Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Michael":9oy0tq76 wrote:Well due to my current host sucking there ip range has been black listed by my regular torrent tracker.[/quote:9oy0tq76]Man, that sucks! But I guess that’s what you get for a $50/month server <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Where are you thinking of getting the new server from?
EDIT: and where did you get the old one from? $49 is crazy cheap for a 1 TB/month server.Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYou’d have them sent as a package, so the pucks would just be adding to the total weight, not the size. Doesn’t look Hockey Giant have cheap pucks anyway (haven’t checked hockey monkey), prices start at US99c each which isn’t particularly cheap.
Cost for transporting 100 pucks via Fedex is US$366. Cost for the pucks is US$89.
So $455 for 100 pucks, or $4.55, that’s more expensive than SK8 so no point really <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="” title=”Sad” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberEr, why not just ask everyone instead of just the Beasts?
I’d like some pucks, although it’ll depend on how much the shipping for them is though.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":3laak44h wrote:You might recognise that Albury player on the left at the front there Ryan. He’s a Sniper.[/quote:3laak44h]Yeah, I recognise him. I’ve played with him/against him before. I forget his name but I think he’s an ex NZ inline rep. If it’s who I think it is, then he’s from Blenheim originally.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWho are the maroon coloured team?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberVideo footage from the dam:,
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’ve shunted a bunch of posts from here into a separate topic:
Ryan Hellyer
[size=1:2ujr643j]Sarah looking considerably less graceful on my hockey skates[/size:2ujr643j][img:2ujr643j]×480/kara1.jpg[/img:2ujr643j]
[size=1:2ujr643j]Kara posing in the bottom basin[/size:2ujr643j][img:2ujr643j]×480/jane1.jpg[/img:2ujr643j]
[size=1:2ujr643j]Jane posing in the bottom basin. The photos of the dam (see above) were taken from behind the tree in the top right corner of this shot.[/size:2ujr643j][/align:2ujr643j]Ryan Hellyer
[size=1:360ebc5n]Sandra, Jane and Keith[/size:360ebc5n][img:360ebc5n]×480/nickbenstephaniehockey.jpg[/img:360ebc5n]
[size=1:360ebc5n]Nick, Ben and Stephanie playing some pond hockey[/size:360ebc5n]
[size=1:360ebc5n]Sarah looking very graceful on her figure skates[/size:360ebc5n][/align:360ebc5n]Ryan Hellyer
[size=1:3jncxi6v]Sarah trying to pretend she doesn't prefer hockey to figure skating[/size:3jncxi6v]
[size=1:3jncxi6v]Jane's rather disastrous shoot the duck attempt[/size:3jncxi6v][img:3jncxi6v]×480/kara2.jpg[/img:3jncxi6v]
[size=1:3jncxi6v]Kara's cheesy grin when thinking about the dam we were about to reach![/size:3jncxi6v][/align:3jncxi6v]Ryan Hellyer
MemberConvoy #1
[size=1:20dx7g40]Ryan, Sarah and Jane[/size:20dx7g40][img:20dx7g40]×480/kararyanjane.jpg[/img:20dx7g40]
[size=1:20dx7g40]Kara, Ryan and Jane[/size:20dx7g40][img:20dx7g40]×480/sarahjanekara2.jpg[/img:20dx7g40]
[size=1:20dx7g40]Sarah, Jane and Kara[/size:20dx7g40][/align:20dx7g40]Ryan Hellyer
Member[size=3:hhgpwc90][b:hhgpwc90]Results from Erewhon Cup 2007[/b:hhgpwc90][/size:hhgpwc90]
[size=1:hhgpwc90][i:hhgpwc90]Supplied by Joyce Miller[/i:hhgpwc90][/size:hhgpwc90]Queenstown Rangers 15 Albury Kings 0
SIHL Women 8 Maniototo 4
Dunedin Premiers 11 Gore 0
Queenstown B 6 Dunedin Old Bastards 4
Albury Kings 2 Maniototo 2
Queenstown Rangers 12 SIHL Women 0
Dunedin Premiers 8 Dunedin Old Bastards 4
Queenstown B 7 Gore 3
Albury Kings 1 SIHL Women 0
Queenstown Rangers 17 Maniototo 0
Dunedin Premiers 4 Queenstown B 1
Dunedin Old Bastards 7 Gore 1[b:hhgpwc90]Play Off games:[/b:hhgpwc90]
Queenstown Rangers 15 Queenstown B 2
Dunedin Premiers 9 Albury Kings 0[b:hhgpwc90]Final:[/b:hhgpwc90]
Queenstown Rangers 8 Dunedin Premiers 1[i:hhgpwc90]Full statistics coming soon[/i:hhgpwc90]
Ryan Hellyer
MemberFootage of the overtime game winning goal of the Cadbury Cup is now posted in the videos gallery. Not exactly the most thrilling part of the game, but it’s the only part I’ve got footage of at the moment
Ryan Hellyer
MemberNew video footage from the recent Dunedin Premiers vs Gore Grizzlies game is now available for download …
I encoded this video using a different codec than the rest of the videos here on the site, so if you have any troubles viewing the footage then please let me know so I can find a more suitable codec.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYeah, I’d REALLY like to get the footage posted but Harrison has the charger for his camera (which I shot the footage on) and I need to get it off of him before I can download the video. He didn’t receive my text message and he doesn’t seem to check his email ever so if anyone gets a chance, please remind him to bring the charger next Thursday or even better get it to me before then some how.