Ryan Hellyer

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  • in reply to: #5470
    Ryan Hellyer

    [float=right][size=4:2uffkp6p][b:2uffkp6p]Angry Bode[/b:2uffkp6p][/size:2uffkp6p]
    [img:2uffkp6p]http://www.dunedinicehockey.co.nz/ryan/angrybode.jpg[/img:2uffkp6p][/float]In a vain attempt to close the gap on Count Bodula I’m gunning for a late minute charge with my new attempt titled “Angry Bode”. This is also a useful reminder of what you will face if you miss practice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” />

    in reply to: #3074
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Chris":2zn03i2f wrote:
    Ryan, you turn me on….[/quote:2zn03i2f]

    Unsurprisingly really.

    "Chris":2zn03i2f wrote:
    P.S. Got my mac on monday, screen bummed out on tuesday, LOL[/quote:2zn03i2f]



    in reply to: #5518
    Ryan Hellyer

    Clive said he’ll request a game with the Beasts. Unfortunately it looks they’ll only be wanting two games, one for their A-team and one for their B-team.

    So presumably only one game against us.


    in reply to: #5517
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Crash":3r84pvj5 wrote:
    LOL as if that conversation wasn’t funny enough you just brushed all the work on to me.[/quote:3r84pvj5]

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt=";D” title=”Grin” />

    I’ve done my time as a team manager.

    "Crash":3r84pvj5 wrote:
    How many clubs are there in CHCH[/quote:3r84pvj5]

    There are four senior non-checking clubs, plus there some random teams floating round which aren’t members of any club I think. The Aardwolfs are the most organised of all the clubs. I suggest just leaving things to Clive to sort out, he’s pretty on to it and a darn good bloke to boot.

    "Crash":3r84pvj5 wrote:
    Plus it be good if we can get these games organized for when they are down then we can get 2 games against them or something. Before Kyle gets in on the act.[/quote:3r84pvj5]

    I’ll suggest to Clive that he specifically requests games against us. And yeah, two games would be nice.

    In case anyone needs to contact him directly here’s Clive’s email address:
    Clive Murphie


    in reply to: #5515
    Ryan Hellyer

    A rather long winded MSN message I just had (in fact am still having) with Clive Murphie the president of the Aardwolfs Ice Hockey Club.

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Evening Ruan, got your request re games here…….sounds great as our b and A greaders have been lamenting the fact that only better teams seem to travel and I’m sure we could sort a team out to play you…….

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    I am also organising our southern migration at the moment and we plan to be traveling either the 13th or 20th of August[/quote:3e2imyj9]

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    woops, was busy sorting out my power account

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    I have emails to Phil-Pielak Jones and Andy from the Jurassics in Qt at the moment

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    have got a weird spike in our usage!?

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    lol….its cold

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    yes, but we get free central heating in winter, so our cost should have dropped, not shot up

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    so what’s the ice time like?

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    sounds like our players are keen to come regardless of the time, but it’ll make it easier to bring the whole team if they’re not expecting to start playing at 1pm

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Hmm………after 11.15pm on friday night……..after 10.30 on Sat night

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    I’m guessing day time Sartuday or Sunday is out of the question?

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    just trying to figure out how to jam an extra game in there somewhere

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Probably you need to check with Jeannie I will dig up the email adress, she does the booking for the ice,

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    I’m also thinking that the Ice Pirates may not be coming as they havent contacted you guys yet and have not been answering my emails……..

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    hmm, a pity

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Yup sent an email to Phil PJ last night letting him know,

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    Is Jeannie an Aardwolf? Rink person or CIHA person? or other?

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Rink person, if you would prefer I can contact her as we deal alll the time, she is good at quick replies

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    whichever suits

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    I won’t be dealing with this myself, I’ll let our team management do that

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    Who do you recommend playing? Multiple games against Aardwolfs, or may some of the other clubs?

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    How about you check Ice time for us in dunedin on either the evening of the 13th or 20th August and I will chase up fro you here……

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    yep, no problem

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    Fridays are disco night, so might be quite late 10pm+ maybe

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Hmmmm…. ……after 11.15pm on friday night……..after 10.30 on Sat night

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    There is a group of syncro skaters use the ice from 10.30 to 11.00pm

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    on Friday that is …..clear after the public session on Sat

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Finals for the NZIHL are on the weekend of the 8th 9th Sept……………they will probably be in Chch

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    from what i hear about the games down south CHCH is the strongest team……

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    Ice time is available from 9pm on Monday 13th and 20th August

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    it may drop back to 8pm though

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    Sunday is probably free if you can make it then

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    and if it’s not, the schedule can probably flex to accomodate games with you

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    we hope to bring two teams one to play at your level one maybe a little higher…..

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    I would guess at stronger than the Uni Team though not a lot

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    the rink may end up charging us commercial rates, which would mean A. ice time would be about $200/hour instead of $150/hour, but it would also mean that the figure skaters could be kicked off and you could have the ice at 7pm.

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    they’re getting funny about letting us use club prices for visiting teams

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    We dont mind we pay $220 per hour anyway

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    Ah, that’s a useful thing to know too, my team wanted to know about that

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    Do you mind if I send our MSN conversation to my team? Saves me re-writing all your info again.

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    will check, it depends on how many lights we use…….we dont use the middle row sometimes which makes it cheaper

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    no worries

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    If you wanted to see the NZIHL games the 8th 9th Sept would be a good weekend to come up, the games here are usually 4.30-7.30pm

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    that’s a good idea!

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    I’m sure the NZIHL teams will be stoked to get to watch our games

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Cant Guarentee the finals will be here………..

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    only if Chch wins……..

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    As for teams to play against, I’m sure I could sort a couple of teams out, one Aardwolfs one the other a mix………

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    Sounds good 

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    I’ll see what my team says[/quote:3e2imyj9]

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    That way I can cotroll the level and it sould be a reasonably even game….much more fun[/quote:3e2imyj9]

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Ryan says:
    You’ll get a good chance to see how good we are since you’re coming to visit us beforehand. I’m assuming we’ll end up playing your B-team.[/quote:3e2imyj9]

    [quote:3e2imyj9]Clive says:
    Excellent………should make it even better……….Let me know as soon as you sort out dates and I will check Ice times………if the finals are here its even less likly that there will be any spare ice other than late at night.


    in reply to: #5469
    Ryan Hellyer
    "battered_and_bruised":26kwwox9 wrote:
    havn’t voted and I can still see the picture

    Cool, the server you had on must’ve crashed for a few mins or something.


    in reply to: #5464
    Ryan Hellyer

    You should be able to vote. I can’t think of any reason why not.
    Is anyone else having this problem?

    Also batter_and_bruised, the file you linked to seems to be gone? Or at least it was at 3pm today.


    in reply to: #5512
    Ryan Hellyer

    Ice time is about $350/hour I think plus referees about $40 per game.

    I’m assuming we wont be on the ice till 11pm at the earliest (could be wrong though) so 6 games could be tough as we’d be up till 3am playing if we only played on two nights. Or we could be playing in the morning, but I suspect they’ll be booked up from 8am onwards (may be 6 or 7am even) so we’d be having to get up damn early for that. Day time games are probably out of the question.

    Clive (Aardwolfs president) is a bit of a night owl, so we’ll probably not get a reply on the ice time availability till midnight.


    in reply to: #1888
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Michael":aginjzaj wrote:
    BTW I don’t know where your looking but the site says 1.0 transitional from where I’m sitting?[/quote:aginjzaj]


    I’ll post back about some of the stuff you’ve just mentioned later. I’ll hunt out some handy links explaining some of these issue for you.


    in reply to: #5510
    Ryan Hellyer

    Count me in. I’ll wing an email to Clive Murphie right now to see what ice time is available.

    The Aardwolfs in particular are definitely keen for us to come up and have asked me repeatedly to get Dunedin teams to travel up there.


    in reply to: #1886
    Ryan Hellyer

    I have one major question: Are you trying to market this to Dunedin locals? As I couldn’t see any indication on any pages apart from the about page that you are based here. If you’re trying to pick up Dunedin businesses then sticking the word Dunedin in the title and perhaps in an H2 tag somewhere near the top of the page would be  a good idea IMO. If you’re aiming for an international market then it’s probably okay as is.

    …. perhaps there should be mouseovers on the images which link to your portfolio, ie: the Bennu, Kings Life links etc.

    [code:2lk7w8dk]<div id=”preload”>
    <img src=”images/navMainOn.gif” alt=”main” />
    <img src=”images/navBrowseOn.gif” alt=”browse” />
    <img src=”images/navPortfolioOn.gif” alt=”portfolio” />
    <img src=”images/navArticlesOn.gif” alt=”articles” />
    <img src=”images/navAboutOn.gif” alt=”about” />
    <img src=”images/navContactOn.gif” alt=”contact” />
    <img src=”images/bannerOn.gif” alt=”banner” />
    <img src=”images/cssOn.gif” alt=”banner” />

    <img src=”images/xhtmlOn.gif” alt=”banner” />

    Huh? That’s silly, might as well wait for it to load normally. Even better, just concatenate the buggers and they’ll load a shitload faster.

    [code:2lk7w8dk]<h1><a href=”/portfolio/Bennu-Cafe-and-Bar/”>Bennu Cafe and Bar</a></h1>[/code:2lk7w8dk]

    Why are your customers as an H1? Shouldn’t you be pushing your own content instead of theirs? And where’s the H2s and H3s? Normal recommendation is to have H1 as your header, H2s for sub-headings, H3s for sub-headings of the H2s and so forth. Basically the stuff you want indexed the most should have the highest ranked heading, but you should still follow the general concept of headings flowing from one to another to keep search engines happy. Although there does seem to be some leeway on this (at least from Google anyway). There does seem to be some debate on this issue amongst SEO experts however, but the vague consensus is that following the logical flow is a good idea.

    It looks like you’ve got a bunch of pointless DIVs in there. If you choose outline block elements in the Firefox web developers toolbar you can see them quite clearly. Or at least I can’t see any use for them, but I could be wrong.

    [code:2lk7w8dk]<img src=”/images/sitemapCollapse.gif” alt=”collapse” />[/code:2lk7w8dk]

    That would be more semantically correct and SEO friendly as a background image of a block level element. Images are more likely to be indexed, but that’s not an image you want indexed. So best not as an IMG tag IMO.

    [code:2lk7w8dk]<div class=”clear”></div>[/code:2lk7w8dk]

    I haven’t checked so could be wrong, but I can’t see that this is going to do anything when it’s at the end of the page. There’s nothing left to clear way for!?


    A big can of accessibility worms there. Kyle was the one that convinced me this was a bad idea.

    I’ve tested the home page in IE5.5, IE6, IE7, Safari, Firefox2.0, Opera 9.10. Worked fine in all except IE5.5 and IE6 which didn’t recognise the +/- buttons in the sitemap, perhaps just don’t feed the javascript to IE6 and lower if you can’t fix that problem easily. IE5.5 looked quite messed up as the design hasn’t been setup to handle <ie6 margins, but personally I wouldn't give a shit as long as it's still viewable. I'm pretty sure a decent proportion of most websites are totally screwed up in <ie6 anyway … it is fixable however if you can be assed doing it.

    And one more minor issue: some keywords in a META tag wouldn’t go a miss. Yahoo still uses META tags for indexing purposes so it may have some effect, although Matt Cutts (Google blogger) says they’re that Google ignores them.


    [b:2lk7w8dk]EDIT:[/b:2lk7w8dk] I learned web design from critiquing other websites, so hopefully you’re not offended by my tearing it to shreds! I’ve become somewhat harsh in my critiques, particularly when people mention SEO/accessibility when they’re asking for review. I could give an equally long critique on dunedinicehockey.hellyer.kiwi but I can’t be assed fixing all the mistakes <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt=":P” title=”Tongue” /> mainly coz SEO isn’t majorly important to us, most of our REAL traffic will always come from direct access by our members. This forum in particular is a big pile of dog crap coding wise but I’m too lazy to re-theme the bugger.

    in reply to: #1885
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Michael":2qpcl1rt wrote:
    This is mainly to get google to re-index my site, but check it out any ways and let me know if you find any bugs.


    Nice design. I like the bright colours <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> And the textury pattern thingies in the buttons at the top look quite fancy.

    I’m not a big fan of the font though, it’s a little hard to read. Plus the images are all messed up. They should be way smaller than that. The home page is 138 kB which is way too big considering how small the graphics are.

    Also, don’t use XHTML1.1, don’t use GIFs, never use PXs for font-sizes and concatenate any images which aren’t expected to be useful in a Google image search.


    in reply to: #4740
    Ryan Hellyer
    Top ten worst domain names

    1. A site called “Who Represents” where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name – wait for it – is

    2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at

    3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

    4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

    5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power Generator company

    6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales:

    7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s always

    8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church . Their website is

    9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art designers, and their whacky website:

    10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe ? Try their brochure website at



    in reply to: #5461
    Ryan Hellyer

    Thanks. Olivia’s entry is now added to the poll.


    in reply to: #5129
    Ryan Hellyer

    [size=4:8k5q8lwn][b:8k5q8lwn]Scores from tonight:[/b:8k5q8lwn][/size:8k5q8lwn]

    [u:8k5q8lwn]Auckland University B vs Kings High School[/u:8k5q8lwn]

    [u:8k5q8lwn]Auckland University A vs Dunedin random team[/u:8k5q8lwn]

    Some internal issues within the Dunedin random team meant that Harrison and Zane didn’t play. Apparently some of their team mates told them they weren’t welcome just before they got on the ice!? Plus there were some extras on the team, Ryan O’Keefe, Nigel Dobson and another couple I think, not sure why.


Viewing 15 posts - 796 through 810 (of 1,900 total)