Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Janey":1lskwedc wrote:I am havin such issues with the computers here at tech half of them wont open my exel stuff and the other half dont work at all
and then there is the case that EVErYONE ELSE is using them so there are none free..
[/quote:1lskwedc]Come see me then. I have a computer and have the night off so can help you with some of this stuff if you want.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Jono_":39dnooff wrote:An e-mail or something may have been nice. Was one sent and i just didn’t get it?[/quote:39dnooff]I don’t think an email has been sent. Or at least if there was, I haven’t received it myself. Jane seems a little swamped at the moment so I’m guessing that’s why no one has been told. If you know anyone else who is playing it would be handy if you could let them know too.
"Jono_":39dnooff wrote:I’m really not very good so could have played B grade i think, but i assume its too late now?[/quote:39dnooff]A assume the teams are fixed now, but Jane will know for sure.
"Jono_":39dnooff wrote:So what is the go? Is something happening on Tuesday nights for those of us who signed up and paid? Any social game or something? An update from someone who knows stuff would be great.[/quote:39dnooff]That requires someone to organise it. Presumably if something is organised it’ll be posted here and you’ll get an email from whoever is organising it.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberActually, this should have been on that list as well:
[b:190td7oh]Option Five: Take a van, two cars and no Daria – maybe jam Daria in if people don’t mind snugging up in one of the cars[/b:190td7oh]
Van – leaving 12’ish
1 Mark
2 Jason
3 Nick
4 Callan
5 Ryan
6 Tim
7 Estelle
Chris’s Rav4 and trailer – leaving 12’ish
1 Chris
2 Rob
3 Neil
4 Andy
Michael’s car – leaving 4’ish
1 Michael
2 Mike’s woman
3 Jane
4 JulianRyan Hellyer
MemberHere’s some options I figured out.
Option One is cheapest, Option Three is most expensive … according to my highly inaccurate guestimation of the costs. Feel free to critique <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Oh yeah, the names have just been randomly allotted, I’m not suggesting those as actual groups, they’re entirely arbitrary.
Personally I’d go for the cheap, jamming in like sardines approach (option one) but I suspect some people are more picky about these things. Five people to a car isn’t that tight IMO – assuming there’s enough room in Chris’s trailer for the hockey gear and the cars going up have decent sized boots. This is also assuming that Mike doesn’t mind squishing an extra person in. Option two is more expensive but leaves those in cars with a lot more room to spread. Option three has four people per car, but no van.
It isn’t guaranteed that Daria will want a ride so I’ve skipped her out of option one to fit everyone in. Basically, don’t rely on Daria as she’s still not sure if she’ll be going that weekend and even if she is, she has other ways to get there anyway. Option three would work good if we could get a few more extras to come up with us.
[b:22ebvzfy]Option One: Jam everyone in like sardines minus Daria – much cheaper[/b:22ebvzfy]
Random Car – leaving 12’ish
1 Mark
2 Jason
3 Nick
4 Callan
5 Ryan
Chris’s Rav4 and trailer – leaving 12’ish
1 Chris
2 Rob
3 Neil
4 Andy
5 Tim
Michael’s car – leaving 4’ish
1 Michael
2 Mike’s woman
3 Jane
4 Julian
5 Estelle[b:22ebvzfy]Option Two: Spread the load wihtout the van, including Daria[/b:22ebvzfy]
Random Car – leaving 12’ish
1 Mark
2 Jason
3 Nick
4 Callan
Chris’s Rav4 and trailer – leaving 12’ish
1 Chris
2 Rob
3 Neil
4 Estelle
Random Car – leaving 12’ish
1 Andy
2 Tim
3 Julian
4 Ryan
Michael’s car – leaving 4’ish
1 Michael
2 Mike’s woman
3 Jane
4 Daria[b:22ebvzfy]Option Three: Spread the load using a van, including Daria[/b:22ebvzfy]
Van – leaving 12’ish
1 Mark
2 Jason
3 Nick
4 Callan
5 Ryan
6 Daria
7 Estelle
Chris’s Rav4 and trailer – leaving 12’ish
1 Chris
2 Rob
3 Neil
Random Car – leaving 12’ish
1 Andy
2 Tim
3 Julian
Michael’s car – leaving 4’ish
1 Michael
2 Mike’s woman
3 Janecheers,
RyanRyan Hellyer
Member"Timmah":3d8xr1os wrote:er, im keen to go with everyone else, but im pretty sure im scheduled to do a debate that friday at like 12…
[/quote:3d8xr1os]When would the debate finish?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Janey":3mud8a4o wrote:Hey Ryan some peeps have said that the link that you have sent them for the rosters and the drawsI havent had any problem but that was so last night!
[/quote:3mud8a4o]Do you mean the link that I sent my team mates? In which case sure, I may have made a typo. They haven’t said anything to me though.
EDIT: No, the links I sent them last night work fine.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":kanh4yaf wrote:Yeah I was thinking leave lunch time the blackjack ends at 8pm as macca addressed
[/quote:kanh4yaf]Ah, I get it now. From your post (Mark) above, I thought you meant that you wanted to get there by 8pm for Blackjack. Hence 3pm was about right.
So perhaps we leave at about 12:20 (give Chris time to get home to his car), piss round all day and arrive some time around dinner?
Then have a seperate car (Mike?) to take the stragglers who need taken at 3pm?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Macca":1bbuond1 wrote:I’m with Mark on this one. I wouldn’t mind traveling up earlier in the day, taking our time and of course a bit of gambling before the game.But if everybody else wants to leave later I’m fine with that too.
[/quote:1bbuond1]Is 3pm early? Or late?
I was thinking 5pm was late and 3pm was early, but maybe you guys are thinking even earlier, I’m not sure and am slightly confused.
EDIT: I can leave whenever.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberChris is keen to head up in convoy so we don’t run into issues with (for example) Chris’s RAV4 not making it to ChCH and us losing all our gear!
So perhaps the van and Chris should head up at the same time? So trip would be about 5 hours including a stoppage somewhere for say 20 mins plus a few pee stops en route (trailer can only do 90 kph). So if van and Chris left at 3pm we’d get there by around 8pm and it wouldn’t be a major drama if we were a little late as our first game isn’t till about 10:30pm or something.
I’m happy to plow up to and around Christchurch in a big gumby van if Mike trusts me not to prang it – spotless record so far <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Albeit I did get my first speed camera ticket the other day <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />
EDIT: If everyone got their stuff to Chris the night before, I could go pick everyone up from uni/polytech bang on 3pm when classes end etc. and leave straight from there so no messing round waiting for people to go home first/sort their shit out first. And if you guys wanted to go to the casino at 8pm I could just drop off half of you at the backpackers to check in and take the rest of you straight to the casino and pick you up once yer done.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":2yspewbv wrote:If you know where the big strip is (can’t think of its name has the Hoyts picture theater on it)where the boy racers go up and down, the rink is pretty much situated at the end of that. [/quote:2yspewbv]Not quite. That’s Moorehouse ave, and no the rink is not at the end of it. The rink is on Brougham St which runs parallel with it.
To get there from Hoyts, you would need to turn right onto Waltham St, then left onto Brougham St – rink is about a kilometer down the road from there.
If you’ve ever been to SK8 in Christchurch, you’ve been to the ice rink – they’re within 2 mins walk of each other.
To get to the rink from the Backpackers you either follow me as since I used to live there I know all the shortcuts to the rink. Or turn left onto Lincoln Rd, left onto Barrington St and left onto Jerrold St (which becomes Brougham St after 200 m or so) and stop when you reach the rink.
EDIT: you guys should make sure you jot down the exact street address for the backpackers as it’s not that obvious where it is from the street. You need to drive down a long skinny drive between some apartments and a car yard to reach it.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberZoom out, then zoom in on Christchurch. The Alpine Ice Arena has a marker stuck on it: [url=
.php][/url]More complicated instructions: Apologies if these are incorrect <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
[*:30uflfpk]Drive to Christchurch[/*:m:30uflfpk]
[*:30uflfpk]Drive through Templeton, then Hornby[/*:m:30uflfpk]
[*:30uflfpk]Curve right around roundabout onto Blenheim Rd[/*:m:30uflfpk]
[*:30uflfpk]Turn right onto Curletts Rd[/*:m:30uflfpk]
[*:30uflfpk]Curve left along motorway[/*:m:30uflfpk]
[*:30uflfpk]Drive along Brougham St[/*:m:30uflfpk]
[*:30uflfpk]The Alpine Ice Arena is on the left, about 300 m past Opawa Rd[/*:m:30uflfpk][/list:u:30uflfpk]Ryan
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Michael":1ee95mkm wrote:It does open up the A grade player to abuse this position and try and carry a team however, which doesn’t benefit either the team or the A grade player.[/quote:1ee95mkm]We try not to. Although personally I’ve always been stuck on the weakest team, so stopping the other team from scoring was the main priority.
Besides, the difference in playing level isn’t big enough for us to just smoke the opposition. By the end of the season, the best players have generally caught up to my level anyway. That happened quite noticeably last season when Harrison and Zane went from pretty crap to lean, mean hockey machines, and the season before that, Jason and you (Mike) started to get rapidly better mid-season.
Either that, or I’m just getting crappier <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member"leftright":3tzjglix wrote:Hey Jane
Can I play B grade Dihl. I seem to recall im graded lower than Kyle and the same as Ryan and Im old and slow anyhow so does that fit me in to “B” criteria. Wednesdays a better day for me to play anyway
[/quote:3tzjglix]You are being taken back to High School Graham! Yer now on one of the John McGlashan teams <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Not sure which, your team manager will presumably get in contact with you shortly.
They were short on experienced players so you’ve been recruited to bolster their team with your years of wisdom <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
[i:3tzjglix]EDIT: They’re yet to confirm, but Mallory and Drew Handcock may be on this team as well.[/i:3tzjglix]
[i:3tzjglix]EDIT 2: Mallory and Drew are now confirmed on the team[/i:3tzjglix]Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":35ey48c1 wrote:Two questions:1) What is the story with managers/captains? Are they assigned? do the teams sort them out themselves?
2) Why does the roster say the first game was two days ago?
[/quote:35ey48c1]Team managers are assigned. You should be contacted by your manager shortly, most likely by email. I’m managing the Bears and am emailing my team right now with full details about everything.
Roster had an error, I’ve corrected Jane’s version and uploaded a new one now.
PS: Chris, I think you ARE a team manager!
Ryan Hellyer
Member"twolefts":2cqkqsod wrote:If you believe, anything can hapen.[/quote:2cqkqsod]It’s not hard to believe something which is fact. I mean it’s hard for us not to destroy all our opposition really. Just look at our roster: Five players who won silver medals at the recent nationals, one who won a gold and another who (I think) got a silver the year before. Add in the sheer experience of Paul Roth, I mean the guys been round hockey for yonks, the rink wouldn’t even be there if it wasn’t for him. Callum Wood comes from a long line of talented hockey players starting with our eagle eyed goalie Jaimee. Anyone who can sprout two of the best up and coming hockey players in Dunedin has to pick up some sort of skill from his offspring (Dave Patchett). Throw in our enforcer Larry Martin who will probably scare the opposition with his sheer size, Kara who will figure skate around everyone, Tom Wilson who must be good if he’s wearing all that Ovenchkin gear, Cat Ronayne the ex Southern Womens rep/wife of an ice black and Deb Handcock who’s from a family obsessed with hockey. Plus that ‘other’ guy who will make a vague attempt to captain his team. I mean really, it’s hard not to go kick some ass with such a talented pool of players <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
[b:2cqkqsod]Bears Team Spring 2007[/b:2cqkqsod]
1 Martin Larry
2 Wood Callum
3 Patchett David
4 Patchett Stephanie
5 Patchett Nick
6 Roth Ben
7 Roth Paul
8 Wilson Tom
9 Wood Jaimee (G)
10 Hellyer Ryan (M)
11 Ronayne Cat
12 Ross Kara
13 Handcock Deb -