Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #5109
    Ryan Hellyer

    This is directed at you Forbes.

    "daria":3zmm4i4p wrote:
    you little f*&%er, you haven’t even texted me yet and you’re posting on a forum, hahaha.[/quote:3zmm4i4p]

    Kyle, Forbes is “that Canadian” guy who helped Bode at the Fresh Edge hockey camp a while back.


    in reply to: #5386
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Michael":2w1omsyo wrote:
    Also i believe you can put the Fireftp plugin on firefox which would be perfect for you Ryan.[/quote:2w1omsyo]

    That’s a good idea! I’ll try that.


    in reply to: #5484
    Ryan Hellyer

    Necro all the way!

    in reply to: #5482
    Ryan Hellyer

    Count me out.

    Playing checking with beginners is more like suicide IMO.


    in reply to: #5478
    Ryan Hellyer
    in reply to: #5408
    Ryan Hellyer

    [b:1lg3tg7x]Confirmation:[/b:1lg3tg7x] ALL games in the Erewhon Cup this year will be full-contact. Confirmation was from Marie Anderson (Erewhon Cup organiser).

    [size=4:1lg3tg7x][b:1lg3tg7x]EDIT: Oops, I messed up. See further down this topic for more info.[/b:1lg3tg7x][/size:1lg3tg7x]


    in reply to: #5404
    Ryan Hellyer

    Marie Anderson has confirmed that not all teams will go through to the semis and finals. But I still haven’t heard confirmation of the contact rules so I’ll email her back again and will post back here when I hear back from her or Peter.


    in reply to: #5371
    Ryan Hellyer

    Unless Jane plans to do things differently, then Joyce shouldn’t need to do anything for the DIHL anyway. Except maybe confirm ice time bookings.


    in reply to: #5476
    Ryan Hellyer

    [size=4:1va1mnt4][b:1va1mnt4]Looks like we’re not going then <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” />[/b:1va1mnt4][/size:1va1mnt4]



    in reply to: #5399
    Ryan Hellyer

    Damnit! Well I guess the Beasts aren’t going to the Erewhon Cup then <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” />


    in reply to: #5475
    Ryan Hellyer

    [size=4:33vzbv5h][b:33vzbv5h]In case anyone missed it:[/b:33vzbv5h][/size:33vzbv5h]

    "Ryan":33vzbv5h wrote:
    6/  Each team may only dress to play, 10 players and 1 goalie for each game. [/quote:33vzbv5h]


    in reply to: #5397
    Ryan Hellyer

    [float=right][img width=480 height=360]http://www.dunedinicehockey.hellyer.kiwi/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=579.0;attach=115;image[/img][/float][quote:1wckxnjq]1/  Each game shall consist of 3 periods of 15 minutes running time. The breaks between periods shall be no more than 2 minutes long. A 5 minute on ice warm-up shall be allowed for.

    2/  All games will be played under the current rules of the International Ice Hockey Federation unless specified in this document.

    3/  All Clubs competing must be financial members of the Southern Ice Hockey League and conform to its Constitution.

    4/  All players shall be financial members of their Club and of the New Zealand Ice Hockey Federation.

    5/  No player is to play for more than 1 Club in the EREWHON CUP competition.

    6/  Each team may only dress to play, 10 players and 1 goalie for each game. [/quote:1wckxnjq]

    (2) I take back what I said, women are indeed not allowed to compete in the Erewhon Cup, or at least not in the semi-finals and finals (assuming these rules are what they’re following).

    (3) No CIHA teams <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” />

    (5) So Dunedin players could form two teams from the same pool of players!? That’s a little weird.

    (6) Important information! Particular for the Beasts who I’m assuming would have turned up with a lot more than 11 players!


    in reply to: #5396
    Ryan Hellyer

    [quote:3p1y8r3b]If the semi-finals and FINAL are played on a rink with high boards full contact shall be
    permitted, otherwise mid-ice contact only will be played.[/quote:3p1y8r3b]

    I’m guessing the assumption from this is that the non semi-finals and finals will be non-checking as per what leftright said.


    in reply to: #5395
    Ryan Hellyer

    I received the following set of rules for the Erewhon Cup from Graeme Glass (NZIHF president), they’re actually from 2004, but he is suggesting them as suitable for the 2007 event. Erm, I’m not sure these are official, but I’m posting them anyway … Erewhon Cup Rules 2004 ยป[/url:1owhlb5v]

    Hopefully Peter Anderson can confirm.


    in reply to: #5393
    Ryan Hellyer
    "leftright":nf3m5vb7 wrote:
    Should the beasts reach the semi finals (unlikely)[/quote:nf3m5vb7]

    Pfft! The mighty Beasts are planning to demolish all opposition that comes our way <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />


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