Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #5390
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Jack":16u68mpv wrote:
    as we have 2 female players in our team, as well as half the team don’t know how to play checking hockey.[/quote:16u68mpv]

    Well it shouldn’t matter if you have female players on your team so that’s a moot point IMO.

    I’ll email Peter Anderson, point him towards this forum topic and hopefully he’ll be able to fill us in on the details in regards to contact.

    "Jack":16u68mpv wrote:
    That ice looks pretty cool tho, is it just one rink or is ther provisions for another 1?[/quote:16u68mpv]

    Nope, just one rink. There used to be two rinks there, one 100 m x 50 m monster and a teeny weeny one. But I doubt he’s intending to build another one. A roof on the current one would probably be a more important priority I imagine.


    in reply to: #4737
    Ryan Hellyer


    I wonder if there are any orthodox Jews in here.


    in reply to: #5382
    Ryan Hellyer

    I’m downloading it now. I’ll post back with a review in a few days once I’ve used it a bit.

    It seems to have some sort of menu interface thingy to choose which program you want and I think it can autoload on plugging in a USB drive. Seems moderately useful.


    in reply to: #1883
    Ryan Hellyer

    Duh! Just go mug a computer nerd and lock him in your dungeon until he’s finished rebuilding the website.

    Unfortunately they’re often not very good at building calendars so those tend to take longer to get built.


    in reply to: #5381
    Ryan Hellyer

    I don’t get it.

    Isn’t that just a collection of programs that don’t need to be installed before use?

    Although does make me wonder if I should stick a copy of Firefox on a USB drive. Would be handy to take my bookmarks with me. A copy of OpenOffice.org wouldn’t go amiss too and maybe The GIMP. An FTP program would be handy for emergency web updates at work or on the move too.


    in reply to: #5025
    Ryan Hellyer

    Erm, I guess we’ll agree to disagree here.

    If the system isn’t introduced then the positive effects of team development will never happen.

    The ChCh SNC works this type of system over multiple seasons and it works fine. Players don’t need to be there for drafting and if you worked it well enough, neither would the teams. If you saw how it worked in person it might make a lot more sense. Their system isn’t flawless, but it works and it works quite well.

    At any rate, either system will do fine for the mean time, they just have quite different principles behind them.

    I do VERY STRONGLY disagree that the league should be allowed to ignore their own rating cap and allow players to compete anyway. Spring 2006, both myself and Rob Waddell were allowed to play to help boost the Bullfrogs who were quite weak which was for the benefit of the league, I assumed that was how I ended up on the Bears this season. If you’re going to allow 6 rated players to play on any old team then the rating cap should be simply increased instead of just ignoring your own rules or you’ll run into some unhappy comments from players – which there were this season.


    PS: please email me if you own a pitch fork and are free this Thursday evening.

    in reply to: #5023
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":16moy3s8 wrote:
    The balance of the B grade wasn’t affected at all by the number of A grade players playing down,[/quote:16moy3s8]

    Yep, that’s what I said. It was however affected by the ratings not being done before the season therefore players who should have been A-grade were still rated as B-graders and hence allowed to play anyway.

    "Kyle":16moy3s8 wrote:
    That’s never the case for a DIHL, because we reconstitute teams every time we run the DIHL.[/quote:16moy3s8]

    That was never the intention of the rule book – at least from my perspective. The intention was to encourage teams not to reconstitute their teams, that was the whole purpose behind the drafting section of the rulebook!?!?! It was to keep the teams together between seasons to encourage teams such as the Beasts to form.

    "Kyle":16moy3s8 wrote:
    It doesn’t matter if your team is re-entering from last year, you can still get any players you want and then enter them as a team. It’s the average grade that covers who can be in your team, not the draft pool.[/quote:16moy3s8]

    Not if the drafting process is run.

    You seem to have have an EXTREMELY different understanding of why we made some of the rules in the rulebook.

    I don’t think there’s any major problem with doing things Kyle’s way, but it should be emphasised somewhere in the team entry form or the event notice. I’m assuming Kyle has those in the autumn 2007 seasons forms.


    in reply to: #5021
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Ryan":2jxe56kk wrote:
    Team Balance. Ryan and I will probably disagree on a bit of this, so just ignore everything he tells you on this topic![/quote:2jxe56kk]

    This is because Kyle doesn’t understand the rule book which he has been ignoring for the past season, ironically he was one of the creators of it!?

    Firstly, the term “gradings” will likely be changing to “ratings” shortly to avoid confusion with the term grade to describe each league. I’ll be dealing with this issue at the DIHA meeting tomorrow (if I remember).

    The main flaw in the process Kyle followed this past season was that the “ratings” weren’t done till after the B-grade had started. So players who would obviously have been given 6’s, Jason Sedgwick, Rob Owens, Mike Mitchell etc. were not bumped up to the A-grade and this severely impacted on the balance of the league. The league is not “unrated” as such, but it has a “rating” cap so you still need to do the ratings before the league starts. The Beasts effectively had at least three players who belonged in the A-grade, not the B-grade and that swayed things wildly. Kings had a similar but less extreme situation with Harrison King. If they ratings were sorted pre-season, the teams would have been a much better match as someone like Jason Sedgwick could have joined myself on the Bears to match the teams up better.

    An important thing to be aware of is the difference between an “actual team” and just a random bunch of players who hand in an entry form and request to be allowed entry to the league. The Phantoms from last seasons DIHL A-grade were technically not the same Phantoms as the season before, otherwise they would have been shat on as far as who they could have had on their team as they had lost most of their players from the season before. The only “actual” teams to compete in two seasons back to back so far are the Beasts and Kings.

    However, if for example the Phantoms want to field exactly the same team in the A-grade next season, then you have no choice but to allow them, you can’t just say no because you think they’re too good … the rules don’t allow it. This is to encourage teams to actually develop as a team, like the Beasts are at the moment. Actually, having said this, there is a rule which allows the league organisers to disallow teams at will, which I don’t like. But at any rate you shouldn’t do it unless there’s an extremely serious reason not to. If you don’t want to figure out the technicalities of the club rules then don’t worry too much as we can help explain.

    Oh yeah, and I like the idea of allowing stronger players (ie: 6 rated players) to play in the B-grade, but I’d recommend being picky about who they are. You’re better of getting “team players” rather than one man teams or they’ll just hog the puck and take ice time away from the weaker players. People like Jason, Kyle, etc. would be good for that purpose (plus me if I’m allowed <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />)


    PS: It doesn’t matter too much if this stuff gets screwed up. No one is going to pull out the pitch forks and hunt you down. Hmm, my dad has a pitch fork I could borrow.

    PSS: Does anyone know Kyle’s address?

    in reply to: #3023
    Ryan Hellyer

    Does anyone know if these rule changes were accepted by the DIHA committee? I missed a few meetings and haven’t heard anything back months later and kept forgetting to ask at the recent meeting.

    If not I’ll ask them to approve them tomorrow night at the DIHA committee meeting.


    PS: Attached is the latest version of the draft. Only modification since my last post is that the font of the main heading has been modified to match that of the sub-headings.

    in reply to: #4855
    Ryan Hellyer

    Ryan, did you get the email from Steve? He wants to meet some time next week. I’ll email him now and ask him if he can meet on Wednesday night somewhere, I’ll CC you the email so you can lemme know if that date/time doesn’t suit.

    There seems to be some serious confusion (at least on mine and Steve’s part) as to what the DIHA committee is up to. Steve never requested a special meeting so why Phil was trying to arrange one I have no idea. And I don’t recall any decision being made to only choose a name and no colours.

    Hopefully we can get this crap sorted soon as we currently have 1x highly disorganised sub-committee.


    PS: there’s not much point posting this stuff in here unless we can get Steve to register.

    in reply to: #1881
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Michael":3dwntb00 wrote:
    any reason why there is a 1 at the top of the menu?


    [code:3dwntb00]echo ‘blablabla’,require(“../headerandmenu.inc.php”),’ ...[/code:3dwntb00]
    should have been
    [code:3dwntb00]echo ‘blabla’;
    echo ‘ ...[/code:3dwntb00]

    in reply to: #5366
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Janey":jhhmuilw wrote:
    hey Mike….nice KIND mike…hows that stats thing you were setting up during the spring DHIL comming along? ya know I like people to think of me as an honest kind of person so i’ll tell the truth…my knowledge of statistics is very limited… like I know the gist of it:P but would you mind helping out in that area for the Autumn DIHL…cos that would really be appreciated…

    I guess that means I’ve gotta do the HTML for him first then <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />

    I’ll get onto that shortly, I’ve been leaving it coz it’s a boring job, but I’ll sort them out and send them on to Mike ASAP for you.


    PS: The stats for this seasons DIHL were crap/non-existant for much of the season, so at any rate you can’t do worse. Fingers crossed Mike finds the time to sort out some software for the purpose though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />

    in reply to: #5380
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":gwp1h04z wrote:
    That way of embedding videos starts them auto downloading and playing.

    Some people might not want that. Is there a way you can change them to click to play?

    I don’t think so.

    EDIT: I take that back, that is indeed possible. I’ve also changed the feed over so that it’s now playing the replay instead of the live feed which is over now.


    in reply to: #1879
    Ryan Hellyer

    [b:34neitf0]EDIT:[/b:34neitf0] I’ve added a temporary editing page so those of you who aren’t global moderators can try adding new events to the calendar. This is completely insecure and any idiot can post events from this URL so it definitely wont be here permanently.

    I’ve built a new Event Calendar, hopefully this one is more suitable than my previous attempts which always had too many bugs to be usable. At the moment only global moderators can add events and only I can delete them. But if it goes live I’ll set it up so that I can give anyone access to it – albeit only people that need to add events. I’ll also add the title and a link to the calendar post on the home page where the current (teeny weeny) events calendar is.

    It would be really handy if you guys could take a look and lemme know what you think.


    And you can get a full list of all the events. This can be accessed either by clicking on an event in main calendar and then clicking on the main title of that events page (takes you to the particular event in question). Or by following the following link:


    in reply to: #1878
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Michael":xxq10cp8 wrote:
    any reason why there is a 1 at the top of the menu?

    I have no idea! It pops up whenever I include the header into the forum template instead of just inserting the HTML directly. It’s on my list of things to do.


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