Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberEvent Notice and Planner for Cadbury Cup 2007 attached. Received from Phil Pielak-Jones via Joyce Miller.
Ryan Hellyer
Member1x hockey player still requiring transportation <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/undecided.gif" alt="
” title=”Undecided” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member[float=right][attach=1][/float]Here’s another mangling attempt of Bode by Olivia. This wont count for anything though as it’s past the voting date cut off.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":280bifhl wrote:It’d be much better if there was an online database of all games, including teams and referees![/quote:280bifhl]If a system for deal with that is built then it would be easy to integrate with my suggestion above.
Should I charge ahead and do this? Where should the menu item to access the referees page be? I can’t just keep adding main buttons to the menu as it’ll eventually blow out the side of the browser so I’m going to have start putting the links somewhere else, I’m just not sure where.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":iori72ey wrote:so I can get Ryan to maybe be make something similar to the beasts site for refs only.[/quote:iori72ey]I thought that was a dumb statement when I first read it, but I was wrong. At the moment the referees schedule is stored in crappy forum post stickied in the referees forum. But it would make much more sense to have that in a proper page, perhaps
For those of you who haven’t seen the Beasts page, it displays information about the team in general to non-Beasts and a seperate bunch of information which is served to Beasts teams (need to be logged in to the forum to see it). Whever anyone a Beasts logs into the forum, an extra button pops up on the main menu for accessing the Beasts page to find out the latest news, rosters for each game, schedules etc. Except no one has added any content yet … It also sticks links to the most recent Beasts forum topics on the page too (Beasts members only).
Ryan Hellyer
MemberSweet, so that’s 10 players now which is perfect <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Can we have a new rule? No recruiting extra random non-Beasts players when we have a perfect two lines or more?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHey Joe,
Are you aware of how difficult some of those latest photos you uploaded are to download? They’re being obfuscated amongst a bunch of Javascript to stop people downloading them. They’re still accessible, but it did take a minute or so of messing round with the source code trying to track down where the heck files were before I could copy them.Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
MemberOh heck, we have a tie <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/angry.gif" alt="
:(” title=”>:(” class=”bbcode_smiley” />” title=”Angry” />
The official rules of “Mangle Bode” now mean that we have to perform a “Mangle Off”! The two competitors who drew are required to mangle a certain picture and the best mangle job will be decided by Bode. The photo for the “Mangle Off” will be provided tomorrow evening by moi.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Joe":334kuk06 wrote:I see just a thin strip of the photo…
[/quote:334kuk06]Hmmm, try hitting refresh on your browser. That seems to work in Firefox2.0 at least.
I’d need to make sure it works properly before making it live of course.Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":2vetf0ud wrote:Just got an email from Steve and they are thinking of only playing the 2nd game[/quote:2vetf0ud]Huh? That’s pretty lame. So they’d default the first game?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":2bder2sj wrote:But it will have to be early because she wants to go to her mum’s place to get her gear. So 6.45ish arrghh.[/quote:2bder2sj]Her mum’s not that far from the rink (unless she’s moved recently). So 7:00pm pickup should be right I would’ve thought. 10 mins to her Mums place, 5 mins to rink, 30 mins spare to get ready in and 15 mins spare in case I’ve estimated it wrong <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Becky’s place is at the top of High St. I need a ride too, so if someone could pick me up I can give directions. Volunteer?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":3e8um1nt wrote:Have you talked to her I have just assumed so far I will text her now though
[/quote:3e8um1nt]Nup, haven’t spoken to her in over a week. I just assumed she was since you or Chris had changed the first post in this topic to say she’s playing both games.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Ryan":3rayn0e6 wrote:Perhaps we should meet, say before our first game on Sunday?[/quote:3rayn0e6]Stuff that! Our first game is at 8am, I’ll still be asleep then <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Perhaps after our games are over.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberSweet, Becky’s playing both games for us now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":3k9pn5h6 wrote:[color=green:3k9pn5h6]Ok thats going to be really early as game time is 8am and 9.30am[/color:3k9pn5h6]
[/quote:3k9pn5h6]Back to back? That’s pretty annoying. Any idea why they weren’t just scheduled on seperate days?
I’ll suggest to Joe that he takes the pics afterwards then.