic so that people could print it if necessary.
It came up with an error anyway <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” /> I’ll see if I can fix the permissions thingy some time for you.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Ryan":168utfp4 wrote:I think they can go as high as you want. 5 MB is the file limit but I can increase that if necessary – seems unlikely though![/quote:168utfp4]I take that back!
I downloaded that awesome pic you took of Jaimee and it is 9.33 MB! So I’ve now increased the file size limit to 20 MB and the resolution can go up to 8000×8000 pixels.
I’m testing it right now to see if the site’ll handle it without throwing a fit.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHopefully this is more in line with what is wanted. Ryan W, I’ve tried to include all of your suggestions. Kyle, I’m not sure how to include Ryan W’s original suggestions other than asking people to look at the forum links; I could include the pics as direct links, but I wasn’t sure there was much point since they’re already in the posts. I still think we need to include colour options though, but I’ve left them out since that’s what someone (Ryan W I think) suggested it above.
Feel free to critique away. We do need to get something sent ASAP though and I’m still going to be busy for the next 4-5 days and it definitely needs to be sent before then.
EDIT: I’m not going to be offended if anyone wants to butcher this and rewrite it, so knock yourself out if you feel like totally rewriting it.
Hi everyone,As some of you may be aware, the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association is in the process of developing a new image for itself. The intention is to create an image for the association based around a new colour scheme and name. As part of this re-branding process, we would like to get your opinion and views on a variety of things associated with this. If you want your opinion to be heard then please leave a post in our web forum ( by Wednesday or if you don’t want your opinion made public you can email us at [email:2cwm9952][/email:2cwm9952].
[b:2cwm9952]Things to think about[/b:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]History of Dunedin[/*:m:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]Emotions to portray – fast, energetic etc.[/*:m:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]Historical sites[/*:m:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]Geographical sites[/*:m:2cwm9952][/list:u:2cwm9952]There has been some discussion on this issue on the DIHA web forum. some initial consultation with you all a few names have been suggested which have had some support. Other names are definitely welcome. Once all your opinions are collated, the DIHA committee will make the final decision in the next two weeks based on your input.
[b:2cwm9952]Team name options[/b:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]…… all suggestions welcome ….[/*:m:2cwm9952]
Ryan Hellyer
DIHA Marketing and Branding Subcommittee
8th June 2007Ryan Hellyer
Member"Ryan Wick":3539v9pv wrote:that the winner will get a free framed jersey.[/quote:3539v9pv]Nice idea, but I can’t really add that without permission from the club first.
Email update coming soon! Sorry for the delay, but I’m mega busy and just don’t have the time for this stuff.
Apologies for not being more on the ball <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberFor those of you who haven’t had the priveledge of attending a DIHA meeting …
[color=red:3pk0arbv][size=4:3pk0arbv]Aarons post is [b:3pk0arbv]NOT[/b:3pk0arbv] a joke![/size:3pk0arbv][/color:3pk0arbv]
That’s actually what it’s like, seriously!
And don’t worry Aaron, the only committee members allowed in here are those the above post don’t apply to. Unless of course you think Kyle and I can’t figure out how that internet thingy works <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> Actually Graham and Paul maybe able to see in here too, I’m not sure, but it wouldn’t apply to them either.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberFor anyone who doesn’t know where the Gore Multisports complex is here are some instructions on how to get there – the Gore Multisports Complex is where the Gore ice rink and swimming pool are located!
[b:3lq3mb5s]DIHA Google Map Page:[/b:3lq3mb5s]
Go to the following page, zoom out, then zoom back in again on Gore, the Gore Multisports Complex has a marker peg on top of it.[b:3lq3mb5s]Ice Sports Southland Instructions:[/b:3lq3mb5s]
"":3lq3mb5s wrote:If you are coming from Queenstown or Dunedin, when you get to the main roundabout in town, turn in the direction to Invercargill. Keep heading towards Invercargill until you are about to hit the 100kph zone, then turn right on to Charlton Rd. Drive west until just before the 50kph zone changes to a 100kph, and turn right in to Robertson St. Go past Thames St, and there is another street with a sign saying ‘MULTISPORT COMPLEX’. Follow this sign and you are there![/quote:3lq3mb5s][b:3lq3mb5s]Gore Street Map:[/b:3lq3mb5s]
And to add to Marks comment about skate guards … you can get changed on the side of the rink, or you can walk to the rink on your knees or just put your skates on rink side – so skate guards aren’t exactly compulsory, they’re just darn convenient. The site of hockey players waddling in on their knees is always amusing <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
[b:3lq3mb5s]Where we’re going to win <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />[/b:3lq3mb5s]
[float=left][img:3lq3mb5s][/img:3lq3mb5s][/float]Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’m assuming this has something to do with Marks email issues …
[b:1f9uk87j]Email from ITS:[/b:1f9uk87j]
[quote:1f9uk87j]ITS Incident Report: Email Delivery Delays=================================
7 June 2007
Some people on campus have noted delays in the delivery of some email messages. This has occurred when the email message has been sent to multiple recipients. It appears that only a few of the intended recipients have been receiving the messages.
We have been investigating this issue and discovered that a reprocessing email queue was not functioning. This queue was restarted at approximately 2:45pm today and the backlog of email messages was processed soon after.
Our apologies for both the delay in delivering these emails and for any confusion caused by the delay. We believe that we will have all the backlogged emails delivered by the end of the day.
Note: The only email messages still to be delivered are VERY large bulk email messages being sent to students. ITS urges all those who wish to send to a large group of students to consider either breaking the mailout into smaller batches, or contact the ITS HelpDesk to ask ITS to send the message (we have a mechanism that places the message directly in the mailbox rather than sending it through the mail system).
These large mailouts are causing excessive loads on infrastructure that can in turn lead to further delays.
ITS HelpDesk
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Phone: +64 3 479-8888 or 0800 479-888
Fax: +64 3 479-8577
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1f27nyl4 wrote:Bizarre.I can’t think of anything top secret in the minutes.
[/quote:1f27nyl4]Supposedly some of the decisions made are top secret <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
I’ve requested this twice, both times I got the same response.