Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #4629
    Ryan Hellyer

    Thanks Chris.

    Those photos look bloody awful though. I’ve got to the ones which I took now and they’re pretty brutal quality. I didn’t know how to change the aperture on Neils camera so they’re pretty shit – apparently the funny dial on the bottom needed to be switched over to something else! Plus the lighting was crap, I couldn’t find Neil or Hans to turn the rest on after I was given the camera to play with <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” /> Hopefully that’s enough excuses <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />


    in reply to: #4836
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Paul Roth":3h9fvn37 wrote:
    Currently, we have youth levels, but after you turn 19 years old … what? Sure, there is SNC and social “beer” leagues, but nothing for the kids to really aspire to … [/quote:3h9fvn37]

    The Dunedin Premier team who (AFAIK) currently have no branding whatsoever.


    in reply to: #4627
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Chris":1wyayhnr wrote:
    I have a program that will auto-resize them in bulk

    Do you guys want me to re-upload them all in 800×600? (or whatever res)[/quote:1wyayhnr]
    1024×768 would be handy. Was going to do it myself but knock yourself out <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #4834
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Paul Roth":6f79qyji wrote:
    Well, then, I don’t know what all the fuss is about.

    I think people only care about the name of the Dunedin National League team[/quote:6f79qyji]

    Depends on your point of view I guess. I consider the local branding to be way more important than an NZIHL team. We have no branding at all at the moment, in fact a lot of people don’t even seem to know what the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association is!? But I am a little biased I spose as it directly affects me being the web admin and all.

    The intention at this stage seems to be for us to follow the Queenstown Rangers approach. Steve suggested sticking with the status quo as far as labelling goes in his presentation and I quite liked that idea but it doesn’t seem to be very popular – either here in the forum, from email responses to Steve and it wasn’t very popular at the committee meeting either.


    in reply to: #4625
    Ryan Hellyer

    Looks like these are the ones from Neils camera. Estelle, could we get some of yours? Assuming they came out okay that is.


    in reply to: #4623
    Ryan Hellyer

    Jeese! Those are some big photos!
    You were allowed to shrink and compress them first you know <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />

    Here’s the link by the way everyone:

    I’m downloading them all at the moment and will sort them and upload smaller versions at some stage unless someone else volunteers in the mean time.


    in reply to: #4484
    Ryan Hellyer

    Nicely put battered and bruised.


    in reply to: #4816
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Tom":1e40kn3a wrote:
    So will us Midgets miss out on our house leauge games now because of Socail Hockey?

    I’d doubt it. I usually get emailed a few days beforehand saying that the social game time has been changed whenever the midgets league runs in the later time slot.


    in reply to: #4874
    Ryan Hellyer

    I’ve checked and have no idea why she wouldn’t have access. The last time she was logged in was 6:49pm at the polytech and she should have had access. I’ll wing her an email though, no point dealing with you on this (Mark that is) as you can’t fix any of this.

    Hopefully it’s just that she wasn’t logged in! Otherwise somethings gone really haywire.


    in reply to: #4873
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Crash":2cddr29c wrote:
    haha did you ban Jane Ryan she sent me an email lol saying she can’t see the forum anymore, I had to laugh.[/quote:2cddr29c]

    Yes, I banned her ass right outta here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    Just joking, I’m not sure what the problem would be. Perhaps she didn’t login? I know that sounds dumb, but a lot of people forget that rather important thing!


    in reply to: #4708
    Ryan Hellyer

    I have no idea how to explicitly link to anything any better than I have and no one has volunteered to rewrite this so it’ll have to go as is.

    Kyle can you send this to the DIHL mail list plus any extras you have thanks. I’ll send this to the committee later tonight, but if someone gets a chance feel free to beat me to it. I’ve gotta go rush off now!


    in reply to: #4865
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Timmah":gzuqxvzo wrote:
    i vant to know what this bannable offense is… [/quote:gzuqxvzo]

    Posting one word in every topic instead of just writing one post.

    "Timmah":gzuqxvzo wrote:
    anyway, ryan, if you havnt got a lift sorted, i can take you.[/quote:gzuqxvzo]

    No thanks, got that sorted already, looks like me, Jane and Neil in Marks car. Thanks for the offer though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #4814
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Crash":2nk2sles wrote:
    Otherwise the scrimmage would have to take place at 5.15 straight after the public session.[/quote:2nk2sles]

    That’s not an option anyway as that’s when most of the Peewee house league games are scheduled in for.


    in reply to: #4786
    Ryan Hellyer

    Managed to upload a 1625.47 kB file no problem.

    The permissions are now set so that you can upload yourself now Joe. You can also create new categories etc. too.

    Once in action I can set the permissions to allow any old person to upload as well, but they wont be able to edit other pictures, create new categories etc. as that could end up a big mess.

    Now to sort out the stupid branding email!


    in reply to: #4889
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Crash":28536vyr wrote:
    obviously I can’t spell [/quote:28536vyr]

    Wow, who woulda thought  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt=";D” title=”Grin” />

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