Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"rookie#19":8a46zcqf wrote:I thort u lifted ur back foot when your front foot was over the blueline anyway[/quote:8a46zcqf]That’s quite possible/probably.
Ryan Hellyer
Member[b:2a29rqkg]Comparison:[/b:2a29rqkg] doesn’t look too shabby for US$6.99/mo INCLUDING one domain name … Unlimited sites, 50 MySQL databases, 300 GB storage space, CPanel, php4 and 5 etc …
I’ve read good things about Bluehost, it seems like a good option for low traffic sites like ours and is US$3/mo cheaper than my Hostgator account. But people seem to have problems if they’re running lots of scripts as they keep exceeding their processor usage limit, but I doubt either of us would have that happen unless we start running some WAY busier sites.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":2lu986sa wrote:Do you think Hostgator is significantly better for the price?[/quote:2lu986sa]Yes, but since Zettahost is half the price you’re probably better of with something like that. No point paying a fortune for something you aren’t going to use. One problem you may encounter could be running out of space as I see they’ve only given you 10 MB per database. I’m currently using 50 MB, although I think most of that is taken up with photos for the SMF gallery, the forum posts aren’t using up much at all – I think (haven’t checked).
I see they let you use four domains with the US$4.99/mo Zettahost account, does that mean you can host four sites off the same account? Or does it just let you point four domains to the one site?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":21jsjct5 wrote:My understanding is if you are coming from inside the zone, you have to cross the blue line on the neutral zone side, with one foot, going onto the line isn’t enough to consider yourself re-onside.The way I think about it, not that I have to much being stuck in my own little blue area all the time, is which ever side you are approaching you have to cross the far side of the blue line to enter/exit depending on what way you are approaching from
Hence entering you can hang on the blue line, and be fine.
But exiting you have to get a foot back into the neutral zone before you can reenter
[/quote:21jsjct5]Er, I’m not sure I follow that. So was I in the wrong or in the right?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberNup, you can use one database for as many things as you want.
Databases use tables and WordPress and SMF both use a table each, so as long as they’re using different table names you’re sweet. Which they do by default anyway.
What the hell hosting are you using that doesn’t support unlimited databases? I hope you didn’t pay too much for it.
PS: My test site for this site on WordPress …
PSS: Of course it won’t look anything like that when/if I actually use it for the main site!Ryan Hellyer
Member[b:3vmjri8h]Just to reiterate here coz I’m not sure it’s obvious from my above post:[/b:3vmjri8h]
I was in the zone initially, then headed back up to the blue line, crossed one foot plus the puck over it and my other foot may have crossed on to the blue line but not over it and then I went back in.This isn’t just a case of me skating the puck in initially, members of my own team were in the zone at the time. So the question is really “what constitutes leaving the zone”, rather than “what constitutes an off-side”.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":3ei23i7r wrote:Though I thought you were well offside, if yours was the shot when Stefan was standing in front of the net and the whistle went off before the puck went in. By about a foot.[/quote:3ei23i7r]My right foot was definitely over the blue line, but I think my left foot may have brushed on to it, but it definitely didn’t go over. Players on the bench reckoned my left foot didn’t even touch the blue line though, but I’m not 100% sure myself as I was just concentrating on what I was doing and assumed I could skate on the blue line. The puck was definitely out by at least a foot, probably more though.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWell one good thing came out of this. I learned that the ‘skating on the blue line’ concept only applies if the puck wasn’t already over the blue line. My goal wasn’t allowed because of it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” /> I always thought you weren’t off-side as long as you have at least a foot on the blue line – oh well, lesson learned.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":3cpvs73s wrote:Actually, you said it was $26 for a 4-8 person dorm. That doesn’t imply, prima facie, $26 per person
[/quote:3cpvs73s]Ah, I see. Well fingers crossed it’s $26 per eight person dorm. So only $3.25 each <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
Well their best player is Jacques, but he’s playing in goal tomorrow which will make our job somewhat easier.
Their next best player is Paris Heyd, then Stefan and Jenel. Then there’s a BIG step down to the likes of Rane, Kyle, Harrison, Zane, Zanzee, Phil etc.
That’s roughly about where the DIHL A-grade sits, albeit there are usually a few shit players thrown in to the mix as well which Kyle doesn’t have on the team we’re playing tomorrow night. But then they have Jacque in goal so I spose that’s why the bottom end has been pruned off.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":2ukte0mv wrote:The 4-8 bed dorm is $26 [i:2ukte0mv]per person[/i:2ukte0mv], si?
[/quote:2ukte0mv]Yep, that’s what I said.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":2n5aehop wrote:Why would he tell you not to pay some of those costs? Theoretically, all historical costs should now be correct. Have you paid money to someone for fuel that you haven’t told me about?[/quote:2n5aehop]He said that the Beasts stopped doing the sharing fuel costs thing after the Queenstown tournament.
I can’t remember if I paid him for Gore and Alex or not, but don’t worry about that. If I have I’ll just get the money back off of him. Or he’ll tell you to take the fuel out of your calcs (probably not though). He told me this on our way out of Alexandra I think.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberBase Backpackers in the square is pretty cool – formally the “Star Times Backpackers”. Although being in the middle of the square it’s a little on the pricey side.
"Base Backpackers hostel":126kxl1i wrote:4-8 bed dorm $26[/quote:126kxl1i]For cheap accommodation there is the Riccarton Motor camp …
[html][/html]Ryan Hellyer
MemberMy $78.62 is now paid. Although Mark told me not to pay some of those fuel costs. But I’ve paid them anyway so depending on what he says I may be in credit now.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":hcb8lgo1 wrote:The Christchurch games have now been added to the accounts based on the provisional team list in Andy’s post. This is the best estimate I can offer at this stage.[u:hcb8lgo1]Please note that if the number of players changes, the cost-per-capita will change. Additionally, fuel costs are unknown at the present time, so they will not yet appear.[/u:hcb8lgo1][/quote:hcb8lgo1]
Why don’t we just guesstimate the costs for these events on the high side then roll the profits through to the next event? That way we know exactly what we’re paying in advance (hence can pay in advance) instead of messing round with sorting out how much we owe afterwards. Seems like a lot less hassle for everyone – including you (no messing round chasing people for money).