Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHow ’bout something like this including some 360 degree panoramas?
So you would click on the part of the rink you want to view from, then it pops open a box with a panorama viewer? The link above gives a 3D view which is a bit beyond me, mainly because I don’t know how, but also because I’m sure it’s a hell of a lot of work to create. But a series of photos could have the same effect.
Getting a photo with a total view of the rink could be tricky without warping it radically with a fish eye lens or something, so perhaps if I cobbled a map together? Graham presumably has the plans for the rinks somewhere so I could even do it somewhat to scale.
Just an idea, lemme know what you think …
Ryan Hellyer
MemberSweet panorama. This one looks pretty nice too (it’s from Joe’s photo gallery as well).
[size=1:zjgq6nt2][i:zjgq6nt2]Click the image for the full-size version[/i:zjgq6nt2][/size:zjgq6nt2][/align:zjgq6nt2]Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
MemberLooks like the Ducks will probably be playing the Aardwolfs A-team. Phil emailed me asking me to ask Steve to ask the Ducks to play.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThanks Ryan W.
This one looks particularly spectacular. Is that Jaques flying over the top of the Canterbury player?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI talked with Phil in Alexandra yesterday. The only reason he told the Aardwolfs not to come on the Monday was because he didn’t think they’d want to play so late. So no problems on the Phil front at all.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’ve added the schedule for tomorrow to the top post of this topic.
[b:2dsfbxkk]And more importantly![/b:2dsfbxkk]
The Manorburn dam in Alexandra is frozen nice and solid at the moment <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> So we can go skating on it tomorrow, SWEEEEEETTT <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
For those of you who don’t know, the Manorburn is a big ass dam which freezes nice and solid and it’s only about 10 mins from the Alexandra ice rink <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> There’s some pics of it at in their natural ice reports.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberToo late
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":7qg28qbk wrote:If we want to play non-check then we could host another competition that doesn’t have anything to do with Erewhon.Why does Erewhon need to change to allow for non-check hockey?[/quote:7qg28qbk]
I agree. Separate competition would be best.
And Canterbury should be allowed to play, even if only to boost the numbers. This crap about the Erewhon Cup being ‘full-contact’ but ‘not really, coz you can just ask the other team to be nice’ is stupid IMO. If you allowed Canterbury to send a bunch of teams then there’d be no need to have teams which didn’t want to play contact in it at all. I don’t see any point in having rules which aren’t really rules coz they’re ignored anyway!?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1ql5dwg9 wrote:Private rate is $200/hour.[/quote:1ql5dwg9]Neil told me a while ago that private rates are flexible, depends on what time it is, who it is, etc. etc.
"Kyle":1ql5dwg9 wrote:If you get that amount of time for $400 you’re doing OK.[/quote:1ql5dwg9]I’m assuming he gave it to us that cheap because it’s so late at night. Ice time is unlikely to be used for anything else then anyway.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":fwbwy7n6 wrote:Its a checking competition on an outdoor rink…[/quote:fwbwy7n6]You could have the Erewhon Cup as the checking competition and another cup for non-checking I spose, would depend on how much ice time was available. I suspect Canterbury would send quite a few, so it may be a better idea in that situation to organise a seperate non-checking competition perhaps?
"Azzy77":fwbwy7n6 wrote:I guess another arguement is the hosting rights are meant to be shared between the clubs, so where would thye host an outdoor tournament in Canterbury, I know there are those frozen lakes abut are then any outdoor rinks.[/quote:fwbwy7n6]I guess it would just stay in Naseby, Alexandra or Tekapo then since they’re the only places with suitable outdoor rinks.
"Azzy77":fwbwy7n6 wrote:Whats the deal with tekapo is it in otago or Canterbury?
How come it comes under SIHL? The Albury club that is?
[/quote:fwbwy7n6]I ‘think’ Tekapo is not part of Canterbury. I’m guessing the southern region covers McKenzie country as well as Otago and Southland. I’m not sure on that though. It’s certainly on the border though.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":24lj691l wrote:Someone’s going to get in trouble. You should sort that out with Phil – all ice time bookings have to have the approval of the association.[/quote:24lj691l]No, that’s not true. Bookings made via the club at the club rate need to have approval of the association. This is a booking for the Aardwolfs Ice Hockey Club, not the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association. The Aardwolfs did the same thing when they came here the last time and received no complaints so I’m assuming it’s okay this time as well.
And yep, we’re paying private rates, $400 for 2.5 h. But it would have cost that much anyway as Neil said he wouldn’t allow the games to come under the DIHA pricing anyway.
"Kyle":24lj691l wrote:We should provide our own competent scorers however. It’s not a time that we should expect any of our normal scorers to turn up. Referees will probably be OK.[/quote:24lj691l]Do we need scorers at all? I can’t imagine anything will happen to the stats anyway. I was hoping whoever I got to ref would be happy to jot down the scores on the glass with a white board marker (or something like that).
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":zk8ovrox wrote:Seriously things should go through the club, especially if we are playing under their name….
Phil is pretty open to ideas, so if he thought there wasn’t good time to play them I for one believe him, [/quote:zk8ovrox]People are free to book whatever ice time they want. That’s what the Aardwolfs are doing. Beasts want to play them. DIHA don’t even have to be involved as far as I’m concerned. All we need is an extra team to compete against their A-team. Getting the DIHA involved is just a bonus. Hopefully they’ll/we’ll be happy with the plan.
PS: I’m also a member of the Aardwolfs, hence am booking the ice time under their name and the games are being organised by the Aardwolfs via me, as a member of their club.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI can offer a high quality NHL endorsed top quality Franklin Street Hockey T-shirt as a bonus prize <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> I’ll need to think about what it should be awarded for though …
Ryan Hellyer
MemberFor some reason Phil Pielak-Jones told the Aarwolfs not to come? Something about ice time not being available or something like that …
anyhows, that’s not correct according to Neil, there’s lots of ice time available … just requires playing quite late <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” /> …
So, I’ve booked in a private ice session for 10pm-12:30am Monday August 20. There will be a game between the Beasts and the Aarwolfs B-team and a game between another Dunedin team and the Aardwolfs A-team.
Any volunteers to pull together an A-team from Dunedin? Phantoms? Anyone?
Any opinions on which game should go first? B or A? Some of the Aardwolfs players will be playing in both games in case that affects your opinion on the matter.
Also, I’ve sent an email to Joyce requesting for the DIHA to can the powerskating for that day. Jenel is happy with that, but I haven’t heard anything back from the club yet. Hopefully that will be possible, as a 10pm start is definitely stretching it for some people. The Aardwolfs are happy with a 10pm start (they’re used to it in ChCh) but I suspect some of our local players will be a tad perturbed by it.
PS: Before you ask, no, the Aardwolfs trip can’t be moved. They asked the DIHA for information about when to come a few weeks back and didn’t hear anything back so they asked me about what times were available and I told them Monday nights were indeed available. So that’s when they’re coming. It fits in good with the rest of their trip.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":2rllw9nk wrote:I added a superior option to your poll by the way.[/quote:2rllw9nk]I don’t get it. All I see is something about those silly little ref persons who think they control the game in some way <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />