Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":3h260lce wrote:The footage is really clear – pretty impressive really.[/quote:3h260lce]Yep, I’m pretty happy with the quality.
"Kyle":3h260lce wrote:Wouldn’t it be best to design the box so you can turn it on after the warmup? Can’t you make an on button hole?[/quote:3h260lce]Yep, wasn’t organised enough this time round though. There’s also limited room inside the box I’ve stuck it inside, but I’ll get it sorted by next week.
"Kyle":3h260lce wrote:You’ve got it mounted underneath the top. Can you mount it on the back, lower down? I would have thought the best footage would be between the goalies legs, and if it’s at the back, then you’ll get a wider view closer to the goal. More likely to get hit of course![/quote:3h260lce]Yeah, that’s what I originally had in mind. I was going to attach it directly to the netting rather than the post which is where tonights footage was from. But Chris reckoned the vibrations from the net would be a problem. But I think it would be okay, you can see shocks every time Jaimee bumped the net tonight, but I think the net would calm itself after a second or so.
So I’ll drop it down lower, point it forward and have an access hole to turn it on. And hope like hell that some prat doesn’t decimate it.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"irish":1k1wd174 wrote:I burnt real easy in the sun. So now i have a red ass.[/quote:1k1wd174]Dude! Too much information!
Although I assume you were facing down as otherwise your ass would be the least of your concerns.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Jason":23veezkq wrote:now does 3 pics really qualify as a bunch, especially when only one shows us in jerseys <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” />[/quote:23veezkq]
Yo, I was referring to a metric bunch, not a Nth American bunch. Metric bunches come in three’s, fours, fives and occasionally six’s (referred to as a hexabunch).
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Ryan":2nef9f5h wrote:[b:2nef9f5h]John McG vs Sharks[/b:2nef9f5h]
This is looking impossible to pick as the rosters for these teams still aren’t available. However the John McGlashan team are known to have the wily old Graham Phipps-Black, the nimble footed Drew Handcock and his viciously aggresive older sister Mallory in their lineup.[/quote:2nef9f5h]Graham didn’t play for the John McG team in the end as the team turned ckup with about three lines or so of players. Drew Handcock had some good runs towards the Sharks goalie, but was shut down every time.
The Sharks had some brutal attacks on the Johnnies goalie and ended the game 8-0.
I still don’t have a team list for the Sharks. But there’s obviously a few good recruits from OBHS in there.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberVideo footage from Net Cam is now posted! think we’ll need to point it towards the center of the ice next time as you can’t see much from the angle we did it at tonight. We also chose the worlds worst game for it too as there were no goals scored in this game. The camera went for 34 mins with Callan’s 1GB card. The first 16 mins were of the Chris’s ugly mug and Neil on the zamboni. Then a five min warmup left only 18 mins of actual game, so basically just the one period. Next time I’ll set it up right before the warm up so we get a bit more game time in.
The video in the link above is a heavily edited version. The bulk of the footage was unsurprisingly like watching paint dry.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"nobbie":2ntcbzza wrote:Hey boys and girls, does anyone have any pictures of me in or out of action on the ice? Im just realising that I dont actually have any hockey photos on my computer.Would also like to start getting photos of our various tours so also keen to see random group photos of our Alex and Qtown trips….ill add them to facebook muahahaha!
[/quote:2ntcbzza]If you search for “Beasts” on my blog, that should show up a bunch of photos from our travels …
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Ryan":45savnlo wrote:I’m now picking 4-4 for Kings vs Jets with Harrison King picking up the extra two goals for Kings.[/quote:45savnlo]Finals score was 7-8 to Kings. With Mike Mitchell only scoring one, and Harrison King scoring a whole stack of goals by himself. The Kings team are looking VERY strong this season. The Jets looked pretty good too, but didn’t quite have the skill to outmatch the Kings firepower. Jason Sedgwick did his regular solid charges straight to his opponents net, but some sloppy defense by the Jets let Harrison and the other Kings players through too many times. Both of these teams are looking like the most forward intensive teams in the league and the high scores are a good demonstration of this. It will be interesting to see how either of these teams will fare against the more defensive Bears and Bullfrogs teams.
"Ryan":45savnlo wrote:[b:45savnlo]Bullfrogs vs Bears[/b:45savnlo]
My pick, 3-3. If Dilkes turns out to be as good as some suspect then we may see that score reach 10-3 to the Bullfrogs.[/quote:45savnlo]Final score 0-0. First non-loss for the Bears in quite some time!
Dilkes knows what he’s doing and looks like he’ll be the danger man come the finals as he appears to have the skills, but hasn’t had the practice to bring them to the surface yet and wasn’t too much of a problem for the Bears defense. The Bears were missing two of their star players ex NZ rep. Cat Ronayne and ex Sthn Womens rep. Juanita Kinraid so may be a little stronger in the coming weeks. A solid defensive game by both teams kept the game scoreless. Jaimee Wood looked particularly bored in goal with a meagre 5 or so shots on goal. The Bears peewees started off a little messy but did some solid attacking on the Bullfrogs goal in the third period with some very fancy passes in front of the net, but unfortunately none got past the Bulfrogs goalie Neil Dudley."Ryan":45savnlo wrote:[b:45savnlo]John McG vs Sharks[/b:45savnlo][/quote:45savnlo]
Still waiting results on this. If you know the score, please post it here. Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Macca":1r955slv wrote:I see that net cam was put to good use tonight.
[/quote:1r955slv]Copying video now. Will hopefully get video uploaded to web within an hour or so. If I don’t get it done by then, it’ll probably be up by around lunch time tomorrow.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Macca":v24g5p80 wrote:I have a one gig card that you can borrow. Ill try to remember to bring it tonight
[/quote:v24g5p80]Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> I still haven’t sorted out how to attach it yet, but I’ve got a roll of packing tape and some string for the purpose.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWe’re having technical difficulties! Net Cam may not be in operation for tonights game. It turns out that the camera is so old and crappy that it doesn’t support my shiny new 2 GB SD card. Does anyone have a slightly smaller SD card they wouldn’t mind lending? I have a 128 MB one, but it’s only good for 3 mins of footage <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":2wbudvw0 wrote:Just a question, and I haven’t seen the rosters, so correct me if I am wrong…You have one team with two goalies???
and another team needing a goalie??Isn’t there an easy solution to that problem?
[/quote:2wbudvw0]The Bullfrogs have two goalies who can’t make it each week. The Sharks had no goalie, but now have Larry Wheeler in goal for them.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI think it would be very helpful for Chris if you guys would say up front if you are planning to take your own vehicles etc. as it will get very messy otherwise.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberCount me in I guess. Would be nice if non SIHL players could go though, seems kinda lame to miss out the majority of the club <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberUpdate: It looks like both Harrison King AND Michael Mitchell are playing for Kings High School this season! That’s a much stronger lineup than expected, so I’m now picking 4-4 for Kings vs Jets with Harrison King picking up the extra two goals for Kings.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":vsdhc0ca wrote:Man. You’re just making stuff up Ryan. Picking random scores and names out of the hockey ether!Clearly I taught you well.
[/quote:vsdhc0ca]You are like Yoda, but taller.