Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberJoyce has replied and confirmed that it is an error on our end. Nationals schedule is as posted and beginners practices will be moved forward to a later time. I haven’t heard exactly what time but I’m guessing immediately after the last Nationals games.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":jyuv3jic wrote:Why did you email the NZIHF and SIHl secretaries, they will think we don’t have a clue how to run things properly. The appropriate action would have been to email Joyce, then get her to clarify the times with the NZIHF and SIHL if need be….I hope you only asked them to confirm the times, and not told them off for double booking, because that would be a bad look[/quote:jyuv3jic]I just emailed them to check if there was an updated schedule I was missing that’s all. And no I haven’t told anyone off for double booking, I don’t even know who it is that’s double booked anyway. Susan Dale (SIHL secretary) said that the schedule I have is the current one so there’s probably been a mess up at our end. And I did email Joyce, but haven’t heard back hence broadened my search for an answer, seems reasonable to me.
I’m also officially hosting the SIHL website on here too, so there’s nothing inappropriate about contacting the SIHL secretary with errors, she regularly sends me corrections and vice versa, ditto with the NZIHF web admin who I also sent the email to.
"Azzy77":jyuv3jic wrote:This is hardly a double booking, the nationals have to be held over weekends to allow people to travel to play them[/quote:jyuv3jic]I’m not sure how it can’t be a double booking, the beginners practice is sposed to be on Sundays, if it isn’t then we should be told, pretty simple really. Actually, maybe you’re meaning there’s not a double booking with the rink, in which case you are most likely correct. What I meant was, there’s a double up in the schedules.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’ve emailed the NZIHF and SIHL secretaries to find out what the deal is. We do have 1x professional hockey coach who has been told to turn up at 6pm on Sunday night to coach the adult beginners though so someone has screwed up somewhere along the line.
Perhaps we should suggest to the DIHA that someone is put in charge of organising ice times until we get some sort of automated system up and running? Joyce is currently doing the bookings with Neil, but we really need someone extra to oversee what gets booked in at what time and to ensure there are no double bookings like this.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberAdult beginners practice is definitely on this Sunday at 6pm and I assume the week after as well. I’m guessing it’s just an error in the Nationals schedule.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"leftright":v2s0g8co wrote:Bottom line is if you want to improve join the club and come to regular practices ( like Christchurch school kids do) or book some wierd late time after everyone else has finished.[/quote:v2s0g8co]If all the school kids came along to the intermediate and advanced practices we’d get inundated though, so some age group sessions would be handy, much like with the powerskating.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":1vc027r8 wrote:Prems (Penguins) are playing te southern juniors at 7.15[/quote:1vc027r8]7:00pm according to Bode who has just filled me in on some schedule changes I haven’t been sent and are about to post in the latest news.
It’s not the premier team though, but the players from the advanced practice which is normally held at 9pm.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’ve sent an email to the DIHA committee pointing out the schedule error. Hopefully someone will know what to do.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1hvztf4x wrote:Ryan. How do you move a news item off the home page? The list of items there is really long, as some of it isn’t so much news anymore, as history.Move it to the administration forum, news archive?
[/quote:1hvztf4x]Move it to the news archive but don’t leave a message saying it’s moved (untick the box).
And yeah, the list tends to get a bit long at times. Depends how busy I am as to whether I get round to moving them or not so feel free to move them yourself.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":3peh5bf3 wrote:I really freaken enjoy it when i get off the ice to find all the Beasts jerseys scattered everywhere[/quote:3peh5bf3][b:3peh5bf3]In case my methods are of any value …[/b:3peh5bf3]
I usually ask people to hand their jerseys directly back to me and I tick them off a list as they come in. That way I know each jersey has been returned and I don’t have to go chasing people for them. Then I send people unpleasant emails when I’m missing one <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="” title=”Tongue” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":2366bhab wrote:LOL @ The Force! I’m no Jedi, I’m a Stormtrooper! TK-421 to be precise. Why am I not at my post? Good point, why [b:2366bhab]aren’t[/b:2366bhab] I at my post?Anyways, you’re already $38.98 in credit, you want me to pump that up to $158.98?
[/quote:2366bhab]Yep. Should cover me quite a while hopefully. I can’t be assed paying you all the time, easier to just have the cash sitting there in credit. It’ll just sit in my bank account waiting to be blown on hockey games anyway.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":dmepnbhy wrote:Accounts updated. Ryan, biarch, give me your account number!
[/quote:dmepnbhy]What for? I asked you to credit my Beasts balance.
[i:dmepnbhy]EDIT: actually on re-reading my post I see that I didn’t actually say that, but it was what I was meaning. Please use the force to determine my thoughts next time.[/i:dmepnbhy]
If you feel like randomly sending me money for being such an all round awesome person, then please deposit money in $500 lumps into the following account:
Ryan Hellyer
National Bank
06 0909 0253501 00cheers,
RyanRyan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":1qk21630 wrote:Let the guy sign up for dihl, hes canadian we can’t let him wait four months to play hockey,
from indications on Sunday I am sure there is enough space for him, besides its not like he blatantly just didn’t sign up cos hes lazy like a lotta people, he didn’t know about it….
[/quote:1qk21630]I assumed since Jane hadn’t asked for more players that all the spots were filled.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"mario66":14zhz6wu wrote:Hey my name is John i’m a good canadian boy how is looking for a bit of ice time. Can someone set me up with a time when you guys play. I have my skates but no equipment. Can anyone help me out?? Cheers.[/quote:14zhz6wu]Welcome to the forum <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Thursday night would be a good time to turn up. 8pm is an intermediate level practice and at 9pm is an advanced practice. If you post back with a rough guide to what experience you have we may be able to point you in the direction of which practice to turn up to. From there we’ll be able to get an idea of what level you are at and which competition you should enter.
The Dunedin Ice Hockey League (DIHL) registration is over for 2007 unfortunately, so you’ll need to wait till next year to join. Although there is the option to play as a drop-in player in the leagues. See the DIHL page for more information …
Other than that, there’s the occasional scrimmage held which is posted in this very topic.
Oh yeah, and we have lots of equipment lying round, mostly complete junk, but there should be enough ratty bits of gear to stop you getting totally munched during games. Just stop by the equipment shed before practice and someone will be able to help you out. If there’s no one in the equipment shed or you don’t know where it is then just ask anybody who looks vaguely like they know what’s going and they should be able to point you in the right direction.
RyanRyan Hellyer
Member"anotherdevil":i4y6lp50 wrote:i need a neck guard. the club keeps losing theirs, and i don’t fancy getting smacked in the neck :p so could i get a look at it?
[/quote:i4y6lp50]What for? I didn’t think goalies wore them.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":1dq81l3a wrote:Gee Ryan I should get $40 for refereeing that last game by myself
[/quote:1dq81l3a]Nup, I offered $20 for reffing, $10 for lining and charged the teams accordingly.