Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"battered_and_bruised":1vk5c4v1 wrote:Yeah me being one lol. In all seriousness though, what is the issue you have with the young guys? Other then they are small, do they hackle you? Are they cheap shot artists? Do they get under your skin and piss you off? Cause if that’s the case, why are you playing hockey? I know tons of players that are “adult” and play the same style of play. As for the case of going out for a drink after, as long as I have played, I can’t recall one time where a DIHL team went out and did that. The only guys that I know of who do that are the prems guys after practice. So just clarify why you want this age limit, and give reasons other then their size.
[/quote:1vk5c4v1]Mainly size and purely from a safety perspective. Some of the older high school players get a little titchy and childish at times but so do the older players, so I don’t agree with Chris’s take on that side of things, besides, we have refs to deal with that sort of stuff anyway, if they do something wrong they’ll (in theory) get punished accordingly and the bad eggs weeded out.
Although I think it would help recruit more players if there weren’t ankle biters everywhere and I think teams would be more social with each other if they could go for a drink after a game. When I played in the league back when there weren’t any kids allowed, it was normal to socialise with your teammates and the other teams after games or other times. But it’s mainly a size issue.
My main concern is with the players who have been given dispensations to play despite being under the age limit, some are only 11 (I think). Thirteen is doable as most of them are getting a bit bigger then (some bigger than me by then). But the 11-12 year olds are just too small IMO. Too easy to get a knee to the head or have someone four times their body mass land on top of them.
Most leagues have age cutoffs and most places have senior leagues.
I’m not too concerned about any of this myself, I’m not big enough to cause major damage by crashing into an 11 year old anyway, more likely to be the other way round <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> but some of the MUCH BIGGER players who can barely skate I suspect would flatten them if they hit them – I’m not necessarily meaning an intentional hit here, more like losing control and squashing them like a bug.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Michael":f8kebz1m wrote:it is a pity that I am probably the only one from the kings team that uses the forum.
[/quote:f8kebz1m]You are the only one who posts regularly. There’s bunch from your team who browse quite often though.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":2wr79l8d wrote:Is it legal for Ryan to be picking himself in a losing team, surely that raises a whole host of moral issues, will he throw the game in the end?
Who should I put my money on? what are the odds?[/quote:2wr79l8d]It’s a psychological battle you see! We’re planning to lull Kings into thinking they’ve got a hope in hell, then we’re going to crush them like little bugs.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWell I guess it’s time to do my whole “pretend to be Kyle” thing … proceeding to climb up ladder …
Soooo … picks for the second round of the Dunedin Ice Hockey League (DIHL) B-grade Spring 2007 season …
First up are the Mighty Bears vs last seasons silver medalists Kings High School. Kings are looking quite strong with Harrison King on strong form these days and their ranks bolsters by Beasts member Mitchell. The Bears got crushed the last time they played Kings, but the Bears are a much stronger team this season and will be even stronger than last week as their two most experienced players Kinraid and Ronayne are returning after missing the first round. The Bears defense will have to be up to the task this week as the Kings offensive line is looking very strong, this should also keep the Bears goalie Wood happy as she had a rather boring job in goal last week. My pick, 4-2 to Kings. Harrison King, Woodhouse to knock shots into the net, Mitchell to shatter NetCam, Hellyer and Steph Patchett to pick up the Bears goals.
Next up are the Jets vs the Sharks. The Sharks decimated John McGlashan last week and are looking like a well oiled team under the leadership of team manager/coach Richard Sykes. The Jets are stacked with a fleet of players from last seasons championship winning team the Beasts, but lost narrowly to Kings High School last week and will be looking to redeem themselves this week against the Sharks. The Jets standout player is Sedgwick who will be looking to fire plenty of wrist shots into the Sharks net. My pick, another high scoring game for both teams, 6-6, Sedgwick to score four and Baker and Reymond one apiece for the Jets, Johnstone to pick up three, Elkin two and Kliegl one for the Sharks.
Last up are the Bullfrogs vs John McGlashan College. The Bullfrogs showed a solid defensive lineup last week vs the Bears and will be planning to stop Johnnies from scoring any goals at all. John McGlashan had a dismal start to their season last week, with a brutal 8-0 drubbing by the Sharks. Johnnies may also be missing their two best players this week Mallory and Drew Handcock so will be even weaker still. My pick, 4-1 to the Bullfrogs, Dickson, Dilkes, Craw, Honore and Laing to share the goals.
RyanRyan Hellyer
MemberI unsticked this since the date Chris wanted the RSVP’s by has long gone.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberChris, Daria has now confirmed that she wants a ride. So if she can still fit somewhere (preferably same car as me) then lemme know ASAP. Oh yeah, would be needing to leave around 1pm’ish (flexible).
RyanRyan Hellyer
Member"Michael":3rcvojf1 wrote:I saved those word docs in my emails but I think I deleted them a little while back by accident
[/quote:3rcvojf1]I’ll hunt them out and send them on to you tonight. Bug me if I forget (likely).
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHave you remembered about all those Word Docs that Kyle sent us ages back?
That’s an arse load of stats on that Wikipedia page, so if you can do all those that would be awesome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” /> And yeah, anything involving when a player is on the ice is overkill for us. Would probably require two extra people per game just to record all that! Would be useful though.
Um, perhaps we need to stick magnetic thingies to peoples butts and have it automatically detect when they’re on the bench <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> Then we sell it along with the software to the NHL for $500,000 and bankroll the “Beasts World Tour”?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberStats interface …
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":ze1frano wrote:"Ryan":ze1frano wrote:Julian has injured his angle, soft tissue damage I think.
[/quote:ze1frano]God damnit, I [b:ze1frano]told[/b:ze1frano] him to be careful with his Cosine, but did he listen to me?
[i:ze1frano]PS: Maths jokes rule…[/i:ze1frano]
[/quote:ze1frano]I think I just heard a bunch of people groaning … and not in a good way …
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":18sb4ca4 wrote:"Michael":18sb4ca4 wrote:Well I decided to rekindle the project that we seem to have let slip through the cracks again, I spent 16hrs on it last night and have built the basis of a database layer (Collection of classes that provide a way to edit the database safely without the need for writing out tones of queries in an object oriented manner that I came up with yesterday because I thought it would be a good idea) and an Ajax query base (Way to trigger actions in the script through GET/POST ing variables to the server without having to leave a page using ajax, also sets up all the common funcions for a non ajax based app).So far it contains all the means of adding and editing statistics however I havn’t put any displaying functionality in yet, since im a visual person I like to have some templates made up. I really need someone who can code css easily to go over it with me and make some templates for me.
If not I will do my best to add the displaying functions in tonight.
If anyone wants to look over the current source and want me to explain anything let me know on msn or email me.
[/quote:18sb4ca4]Whoa, bro, nice work!
I can’t really contribute much, as my design skills suck the penis.
What I can do however is start drawing up a license agreement for you and the club, if you want.
[/quote:18sb4ca4]That would be handy as I asked Mike yonks back if he minded me selling this to make money for the club. Not sure how much money there would be something like this but similar products seem to make a bit of coin.
Either that or tack a GPL on it and sell it anyway – probably the easiest option. And yes I know GPL’d stuff is free, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t ALLOWED to sell it. There’s another hockey stats program out there (there’s a link lying round this forum to it somewhere) which has a GPL license yet they sell it for US$99. Except it apparently sucks ass, so we don’t want it.
Mike: I made up some templates a while ago. Are you wanting those? Or something more substantial?
PS: Thanks Mike <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Much appreciated.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":1fn1odyv wrote:Happy birthday!We are definitely the most high-tech sports club in…. well, the universe! All thanks to our super-dedicated, slightly-******* web admin!
Three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine seven cheers for Ryan![/quote:1fn1odyv]
it took me a while to get that
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":2lndcvug wrote:But it seems a little unfair to have guys like harrison and michael playing. Because lets be honest here b-grade d is up to jack all agains those guys so they can really skew results…[/quote:2lndcvug]Yeah, not really sure why they’re playing. Jane is doing her best though and things are running smoothly. I’ve never seen much point in having a goal limit on players though as the reason they are playing is to beef up the teams which are likely to get decimated otherwise – albeit I’m not sure that’s actually the case here. I assume that the schools league allows players to play down a grade due to lack of numbers which is a different kettle of fish. Will be interesting to see how our Bears team go against them on Wednesday night.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":2yd38ygp wrote:And still know one has told me what the hell happened to Julian[/quote:2yd38ygp]You didn’t ask. And your post above implied that you already knew.
Plus … I told you last night, but I guess you were a bit drunk <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Julian has injured his angle, soft tissue damage I think. He’s going snow boarding this weekend though (nutter) and plans to come to Christchurch, so not much to report on really.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Gazza":1coa2gfi wrote:ummm…. aren’t we into the [b:1coa2gfi]Spring[/b:1coa2gfi] DIHL now???[/quote:1coa2gfi]Oh yeah, thanks for the correction.