Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":3p0w0ojv wrote:The other thing with the age is the numbers. We don’t have the numbers to put the age up to 16 min and if you pushed to 18, well then there really would be a lack of numbers.
[/quote:3p0w0ojv]Depends how many teams you want. At the moment there’s probably enough players for eight B-grade teams if the advertising for it was pushed hard enough. So losing the littleuns would drop to six teams, then four if it went to 18. You are correct though, going to 18 straight away would be quite risky.
The thing is, I think there would be more interest from older players if there weren’t so many ankle biters competing. I remember the old DIHL which had an 18 year old cut-off which was far more social than the current competition, partly I think because everyone could go for a beer afterwards.
I’d prefer to see the kids competing as part of their rep. teams in the DIHL, ie: Dunedin Midgets field a team in the B-grade. I think this would encourage players to strive to be on those rep. teams and would give them some good, stiff local competition which they don’t have too much of at the moment.
Just my opinion though and I don’t think many people agree with me on this.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":1amgdgl4 wrote:Now lets just slow down there. I am NOT from Vancouver, I am an avid Vancouver Canucks fan, but I am not from Vancouver. I am from Victoria, the capital city of British Columbia. I don’t really like the city of Vancouver…too big, sorry Joe.[/quote:1amgdgl4]Oops, my bad! I think someone told me you were from Vancouver ages back.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1jjl0hc6 wrote:A fairly accurate summation! Henceforth known as ‘the day Ryan surpassed Kyle in geekiness’.[/quote:1jjl0hc6]Sorry Kyle, but I surpassed your geekiness a long time before that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> I think it happened somewhere between researching the synthesis of mitochondrially targetted anti-oxidative pharmaceuticals and the transition metal binding properities of pyrazine/pyridine Schiff based ligands.
The real question though is … what the hell does “Stefan Yo MoFo”, “Hairy Balls” and “awkward Steve Jackson” have to do with this website?
Another amusing fact I forgot to mention: The names “Zanzee Pielak-Jones”, “Brent Hodge”, “Steve Jackson” and “Ryan Hellyer” are Google searched almost every month. Are we really [b:1jjl0hc6]that[/b:1jjl0hc6] special? Or are we just searching for our own name in the vain hope that someone has said something interesting about us?
Most popular cities people visit our site from (in order from most visits to least visits):
[*:1jjl0hc6]1. Auckland[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]2. Dunedin[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]3. North Shore[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]4. n/a[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]5. Christchurch[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]6. Palmerston North[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]7. New Plymouth[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]8. Vancouver[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]9. Invercargill[/*:m:1jjl0hc6]
[*:1jjl0hc6]10. Calgary[/*:m:1jjl0hc6][/list:u:1jjl0hc6]I suspect some of those Auckland and North Shore visits are actually from Dunedin, but that the the analytical software is detecting where the ISP is based instead of where the computer is. Vancouver is where the Sales’ family and Ryan Wick are from, so not surprising that it is showing up high in the list and Calgary is where myself and Jenel Bode used to live and not far from where Mike Sam and Deanna Iwanicka are from, so not surprising it rounds out the top ten either.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":qzzernyv wrote:Umm, what the fuck? I’m 100% sure it was ME who made that post, then ryan edited it! It’s switched us around! LOL![/quote:qzzernyv]No, I’m 100% sure it was ME who made that post, then YOU edited it. I’m pretty sure I had two quotes in there too, one from you and one from Mike. With no text by myself. Perhaps you hit modify instead of quote and got it all messed up?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":20p9jbm5 wrote:One thing to keep in mind with the DIHL next year, is that if the national league team goes ahead, they might not be allowed to play in the DIHL – either all of them, or some of them.[/quote:20p9jbm5]Why would they not be allowed to play? Too much hockey on?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Michael":2dw9t7of wrote:I can take another 2 people that will be needing to leave later, not later than 4pm however.
[/quote:2dw9t7of]Ok, so from this I assume that mike can leave at 1pm with the rest of us, while rob takes jane and possibly Julian at 4.
EDIT by Ryan: I can’t remember what I wrote, but it sure as heck wasn’t that.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"nobbie":1caqz58p wrote:Currently Jason has asked me for a ride and am happy to take one or two others – please email to let me know if you require a ride.[/quote:1caqz58p]How ’bout people don’t email Rob. Like I said … we don’t want to give Chris a hernia! If you start randomly taking people on board by email you will totally mess the system up. You are making a mess of a well laid plan.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberOkay, seriously! What the hell kinda hockey player can play a bazillion games and then break their ankle of the ice, I mean jeeze, how crazy, random and uncommon is that[/url:3re43wtc]?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"nobbie":142snv4r wrote:Right……me and Jason are in the Volvo….does anyone else need a ride to CCH, can prob fit one or two more peoples! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt="” title=”Grin” />
[/quote:142snv4r]I think you guys are going to give Chris a hernia if you keep doing shit like this.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":eolfodmi wrote:Another quick note, I’d be keen to help out organizing the Autumn 2008 DIHL, since I’ll still be in Dunedin for sure. [/quote:eolfodmi]We should meet with Kara after the current DIHL. Sort out some sort of plan. Kara is keen to help with B-grade, so if you took control of the A-grade that may work quite well. I’m keen to keep my nose butted in just like I have with Jane, although I’d prefer things to be sorted further in advance next time.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":3dwrufjt wrote:One comment I will make is that the teams could have been better balanced[/quote:3dwrufjt]Balancing teams is tricky. It was totally impossible this time round though as Jane didn’t have any information available about who the players were when we sorted the teams. The three teams we did know about were Jets, Bears and Bullfrogs. Bears and Bullfrogs were a dead heat so that’s worked good. Jets are a bit stronger I think but we’ll find out when we play them I guess. There also wasn’t many people who knew about the players at hand, it was pretty much just me arbitrarily sticking people into teams with Andy piping in on occasion. Normally there’d be a bunch more people who knew lots of the players at hand including Kyle and Aaron. Sharks, Kings and John McG were totally unknown so not suprising there are some major differences in playing level there. These are easy problems to solve for next season though.
The league could be setup so that the league organisers could just arbitrarily move players around to balance teams, but this usually causes friction amongst organisers and players and I hate that approach. Plus it’s not very competitive. Of course if a team is getting ridiculously caned to death the league still has the right to biff a few players in there to stop the 20-0 blowouts, this happened a few times last season when Kyle jumped on the Bears.
"Chris":3dwrufjt wrote:My second, and major, problem with the DIHL as it stands is that there needs to be a minimum age. I’d put that age at about 14,[/quote:3dwrufjt]Yeah, I’ve always advocated 16 minimum, preferably 18 and only go lower if yer desperate for players. There was a decision at the first DIHL meeting I organised a few years ago to allow high school kids to compete as we had no idea how many players we’d get and didn’t want to come up short. No one has liked it when I’ve suggested increasing the age limit though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” /> Anything less than 13 is ridiculous IMO. Currently the players under 13 need to get a dispensation to compete.
PS: Good to see people are thinking about this now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Much better than sorting this shit out come March!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWelcome to Kara and Chris who now have access in here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Chris helps run the Beasts team and Kara is interested in helping with the DIHL next season hence have access in here now.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":p5csml4n wrote:I’m just going by what the invitation says
[/quote:p5csml4n]I’m guessing whoever made the invitations just edited the old one but didn’t correct much of it.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1afsr33b wrote:The only thing is, I’m not sure how long practices are going on for. Peewees had their last one this week, I’m not sure when advanced finishes.[/quote:1afsr33b]I’m pretty sure the Peewees have one more practice to go. I’ll wing an email to their team manager Krissi Wood to confirm though. She’s pretty good at keeping me up to date with things peewees wise and she hasn’t mentioned anything about their practices having finished yet – unless I’ve lost an email somewhere (possible).
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":370dd75b wrote:You are only able to come if you played in the SIHL[/quote:370dd75b]This is not correct. Everyone is welcome to come. This was decided by the DIHA committee on September 3rd.
You seem to be mixing the information for the original event with the new one. AFAIK it is also not formal dress any more.