Ryan Hellyer

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 526 through 540 (of 1,900 total)
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  • in reply to: #5619
    Ryan Hellyer

    Do we have a schedule for leaving Christchurch?

    I’m currently (half assedly coz I’m not sure if it’ll work) trying to organise an inline hockey game against the Christchurch Redbacks which would probably be at about 10am on the Sunday morning. If I can get four Beasts players, throw in a few ex-Dunedinites and chuck some wheels on Neil I’d have a team <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” /> There is one damn good ex-Dunedin Aces member (John Thomsen) living in ChCh now who could hike our level up to Redbacks level by himself.


    in reply to: #6652
    Ryan Hellyer
    "anotherdevil":38gio01x wrote:
    i think i can play if they need a goalie


    More important is that WE need a goalie.


    in reply to: #6662
    Ryan Hellyer

    Thanks for the input so far. It looks like 480×360 is the preferred resolution. However the example above seems to be jittering even on fast connections. So I’ve uploaded a new file, same resolution, but lower bit rate (500 instead of 768 kbps) and with a slightly lower audio quality (quite shitty instead of just shitty quality). The new example shows up more compression errors, but should load silky smooth even on crappy 256K connections.

    Lemme know if you think it’s okay or if I should bump up or drop down the bit rate.


    PS: I’ll still probably add the occasional full res. mega high bit rate versions for small/popular clips. I just can’t be bothered doing multiples of each one as it takes quite a while to encode and upload them all.

    [align=center:zz2pgy76][size=3:zz2pgy76][b:zz2pgy76]New encoding, 480×360, 500kbps, 25 fps[/b:zz2pgy76][/size:zz2pgy76]

    Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.

    var so = new SWFObject(”https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/wp-content/plugins/wordtube/mediaplayer.swf&#8221;, “40”, “480”, “360”, “7”, “#FFFFFF”);
    so.addVariable(”file”, “https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/wp-content/uploads/nationals07womens_2_480x360_25fps_500bps_32bps.flv”&#041;;
    so.addVariable(”image”, “”);
    so.addVariable(”overstretch”, “true”);
    so.addVariable(”showdigits”, “true”);
    so.addVariable(”showfsbutton”, “true”);
    so.addVariable(”callback”, “https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/wp-content/plugins/wordtube/wordtube-statistics.php”&#041;;
    so.addVariable(”backcolor”, “0x000000″);
    so.addVariable(”frontcolor”, “0xaaaaaa”);
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    so.addVariable(”volume”, “80”);
    so.addVariable(”bufferlength”, “5”);
    so.addVariable(”width”, “480”);
    so.addVariable(”height”, “360”);
    so.addVariable(”fullscreenpage”, “https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/wp-content/plugins/wordtube/fullscreen.html”&#041;;
    so.addVariable(”fsreturnpage”, “https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/2007/08/24/nzihf-nationals/”&#041;;
    so.addParam(”allowfullscreen”, “true”);


    in reply to: #5618
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Chris":2bloiuwy wrote:
    In the spirit of getting our shit together …

    I plan to do what I’m told – preferably the cheapest option.

    But … if it fits in with the transportation, it would be useful if I could bring a blonde russian tennis player with me as she’ll likely be going to Christchurch to hang out with her Canadian ginger hockey playing boyfriend that weekend.


    PS: Chris, you are [size=4:2bloiuwy][b:2bloiuwy]NOT[/b:2bloiuwy][/size:2bloiuwy] allowed to bring my mum with you.

    in reply to: #5225
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Chris":3b8exxn9 wrote:
    I’m bringing Ryan’s mum

    ? ? ? what the ? ? ?

    Anywhos, gimme a text if you need her address to pick her up.


    in reply to: #6663
    Ryan Hellyer

    Welcome to the forum Weemac15, whoever you may be <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt=":)” title=”Smiley” />


    in reply to: #6561
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Scotty":wtrm4h84 wrote:
    Hey guyz, my first post! anyway I would just like to thank the refs that were in Dunners for the Nationals in the weekend for giving me the chance to ref and line a couple of games. Its more than I could have eva expected.
    Scotty <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt=";D” title=”Grin” />

    I thought I saw you! Then decided it can’t have been you because you said you weren’t coming. Sorry if I ignored you <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt=":(” title=”Sad” />


    in reply to: #5611
    Ryan Hellyer

    Count me in. Can’t be assed working out accomodation with anyone else.


    in reply to: #5222
    Ryan Hellyer

    Nope. The National champs are on tonight. If there isn’t a notice here and there isn’t a notice on the home page then it’s safe to assume that no game is on.


    in reply to: #6659
    Ryan Hellyer

    [align=center:1z7gvalz][size=3:1z7gvalz][b:1z7gvalz]Video footage of most of the third period.[/b:1z7gvalz][/size:1z7gvalz]


    Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.

    var so = new SWFObject(”https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/wp-content/plugins/wordtube/mediaplayer.swf&#8221;, “40”, “320”, “240”, “7”, “#FFFFFF”);
    so.addVariable(”file”, “https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/wp-content/uploads/nationals07womens_320x240.flv”&#041;;
    so.addVariable(”image”, “”);
    so.addVariable(”overstretch”, “true”);
    so.addVariable(”showdigits”, “true”);
    so.addVariable(”showfsbutton”, “true”);
    so.addVariable(”callback”, “https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/wp-content/plugins/wordtube/wordtube-statistics.php”&#041;;
    so.addVariable(”backcolor”, “0x000000″);
    so.addVariable(”frontcolor”, “0xaaaaaa”);
    so.addVariable(”lightcolor”, “0xffffff”);
    so.addVariable(”volume”, “80”);
    so.addVariable(”bufferlength”, “5”);
    so.addVariable(”width”, “320”);
    so.addVariable(”height”, “240”);
    so.addVariable(”fullscreenpage”, “https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/wp-content/plugins/wordtube/fullscreen.html”&#041;;
    so.addVariable(”fsreturnpage”, “https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/2007/08/24/nzihf-nationals/”&#041;;
    so.addParam(”allowfullscreen”, “true”);


    in reply to: #6647
    Ryan Hellyer

    I’ll pass sorry.

    I’ve been getting a bit away gamed out lately.


    in reply to: #6630
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Kyle":5s3sw2zc wrote:
    I spoke to the owner yesterday.

    It is indeed true, he closed it in over the summer, and it won’t be melted this summer.

    When I saw it the other day it had glass windows. Will they be staying? Doesn’t seem like the most effective insulation.

    This is great news for Queenstown hockey players.


    in reply to: #6628
    Ryan Hellyer

    And another tidbit of rink information. The grapevine is saying that the Queenstown rink will be open all year round from now on. Anyone heard about this yet? Or is it just rumour?


    in reply to: #6638
    Ryan Hellyer
    "Crash":pp1wgsbc wrote:
    They have ice all year round now[/quote:pp1wgsbc]

    Weird. Are they closing in the walls or something? Seems like they’d need some more insulation to keep that place frozen in the summer. Although I noticed they’ve got windows instead of netting around the rink now which should keep the cold in a bit.


    in reply to: #6636
    Ryan Hellyer

    When and how many games?


Viewing 15 posts - 526 through 540 (of 1,900 total)