Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThat’s not normally the way it’s done.
Remember the players wouldn’t be changing much, you’re still in the same line, it’s just one big fat one so you’ll generally be on with same people, but there’d be the occasional extra thrown in depending on where in the loop you happen to be at the time.
There’s multiple ways to skin a cat though …
Ryan Hellyer
Member"anotherdevil":3h0lbpvx wrote:howdy,so um how much do i owe? i know i havent paid for saturday or sunday or gore, btu i forget if i have paid for all the trainings etc. could you let me know chris? by e-mail will let me know quicker, which means money for you quicker too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
[/quote:3h0lbpvx]I think he’s planning to let us know all that information once his exams are over.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Ryan":yz4qpyal wrote:I can’t go sorry.Found out I promised a friend about 6 months ago I’d hang out with her that weekend!
Actually it’s turned out that my friend has canned that idea and I’m now free to play hockey then <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Er, still not sure if I want to go yet. If it’s okay with people I’d like to decide during the week if possible. Depends how much stuff I have to get done. Am pretty frantic at the moment.
PS: Have we got Tess signed up? Seems like a good idea in case something happens and Jane or Estelle can’t play, which would make us short one chick and ineligible to play.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Timmah":1twz72uk wrote:also, sounds like ryan wants to play forward <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="” title=”Wink” />[/quote:1twz72uk]
No, in fact from those line suggestions it looks like I’d slot into the defense lineup better. I was just pointing out that I don’t care where I go. People just seem to have me pigeon holed as a defense person and was pointing out that I don’t care where I go – although goalie is out of the question!
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Jason":1tzf4jnq wrote:… the only reason i thought it worth sorting lines out was because you start getting used to playing a certain spot and if you start playing anywhere then nobody is in position, and before you know it we have four people in the corner fighting amongst ourselves for the puck.[/quote:1tzf4jnq]Hopefully our forwards are organised enough not to swamp the puck! Okay, maybe that’s a little optimistic <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="
” title=”Wink” /> But I reckon it’d be okay. Best way to learn IMO. Teaches you to keep your head up so you know you’re in position and not taking someone else’s inadvertently. Tends to create a more flowing game too. Having said that we don’t seem to be too bad at moving positions anyway. I thought Andy was doing a particularly good job of it recently. I’ve swapped with him quite a few times when he’s been on defense and I was forward, worked quite nicely and was particularly handy if I needed to sub off.
[b:1tzf4jnq]Slightly off-topic:[/b:1tzf4jnq] If you really want to get me wound up, start suggesting that when you sub off mid stint that you scream out your exact position to the on-coming player! This is *&%$’ing stupid any coach worth their salt will castigate you for it. When you get on the ice, you’re in whatever position the player coming off was in [b:1tzf4jnq]when[/b:1tzf4jnq] they came off. Chances are, if they were a forward for example, they’d effectively be playing defense when they came off as they’d probably wait till the puck was headed down their end anyway and they’d be behind their own defense when they came off, so there’s no freakin’ way the on-coming player should be heading in to the typical right wing position just coz the player coming off screamed that at them. You’re now a defense person, stay there till the whistle blows or swap mid stint with the defense who should have taken the other players spot on the right wing. End of rant … I’ve had issues with this with morons in the past! You could of course yell out your position so that they knew where they should go after the whistle blows, but that’s never the way people treat it.
Ryan Hellyer
Member[i:120kdtso]My two cents worth …[/i:120kdtso]
There’s not really any point in having lines for defense if you’ve got five of them as it’ll just get messed up straight away anyway. Best leave the defense to sort their shit out on the bench IMO.
So effectively it would be:
[*:120kdtso][b:120kdtso]Forward Line 1:[/b:120kdtso]
Mike, Nick, Tim[/*:m:120kdtso]
[*:120kdtso][b:120kdtso]Forward Line 2:[/b:120kdtso]
Jason, Callan, Andy[/*:m:120kdtso]
Mark, Ryan, Julian, Jack, Jane[/*:m:120kdtso]
Neil[/*:m:120kdtso][/list:u:120kdtso]That’s still a weird lineup though as there’s 2.5 defensive lines and two forward lines. Usually you would have more forwards than defense so I suggest the defense have two lines and the forwards mixed it up instead. We should know each other well enough to not need lines by now anyway. And looking at that lineup there’s nobody particularly weak so it shouldn’t matter too much what order you go out in IMO although obviously sorting things into some sort of order is a good idea, even if it is just as your moving your way along the bench.
Mike, Nick, Tim, Jason, Callan, Andy, Jack[/*:m:120kdtso]
[*:120kdtso][b:120kdtso]Defence 1:[/b:120kdtso]
Mark, Julian[/*:m:120kdtso]
[*:120kdtso][b:120kdtso]Defence 2:[/b:120kdtso]
Ryan, Jane[/*:m:120kdtso]
Neil[/*:m:120kdtso][/list:u:120kdtso]Damn that’s an annoying number players!
Another option could be to have a player rotating between lines, but in my experience that gets too confusing and you spend more time trying to figure out who the heck is sposed to be in what line at what time than you do concentrating on the game.
PS: Mark, I haven’t back when I’m being picked up yet.
PSS: I’m happy to play forward or defense if that helps at all. I seem to have been pigeon holed as a defense person but I’ve typically played as a forward in the past, playing defense has only been a recent thing due to the lack of good backwards skaters on teams I’ve played for.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberSession canceled. In fact it was never on in the first place apparently!?!? – [b:38v7o7s1]not the web admins fault however![/b:38v7o7s1]
Notice will be placed on the home page announcing as such shortly.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberKyle can you PLEAASSEEE send this out
And yes I know you’re not covering everybody but it’s the best we can do. I’ll on-send it to some others on my mailing list that aren’t DIHL related. EDIT: And yes I know it still has links to forum topics, but I’ve edited the hell out of them will do so with more posts if anyone thinks it’ll help.
This has taken a ridiculously long time, mainly due to my fault.
Ryan W, I’ve added a date at the end for when we send it and another for when replies are required by (now Thursday). Hopefully that’s what you meant by ‘add the date’.
Ryan – Frantically trying to get stuff done!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHi everyone,
As some of you may be aware, the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association is in the process of developing a new image for itself. The intention is to create an image for the association based around a new colour scheme and name. As part of this re-branding process, we would like to get your opinion and views on a variety of things associated with this. If you want your opinion to be heard then please leave a post in our web forum ( … opic=271.0) by Thursday 14th June or if you don’t want your opinion made public you can email us at
Things to think about
* History of Dunedin
* Emotions to portray – fast, energetic etc.
* Culture
* Historical sites
* Geographical sitesThere has been some discussion on this issue on the DIHA web forum. … opic=375.0 … opic=271.0After some initial consultation with you all a few names have been suggested which have had some support. Other names are definitely welcome. Once all your opinions are collated, the DIHA committee will make the final decision in the next two weeks based on your input.
Team name options
* …… all suggestions welcome ….
* Dragons
* Penguins
* Thunder
* Wildfire
* MinersRegards,
DIHA Marketing and Branding Subcommittee
8th June 2007Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’m sposed to be working right now but anyhows! ….
I got a phone call from Phil Pielak-Jones before who confirmed that there has definitely been no confusion over the committees decision. This is what I assumed but couldn’t confirm since I wasn’t there. So I’ve shunted all the stuff from the main forum either complaining, questioning or in reply to complaints or questions about the process in here.
The committee decision has been made. Questioning it in a public forum is not exactly going to help! Feel free to question away in here, but the forum is not a place for second guessing a committee decision, particularly one in which you are a member, plus questioning a committee decision on a forum which is [b:39uu78fc]technically[/b:39uu78fc] under the control of that committee is a little odd.
End of rant … hopefully the debate over colour schemes and names will continue as before now!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberFYI, I’ve moved a few posts out of here as they were confusing the topic at hand.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberUm, there’s nothing wrong with it. I think we need to get back on track though. Decisions have been made, nothing has changed, so I don’t see much point debating it.
Any Dunedin based NZIHL team will presumably have it’s own branding, just like Canterbury and the Auckland teams do. This is fairly normal for hockey; NHL etc. follow this model and I assume that’s where the NZIHF got the concept from.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThis is all a mess.
Thanks for the post in the main forum Kyle. I was temped to write something similar, but I’m trying to remain as neutral as possible since I’m stuck in the thick of it.
I agree, new topic necessary.
But I’d better get back to bed instead of posting in here all night!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYep, definitely groaning. Although I agree that linking to those topics is probably not a good idea now.
I didn’t think there was any ambiguity, I have no idea what the problem is and why people are questioning things now, this is extremely late in the piece to start complaining, this has clearly been the intention all along. The decisions as far as I knew were fairly clear cut, there’s going to be a branding change and the intention has been for some time (well, 6 weeks or so I think) that we’d have a decision on a direction by the end of June. I’m slightly out of the loop having not attended the last few meetings though so I don’t know what the formal/informal decisions of the committee were.
And no neither Graham or Paul Roth were at the meeting on Monday.
Well I gotta go to bed now and am busy the whole of tomorrow and the whole of Sunday, so unless some of you work on this yourself it’s going to have to wait till Monday evening which is getting ridiculously late!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWell you’ve hit the nail on the head there, that’s one of the reasons for the branding exercise.