Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #5133
    Ryan Hellyer

    Me too, but I quite like it. Not sure I’ll use it much except for testing on though.

    Everything looks all funny with that strange font rendering thing going on.

    If anyone’s interested, it’s available here:


    in reply to: #3990
    Ryan Hellyer

    Count me in too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #4765
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":3t34gyfd wrote:
    … find a pair of pom poms and do high kicking cheers … [/quote:3t34gyfd]

    Urgh, that sounds damn awful. That’s definitely not what I was meaning either, I was meaning the same as Aaron – apart from me wearing a leotard.


    in reply to: #4762
    Ryan Hellyer
    "beth":3oxvv7ir wrote:
    After the committee meeting which will be held soon we can discuss details and I will organise a time for auditions, things going well I will organise costumes <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” /> Haha[/quote:3oxvv7ir]

    Ya know, that synchro team idea isn’t that crazy! They have their own uniforms already, but a set of DIHA uniforms designed by Beth for wearing at hockey games could look really professional. It wouldn’t look tacky like real cheerleaders do. Plus they may even make their own uniforms so wouldn’t cost us a cent – not sure about that actually, but you never know.


    in reply to: #4760
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Joe":1vzm7iid wrote:
    Sweet.  Is that a challenge?  C’mon Azzy, round up the cheerleaders.[/quote:1vzm7iid]

    Reply from Beth

    "Beth":1vzm7iid wrote:
    Fuck yeah! Bring it on boys![/quote:1vzm7iid]
    in reply to: #4758
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Azzy77":34bmp91t wrote:
    Sexy Cheerleading outfits….[/quote:34bmp91t]

    Reply from Beth:

    "Beth":34bmp91t wrote:
    Do you actually have cheer leaders? No? Well when you get together a group of girls who are willing to cheer for the team who are willing to wear tiny little skirts in an ice rink, I’ll be quite glad to make some outfits for them. They actually need to be skilled as dancers though and I’m happy to choreograph routines for them.[/quote:34bmp91t]


    in reply to: #4722
    Ryan Hellyer

    You’d still need to get permission from the club though, Phil can’t make any financial decisions himself.

    That’d be a really late prize though as even if it was agreed to by the club, they likely wouldn’t receive it for 6 months at least, maybe more depending on how long it took for jerseys to be arranged.


    in reply to: #5002
    Ryan Hellyer

    That’s a heap of good advice from Kyle. There’s a few major bugs in there that need ironed out and I’ll post about them some other time.

    Hopefully this’ll be enough to get you started though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    One major point I’ll point out now though is that you need to sort out [b:2h8348ij]when[/b:2h8348ij] you’re going to hold it now so that you can book the ice and check with the DIHA that it’s okay for you to run it. You don’t want to plan something 8 weeks in advance only to find that there’s a whole fleet of things freakily booked in then and you can’t run it or you have to compromise things. Ideally I’d book the ice time 6 months or so in advance myself. You can always un-book ice time you don’t need.


    in reply to: #3701
    Ryan Hellyer

    I agree with battered_and_bruised.


    in reply to: #4504
    Ryan Hellyer

    Well it’s made my decision of whether to play in it or not very simple <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    To be quite honest I’m not surprised they’ve canceled it, it didn’t seem to be very well organised and that usually leads to a poor number of entries – which was why it was canceled.


    in reply to: #3413
    Ryan Hellyer

    We had 21 users online within a 15 minute period yesterday!?

    What the heck was so special about yesterday? That’s a quarter of all of users logging in at the same time! There wasn’t even very much posting going on, just lots of people logging in. Quite bizarre, I would have thought that was a lot more likely if some big important hockey event was on, but there wasn’t, or not that I’m aware of anyway.


    in reply to: #4999
    Ryan Hellyer

    That’s the way it ended up being played.


    in reply to: #4502
    Ryan Hellyer

    Naseby Cup has been canceled <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” /> Mark got a phone call from Phil Pielak-Jones on the way back from Gore about it.


    in reply to: #4997
    Ryan Hellyer

    Skin? Are you crazy? NO WAY!

    Cat’s are strictly stir fried boneless and skinless, it’s the only way.


    in reply to: #4500
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Crash":yqqpqlgj wrote:
    Yeah why not.

    Yeah why not what? Tess or me playing? or both?

    And get to bed dude! You’re posting at 1:30am!


    PS: Deanna could be another option as a female player too, the awesome hockey player Deanna though, not the figure skating coach one.

Viewing 15 posts - 916 through 930 (of 1,900 total)