Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":3kh9a3yp wrote:I can’t see that one, but the ones that are embeded from youtube, I can see no problem.[/quote:3kh9a3yp]Hmmm, in that case I’m lost. Sounds a little like a browser bug which the video player I’m using hasn’t corrected for but I could be entirely wrong. If anyone else is having similar problems it would be handy if you let me know so I can look into it further. I’ll need detailed info. on exactly what browser version you are using and what operating system you are running as both IE6 and IE7 are functioning fine for me on the six computers I’ve tried it on so far.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI can’t replicate this problem on my computer <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />
Can you see all the other flash videos I’ve posted recently? If you can only see a few it would be handy to know which they are so I can corner the problem.
EDIT: This next clip may work …
Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.var so = new SWFObject(“”, “46”, “320”, “240”, “7”, “#FFFFFF”);
so.addVariable(“file”, “”);
so.addVariable(“image”, “”);
so.addVariable(“overstretch”, “true”);
so.addVariable(“showdigits”, “true”);
so.addVariable(“showfsbutton”, “true”);
so.addVariable(“callback”, “”);
so.addVariable(“backcolor”, “0x000000”);
so.addVariable(“frontcolor”, “0xaaaaaa”);
so.addVariable(“lightcolor”, “0xffffff”);
so.addVariable(“volume”, “80”);
so.addVariable(“bufferlength”, “5”);
so.addVariable(“width”, “320”);
so.addVariable(“height”, “240”);
so.addVariable(“fullscreenpage”, “”);
so.addVariable(“fsreturnpage”, “”);
so.addParam(“allowfullscreen”, “true”);
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Michael":xlzok4ba wrote:Sharks look very strong, I am almost willing to say they will take this DIHL, they look very strong and have some really good passing and team work, defiantly a force to be reckoned with.
[/quote:xlzok4ba]I thought they looked about even with Kings and Jets.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberDamn it, sounds like I’ve mucked something up then. I’m guessing this is a bug in Internet Explorer that I haven’t come across before.
I’ll look into it later. In the mean time you’re stuck with using anything but Internet Explorer.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":2s053qby wrote:Yeah I can’t view the video even after I download the falsh update thingy it tells me to. What’s up with that?[/quote:2s053qby]No idea. Sounds like a problem with your flash install.
Some questions to try and narrow down the problem
[*:2s053qby]Can you view other flash things like Youtube videos?[/*:m:2s053qby]
[*:2s053qby]Does the video player appear for you?[/*:m:2s053qby]
[*:2s053qby]Or do you get some text asking you to install flash?[/*:m:2s053qby]
[*:2s053qby]What web browser are you using?[/*:m:2s053qby][/list:u:2s053qby]Anyone else having the same problem?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"twolefts":3i26i9ba wrote:… Jaimee asked us to play a little more badly next time…[/quote:3i26i9ba]Sheesh, no wonder Jaimee was bored …
Four shots for the whole game!
We apparently only got 15 shots on the Bullfrogs which isn’t too good either. Unfortunately most of my shots were collected by Bullfrogs players blocking the path to the net or they narrowly missed the goal by about 4m or so <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />
[i:3i26i9ba]To confirm: Olivia McDonald was [b:3i26i9ba]NOT[/b:3i26i9ba] in goal for the Bullfrogs that game was she? She’s listed as the goalie for the Bullfrogs for last night but I’m pretty sure that’s not correct.[/i:3i26i9ba]
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThose dangler thingies are a bit too expensive to have just for a camera unfortunately.
Here’s a demo of the ultimate in on rink video coverage <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> A radio controlled blimp with on board camera <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt="
” title=”Grin” /> It can stream the video signal live to a computer and we could send it straight here to the website if we wanted <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt="
” title=”Grin” /> I know someone with a blimp I may be able to borrow and I can get helium for for free, so all we need now is for someone to provide the camera, er … anyone got a spare US$449.95 lying round? …
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":3ad0ngj0 wrote:You missed the bit where Aaron said he doesn’t wear one <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” />
[/quote:3ad0ngj0]yes, that is true …
… well … no goalie cam tonight then. I’m a little confused about how I missed that bit, must be suffering brain fry, I spent this afternoon reading a bunch of papers on pyrazine bridged trinuclear zinc(II) compounds
I think Jaimee has one of those, if so I’ll see if she minds me sticking it in there.
[align=center:3ad0ngj0]Here's a video of a helmet cam on a player. Looks pretty good, although their camera equipment is probably a lot fancier.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":60w1zfmw wrote:But what if you got a dangler, you know the big bit of plastic to protect the throat
and attached you camera to the reverse side of that???ie the part closet to the body???[/quote:60w1zfmw]
Yep, that would be doable, not sure how good the view would be, but no harm in trying. Should be pretty well protected behind your ‘dangler’. Come see me after intermediate practice tonight and we can give it a test run – will need to sort some way of getting it to sit in position though … string around your neck?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberAwesome video!
That’s totally doable, but not sure how long my camera will last unless the goalies don’t mind a big ass tupperware container stuck to their head. It’ll depend who’s reffing at the time too as some of them may not approve of it (dangerous equipment and all that).
If anyone has a really small camera they don’t mind donating for the cause I’d love to try it. In the mean time I’m going to work on uber protecting the existing camera.
Does anyone have a spare sheet of polycarbonate plastic lying around? The acrylic cover we’re using at the moment really isn’t up to scratch and isn’t going to take more than a single shot to destruct it. A sheet of +3mm thick polycarb oughta do it I think. I’ve got some polystyrene to pack around the camera itself now too which should help somewhat.
[align=center:25pmjbm0]Here's an example of an amateur goalie cam
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":vznt35sl wrote:it is formal dress, so don’t turn up in your trackies or you’ll look like a prize idiot. Ryan will struggle to avoid looking like a prize idiot whether or not he wears trackies, but that’s inherent in being a chemist really.[/quote:vznt35sl]Formal wear? WTF? It’s at the freakin’ Lone Star!?
I plan to wear my regular gimp clothes.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Scotty":1cw4ex2s wrote:the ones i saw on dvd were built into the bridge of the helmet. like just above the cage. I have an old goalie helmet you could fit it into, but unfortunately its here in chch.[/quote:1cw4ex2s]That would have to be one mamoth bridge to fit my camera inside it! I plan to use the ultra hi-tech method of strapping it on with packing tape.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Macca":1fdbg0fu wrote:Just a thought. How about taking the camera out of the net and mounting it on the outside of the glass facing the net. That way you can still see the goals and also get a wider view of whats happening in the attacking zone on the lead up to the goal being scored.
[/quote:1fdbg0fu]That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing up till now. Except I’ve been standing there waving the camera round aimlessly and zooming in on occasion.
Coming soon to the leading website about ice hockey in Dunedin … helmet cam!
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Hockeyboy19":38n2pa3f wrote:If you get a Fish Eye lens you will be able to get a wider view.
I think it would work well not so much as a net cam but a shot cam sitting on top of the cross bar. Just a thought.[/quote:38n2pa3f]Yeah, fisheye would be good. But I don’t know of any mega cheap cameras with fish eye lenses. Feel free to volunteer one for the purpose <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
We looked at attaching it to the crossbar last night but didn’t have any convenient way to do it without it potentially falling out of position. I think we’d need some sort of bracket to attach it to the crossbar. If anyone has any good (ie: minimal effort) ideas on how to do this please post here with your suggestions <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThis thing worked so well I’m now chickening out of sticking it on a goalies head for the time being too. Or if it is on a goalies head, it’ll be inside the protective casing which could be a little gumby and awkward.
So sorry Aaron, no goalie cam tonight. I’ll try strapping it to my own head tonight though and see how it goes. But I suspect it’ll be just a big motion blur.