Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThe word from Clive is that we can take guests along for mini-golf too. Time will be ~11am on the Saturday morning. Guests can play for free too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
He’s keen for us to drag along as many people as possible as he considers it free advertising for his business. So invite any friends or family you have in Christchurch to come join us for the Beasts team mini-golfing extravaganza.
PS: I’ll get back to you on the accommodation side of things Andy.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWow! Lots of movement on the ice rink front at the moment …
Link courtesy of Clive Murphie[/url:2dg9m03g].
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":3d3fvqac wrote:Ryan Hellyer
Member[b:i9bmf48p]Random stuff you find on Bebo![/b:i9bmf48p]
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHere’s a much larger version of the same video. I’m having troubles getting this to stream properly so it may be a little jerky on occasion until the video has fully downloaded.
[align=center:izh7df7d][b:izh7df7d]Video of todays game between the Southern Knights and Auckland Peewees[/b:izh7df7d]
This text will be replacedvar so = new SWFObject('','mpl','640','480','7');
Ryan Hellyer
This looks like the place … doesn’t seem to be anything on their website about a skating rink though.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":l1rwt3tj wrote:So I’m guessing this is why you did not know about the schedualing.
[/quote:l1rwt3tj]I don’t follow.
No one knew about the scheduling, that was why I’ve been asking about it.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":3gb124ca wrote:So did they have strippers and boos at the schedualing meeting?
[/quote:3gb124ca]Yes, it was very exciting.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":3a8ouew5 wrote:Maybe if Ryan went to more then 2 meeting this year, he wouldn’t have this problem…and the ice times were booked since the start of the year when the SIHL schedual came out…Didn’t Ryan put that on his calender as well? Just a thought…[/quote:3a8ouew5]I’m not sure what your point is there.
I shouldn’t need to go to a meeting to find out a schedule and it wasn’t discussed at any of them anyway so it’s a moot point. And no the SIHL schedule did not have game times on it and I’ve never said I’d deal with schedules anyway, just that I’d post them and assume that they’re accurate.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1x4tqa6q wrote:Southern vs Auckland Juniors – was 5 minutes in when I had to leave, Southern were 1 down, but looking OK.[/quote:1x4tqa6q]Score ended up being 8-0 or so I think.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":15u90a2s wrote:told ya <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” /> should have bet some money![/quote:15u90a2s]
Yes you should have! As I would be richer because of it!
Phil Pielak-Jones has now told me that beginners practice will be going ahead at the regular time but on the curling rink instead. Hopefully that’s the final decision.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWhat a shock! DIHA forgot to inform it’s members about something important <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
And yeah, how the heck did you hear about that Chris?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWow, we’re actually solvent for once! Albeit only coz a few of us are in quite a bit of credit at the mo.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberCool. I don’t need to do anything anymore <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Just leave the news posts to build and they magically disappear <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Thanks Kyle <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
I hadn’t noticed how old and pointless some of those posts were till I read through what you had moved!
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":2btkalqc wrote:Joyce may have already been aware of this, Jenel may have been aware of this and seeing as she is playing with the women in two weeks I am sure that she at least is aware of the situation that week … Have you asked them?[/quote:2btkalqc]I contacted both of them, but they’ve both said the opposite of the other, so I’m taking Joyce’s answer as the correct one.