Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #5192
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":11dlpkzn wrote:
    I would presume however that it’ll be on again next week.[/quote:11dlpkzn]

    According to Graham (leftright), the Sunday sessions are not an ongoing thing at the moment. If you don’t see news posted here saying otherwise, then it’s safe to assume it wont be on at this stage.


    in reply to: #5497
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Azzy77":2r7rtzf8 wrote:
    Probably cos stiff was dancing up a storm at the otago museum….

    who won?[/quote:2r7rtzf8]

    Red Devils won 8-2.


    in reply to: #5128
    Ryan Hellyer

    Both Megan and Blake played in the second game. Score was something like 6-3 to Dunedin, but that’s a guess, I’m not 100% sure.

    [b:1mb6m1or]Correction: [/b:1mb6m1or]score was 7-3 to Dunedin.


    in reply to: #5126
    Ryan Hellyer

    What was the A-team roster tonight? You seemed to have two extra players on the Jets team. And we (the Beasts) had Sam Smith?


    in reply to: #3072
    Ryan Hellyer

    Some of you may be wondering why the heck there is a Beasts button at the right hand side of the main menu of the site. This is only visible to Beasts members and is only there as a test to see what everyone thinks of the idea. The information page is a filler web page until someone designs a proper site for us. The information is editable via a bunch of posts in a seperate forum. The page can be skinned to look like anything we want so if a new “Beasts’ design is finalised, then it could be wrapped around the code generating the current content etc.

    If want to edit the web page, then just go into the “edit our web page” link and you can edit any of the posts in there. Don’t go adding any images, or using any strange formatting apart from [code:kl9z79ld][b]    and    [u]    and     [i][/code:kl9z79ld]as it’ll likely screw the layout up – feel free to fiddle with them, but they I haven’t designed the site to work with any other formatting options. The headings are controlled by the subject headings of the forum posts. If you add more posts, they won’t appear on the web page, if you want more posts (hence more headings) then you’ll need to send me the link to the post you want added. Ditto for images and image captions.

    Some of the posts are only viewable by non-Beasts members, as presumably we won’t care about half the stuff on there ranting about ourselves, but when you’re logged in it generates the latest forum posts from our forum with associated links and can have a news section, schedules bla bla bla.

    Feel free to tell me this is a stupid idea. I needed to test this concept out anyway and the Beasts are a useful test group <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #5489
    Ryan Hellyer

    Since we still didn’t have a goalie I’ve arranged for Sam Smith to fill in. He normally plays out, but he’s not too shabby in goal either and has done it lots of times before.


    in reply to: #4134
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":25z68ir6 wrote:
    This was a national sporting team however, not individuals. I don’t think players who represent their country in a sport should have to consider the question of “do I want to save some money for this trip to play for NZ, by selling pornographic images of myself?”, which is what they had to consider. It’s not a form of fundraising that everyone could front up for.

    And I was really surprised that NZIHF let them do it.[/quote:25z68ir6]

    Yeah, that is a bit odd. But it’s also possible the NZIHF knew nothing about it until it was too late. Or they may have just said “if we make some calendars can we sell them to make some profit for ourselves?” in which case they would have okayed it on the spot.

    I wonder if Mark will ask permission from the DIHA before we start selling our Beasts one? I bags the July spot, I’ve always considered July to be my prettiest month. Perhaps the Premier team should do the same? Stick Aaron on the front and they’ll sell like hot cakes <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />


    in reply to: #5410
    Ryan Hellyer

    [align=center:3p6mcjje][b:3p6mcjje][size=3:3p6mcjje]Alpine Springs and Spa Winter Park:[/size:3p6mcjje][/b:3p6mcjje]

    [b:3p6mcjje][size=3:3p6mcjje]Some photos from the construction[/size:3p6mcjje][/b:3p6mcjje][/align:3p6mcjje]

    in reply to: #4132
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Chris":2mxukze6 wrote:
    Be allowed to?

    I think our bullshit nanny state impinges n the rights of the individual more than enough as it is, without telling people who can take their kit off and for what purpose.[/quote:2mxukze6]

    Wow, for once I actually agree with Chris!? Perhaps we should make a Dunedin Beasts calendar to make our point?

    But yeah, that Ice Fernz calendar was pretty tacky. Hopefully they’ll never try that again!


    in reply to: #5118
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":3w5bm9q2 wrote:
    And, if you tell me your surname, we’ll get you on the scoresheet properly too.[/quote:3w5bm9q2]

    You’ve already got that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” /> It’s Forbes. First name Chris.


    in reply to: #5116
    Ryan Hellyer

    See you tomorrow then Forbes <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #4008
    Ryan Hellyer
    "battered_and_bruised":xjzondz9 wrote:
    Sorry Ryan for keeping you out of the loop for the midgets but we have other things on our minds like uni and figuring out what to do for game plans. Our midgets are usually well informed of the weekend events at practice on thursday nights, so they don’t use the website, and I bet the majority don’t even know it is around. As for you being kept out of the loop for prems, well our prems team has our own modes of communication. Not all of them have access to computers, so we have our own phone list which we use to get information to our team.

    Erm, it’s not that hard to add me to an email list.


    in reply to: #4006
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":2kjtni93 wrote:
    I got confirmation from Joyce last night that midgets house league isn’t on this Saturday. She got that from Tracy.[/quote:2kjtni93]

    Arghh! Well things are improving at least. The peewees, juniors, Beasts and DIHL are awesome at keeping me up to date which is great <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> Plus the SIHL is sending me information now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> Albeit they are often unaware that their own information is inaccurate.


    in reply to: #4004
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":3tbp59hi wrote:
    Thanks Ryan, we’ll shift the game forward an hour.[/quote:3tbp59hi]

    Er, I’m confused. How does Queenstown not coming to Dunedin effect the midget house league? So the league isn’t on? If so I need confirmation ASAP so I can post a news item about it.


    in reply to: #4002
    Ryan Hellyer
    "battered_and_bruised":18gmi6tq wrote:
    Spoke with Phil and Queenstown midgets are not coming so we do not have ay games on Saturday.[/quote:18gmi6tq]

    Kyle was refering to the midgets house league who do have a game, or at least they do according to the schedule



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