Ryan Hellyer

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Viewing 15 posts - 856 through 870 (of 1,900 total)
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  • in reply to: #5188
    Ryan Hellyer
    "leftright":8qabcuob wrote:
    Cost the same as usual.

    And what would that be?


    in reply to: #5184
    Ryan Hellyer

    So will this be on every week? Or is it just a week by week thing? And how much will it cost?


    in reply to: #5378
    Ryan Hellyer

    [align=center:ug7odwpl][size=3:ug7odwpl][b:ug7odwpl]Or you can view it here:[/b:ug7odwpl][/size:ug7odwpl]




    in reply to: #5363
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Crash":196lxd6n wrote:
    Ok I got a big lecture from Neil for booking ice, specially if the money is been paid by the club.

    Yeah, I got a similar lecture from Joyce and Jackie. In fact I think I really rubbed them the wrong way with that (edit: I [b:196lxd6n]DEFINITELY[/b:196lxd6n] rubbed them the wrong way with that).

    I’m not sure why Kyle has been allowed to do it.


    in reply to: #5020
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":ipf751q4 wrote:
    OK, I think I’ve finished adding stuff to my original post, so we’ll call that done.[/quote:ipf751q4]

    I spose that means I need to go finish mine now!

    "Kyle":ipf751q4 wrote:
    I also struck the post limit of 20,000 characters (what sort of miserly limit is that Ryan?), so I can’t add any more anyway.[/quote:ipf751q4]

    I had no idea there was a character limit! I’m sure it can be made longer, just gotta figure out how.


    in reply to: #5361
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Crash":3ofwfzw5 wrote:
    [color=green:3ofwfzw5]You won’t be able to book the ice times like that Jane you need a DIHL board member to do that, pretty much Jackie and Joyce and maybe Phil. But Jason, Jack etc can’t book it for you.[/color:3ofwfzw5]

    Well neither Jackie, Joyce or Phil are on the DIHL committee so you are entirely wrong. You mean the DIHA committee, it’s not a board.

    And Kyle reckons she can just go book it as long as Joyce gives the go ahead. Apparently that’s what he’s done in the past.


    in reply to: #5356
    Ryan Hellyer
    "PHaxell":1bfsi6e6 wrote:
    Local assn. I would take to be DIHL. They would be affiliated to SIHL and they, in turn, to the NZIHF.[/quote:1bfsi6e6]

    Nope, the DIHL is not affiliated to the SIHL, it is a part of the DIHA which is affiliated to the SIHL.

    But we are the DIHA! And we still didn’t know anyone was suspended the last time we had non SIHL teams playing, so that’s not much good. But Jerome has filled us in anyway so it’s sorted now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    "PHaxell":1bfsi6e6 wrote:
    Pretty much everyone knows who is on suspension and will ask questions if they see a face out there which shouldn’t be. I guess that is the luxury of having such a small group of people involved.[/quote:1bfsi6e6]

    Nope, didn’t work last time, I recognised one of them, but there was no proof they were banned anyway. And the other guy I don’t think anyone knew. I know who two of them are and here’s a mug shot of Gary Collison posted by Joe Sales  in our admin forum.

    "Joe":1bfsi6e6 wrote:
    which one of the banned players is this?



    in reply to: #5088
    Ryan Hellyer

    So these are the current games lined up:

    Beasts vs Auckland University B-team
    Kings High school vs Auckland University B-team
    Randoms #1 vs Auckland University A-team
    Randoms #2 vs Auckland University A-team

    Any idea of a schedule yet? How many games will each team be playing? I wouldn’t mind playing for another team to fill numbers, but not if I’m playing two games on both Saturday and Sunday nights.


    in reply to: #5334
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Joe":271i4bq7 wrote:
    which one of the banned players is this?[/quote:271i4bq7]

    Gary Collinson I think.

    Heaps of people know Dwayne Bell so he’s easily idenitifiable.

    And I used to play inline hockey with Renato Carenza.

    It’s easy to know if Renato is on the ice, just listen for a high pitch whiny sound coming from a temperamental Italian. It’s hard to miss – and constant.


    in reply to: #5017
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":3u7vp1qy wrote:
    I didn’t tend to have problems booking ice time myself, I just ran it past Joyce first.

    Interesting. Well in that case just follow Kyle’s advice. He has way more experience with booking ice time than me.


    in reply to: #1876
    Ryan Hellyer

    Testing popup function from NHL.com game …

    EDIT: Haha! They have a popup on their site, and the code from that popup works on here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> No ugly iframe necessary now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    [html]<object classid="clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000" codebase="http://active.macromedia.com/director/cabs/sw.cab#version=6,0,1,0&quot; width="623" height="350"
    name=”Goal2Goal” border=”0″ vspace=”0″ hspace=”0″>

    <embed src="http://www.nhl.com/kids/play/NHL69.dcr&quot; pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/&quot;
    type=”application/x-director” width=”623″ height=”350″ name=”Goal2Goal” bgcolor=”#000000″
    border=”0″ vspace=”0″ hspace=”0″>







    in reply to: #1875
    Ryan Hellyer

    Test to see if I can put one of the games from NHL.com on here by sticking it in an iframe.

    src =”http://www.nhl.com/kids/play/goal2goal.shtml&#8221;
    width=”100%” height=”600″>


    Kinda ugly, but it’s not too bad.

    in reply to: #1874
    Ryan Hellyer

    A test to see if I can blow the window up bigger than the default size:



    [b:1wggn3ja][size=6:1wggn3ja]Damn I’m good![/size:1wggn3ja][/b:1wggn3ja]

    in reply to: #1873
    Ryan Hellyer

    [b:276syzig][size=3:276syzig]I don’t think this’ll work, but here goes ….[/size:276syzig][/b:276syzig]



    EDIT: Holy crap it did! Well that’s pretty cool <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll hunt up a bunch of these and post new ones for time to time either in the main forum or in a special games section along with kick Chris, mangle etc. If you see any decent games suitable for on the site then post a link to them here. I’m not sure why they haven’t prevented hot linking to their games from the site this game has come from!? But that’s fine by me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> Hopefully other sites are equally silly with leaving their content wide open to inclusion on other sites <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />

    EDIT 2: The games on NHL.com can’t be used for this. It just gave a black box of death. EDIT 4: solved that problem – see below.

    EDIT 3: I’ve tried a bunch of sites, most don’t work as I suspected <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” />

    in reply to: #5081
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":26pu4azr wrote:
    When did you go back to school?

    It’s more of a mental age issue. Apparently I’m like dealing with a 14 year old according to my flatmate <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” /> That and I’m an old boy of Kings High and it’s apparently a Kings High plus old boys plus teachers gig I think.


Viewing 15 posts - 856 through 870 (of 1,900 total)