Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Michael":22ryp45t wrote:Can i give you my external hdd for you to put the iso’s on sometime?
[/quote:22ryp45t]If I was smart I would have kept the ISOs for this purpose, but I’m not so didn’t!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberIf I’m not needed then please chop me from the A-team list as not only am I playing for the Beasts but I’m also playing for the Kings High School team now too. I don’t want to be too much of a game hog <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> Plus potentially playing three games back to back is probably a bit much considering my lack of fitness!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberDamn you and your logical thinking Kyle!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI had a whole bunch of people asking me repeatedly why the DIHL wasn’t on during the school holidays (including lots of school kids) so I’m not convinced that was ever a good move.
You can’t book times in yourself though without making the powers that be angry at you! So best to get Joyce to do it (she’s the only one who’s sposed to book ice time for the club) and then get one of us to check that it is actually booked into the book properly. The problem with this system is you have to rely on both Joyce and Neil doing the booking and getting it right. I booked in some ice time a month or so ago for power skating and was given the mega cold shoulder by a few people – incidentally the people that were peeved at me were those who didn’t book the freakin ice time in the first place – but that’s a whole ‘nother story!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI forgot about this till yesterday.
Some disks have now been burned. I haven’t re-read who I promised these too above yet, but I’ll only have one copy left after I give a bunch to Deanna sorry. I can’t be bothered burning more, the joy of spending my time burning disks is long gone. However, feel free to burn/share amongst yourselves.
If you want the only spare copy I’ve got you’ll need to volunteer to burn a copy for someone else to keep the circle of piracy going <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> Kinda like a chain letter except it involves burning disks instead of sending junk mail. I’ll can the $5 fee though, you can just have them as long as you burn them for someone else.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThis is a conversation from the referees forum which seemed more appropriate for in here, hence the reply here … I’m assuming this has all been sorted by Ryan W, Deanna and Phil anyway so it’s probably a moot point. But I’m posting anyway just in case.
"email from Jerome Raateland (NZIHF head referee) to Phil":186ku3mt wrote:There are three players currently serving suspensions, Renato Carenza 45 days due to expire some time in July. Dwayne Bell twelve months due to expire in December this year. Gary Collison banned forever. The latter was the trouble maker last time they played in Dunedin I believe. Register this game or games with the NZIHF through the local association and you should have no problems. Advise Canterbury current playing members only of the CIHA will be able to play. This should cover it.Kind regards
Jerome Raateland[/quote:186ku3mt]
"Kyle":186ku3mt wrote:I wonder if the local association means Dunedin, or if it means SIHL. Because I’d have no idea how you’d register a game with the NZIHF. I wonder if Joyce or Jackie do?[/quote:186ku3mt]"Ryan":186ku3mt wrote:Since it’s not an SIHL game it would (I guess) come under the umbrella of the DIHA.
The DIHA is allowed to organise inter club games AFAIK without approval of the SIHL per se.This is based on tid bits of info. I’ve heard over time from the Sopers, the Christos’s, Joyce and CIHA members.
Doing this through the SIHL, or even worse the NZIHF would be an extra pain in the ass to deal with.
"Kyle":186ku3mt wrote:Well who knows.I had no awareness that the NZIHF took any interest in anything at the local level. If they do, and can help us out, then that’s good.
But we still need to know how to register a game with them.
[/quote:186ku3mt]I don’t see any reason to register the game with the NZIHF anyway. It doesn’t really have anything to do with them except that one of their member associations are organising it. Unless there’s some catch in the deal between the NZIHF and the DIHA it seems like a can of worms best not opened.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberSince it’s not an SIHL game it would (I guess) come under the umbrella of the DIHA.
The DIHA is allowed to organise inter club games AFAIK without approval of the SIHL per se.This is based on tid bits of info. I’ve heard over time from the Sopers, the Christos’s, Joyce and CIHA members.
Doing this through the SIHL, or even worse the NZIHF would be an extra pain in the ass to deal with.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":r71wezsg wrote:I had a though last night and this may be impossible….But what if we got permission from DCC to Inline skate up and down George for hour or so in full hockey gear handing out flyers, to get people interested.
Or set up a net somewhere, and shoot on me or other goalies….
Or just actually WALK up and down george handing out flyers..
P.S. Duane Bell shouldn’t play
[/quote:r71wezsg]We’ve discussed doing this at the university for years but no one has ever volunteered to organise it. I can’t remember exactly where it was going to be done though and I can’t think of anywhere suitable off the top of my head. Perhaps OUSA has some tents we could use? Shoot into the tent? Between the ugly red brick building and the lawn? Would be a good way to recruit players during O-week I think. I’m not volunteering to organise this myself though, just floating an idea.
The DIHA used to hand out flyers during the festival parade, with kids inline skating round handing them out with their gear on, I think they still do but I’m not certain. It’s possible they were just those shitty old flyers they had lying round from years gone by though which aren’t much use at all. Some decent informative flyers would help a lot. I’d volunteer to skate around handing out flyers if I wasn’t the only idiot doing it, and if a few of us older players were there we could baby sit the ankle biters and make sure they don’t cause any trouble.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThe main purpose of this is to identify [b:3ic0qnab]what[/b:3ic0qnab] is happening not necessarily [b:3ic0qnab]who[/b:3ic0qnab]. But yeah, quality is important and if possible seeing [b:3ic0qnab]who[/b:3ic0qnab] it is would be good too. The cameras I’ve been suggested so far have been all quite good quality, 640×480 res. with decent low light capabilities.
Identifying someone on the other side of the rink from a camera will generally be impossible. The distance is simply too far unless you hook up a 10 MP+ camera, but then you’re getting into serious costs and definitely no video footage at that sort of res. So any camera will be fairly limited if you want to recognise someone on the rink, although of course you’ll be able to get a decent idea of what’s going on from what the small moving clusters of pixels are doing <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> I guess a camera on the door would have it’s uses, depends on what the rink feels it needs.
As a side effect of the wireless suggestion above, the rink would also have facility wide wireless broadband available <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Would open lots of opportunities for other stuff such as live video streaming of games (Aaron suggested this a while back) and live updating of game stats here on the website.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":a7hvykol wrote:We could make money by selling subscriptions to the changing room cameras!!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="” title=”Wink” />
Especially when I am in there, probably could charge one-off fee on top of subscription for the times I am in there…..
I know Reeven would pay that [/quote:a7hvykol]
So would we need to pay you an appearance fee? Or will you be donating your time to the club?
I volunteer to do the internet promotional work for this project. I’ll also be wearing a blindfold whilst doing so.
Ryan Hellyer
Member[quote:12w49mnh]* In order to provide web access from anywhere in the world, the Swann DVR4-Net requires [b:12w49mnh]installation of software (included) on viewing PC[/b:12w49mnh] and functioning internet connection.[/quote:12w49mnh]
Hmm, it really needs to be accessible without special software. That sounds like it’s not providing access via the web directly.
I’ve been MSN’d with an offer to set this up for about $1400-2000 by someone who read this already. They’d be using wireless cameras with booster aerials to make it work over long distances. This would include storage of video for about a year, four cameras with 640×480 res. and an offer to cover the web hosting if my current web host packs a sad at me over the data usage – probably not an issue though. It also covers sorting the Javascripting to update the web page automatically so you don’t need to keep hitting refresh as I’m not sure how to do that myself.
Ryan Hellyer
Member$2,972+GST is a bit pricey. Especially since a web cam is only about $250 for a fairly decent one.
I was hoping we could get set something up with nothing more than the existing computer in the rink office, plus a few cheap web cams, upgraded net connection and maybe an extra computer or two which we could presumably get for free since it wouldn’t need to be particularly good.
"Azzy77":1uk1q2zk wrote:Wouldn’t a security camera at the entrance of the Changing rooms, be good to check for theft….I mean ideally you would want one inside the changing rooms, to check for theft, but that may problems associated with it, ie privacy when changing etc[/quote:1uk1q2zk]
That would probably have a lot of support amongst some players. Personally I’m a big supporter of the “don’t leave expensive stuff in the changing rooms” approach, it works well for me.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYou might have some luck asking this question at the International Hockey Forums …[/url:2mj1thgu%5DRyan,
Ryan Hellyer
MemberDemonstration of an oversized Kick Chris game embedded in a forum post. Mainly for my own purposes to see if this works, but I’ll likely leave it here for your amusement.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThis is a demo of how we could embed hockey videos from non Youtube sources. The sticking point is that I can’t allow regular users to do this as it opens up a whole pile of security holes. Now all we need to do is track down a source of embeddable full length hockey videos. I can give our users access to a few higher profile video sources, but not the more obscure ones which are likely to have any hockey videos. Of course there may be no videos available for embedding, so it’s possibly a moot point. But thought it was worth demoing what was possible in case one of you do find a source of flash ‘streamed’ NHL games.
[align=center:1kzxz0hp][b:1kzxz0hp]A random Friends episode:[/b:1kzxz0hp]