Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberMy attempt at mangling Stefan …
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Azzy77":1fnzmfq5 wrote:Um i just had terrible thought Jackie definately told me juniors are finishedI am not 100% on midgets so you should check that
[/quote:1fnzmfq5]Yikes, will remove notice on the home page immediately then.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1e573rpf wrote:Ditto on the different day.And a poll which doesn’t allow you to select 3/4 options?
[/quote:1e573rpf]Poo. That would be smart wouldn’t it! If I revert it now then the results from those who have voted will skew it in favour of those who have already voted so I’ll leave it as is I guess. My bad.
EDIT: actually, only two options have been chosen anyway so I’ve changed it to two instead of three.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThanks Aaron <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":w77vo96b wrote:They are telling you, from me, but I couldn’t tell you anything until late last night as Neil is away and no one can confirm ice time.[/quote:w77vo96b]Sheesh, you’d think they’d learn from their mistakes of organising practices at the extreme last minute, but I guess not.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":3dn1j037 wrote:Ok just so you all know it is 7.00pm not 7.30pm as I stuffed up the time.Now this is what happened at the meeting on Monday night. The DIHA want Ryan to set up a poll to find out what everybody wants in the form of practices. Obviously this week is going to be a little different as no one knows anything yet. Also James etc want to have practices earlier as there is no one using the ice after 6pm on a Thursday anymore. Apparently last week they combined intermediates and seniors (advanced) together and it worked quite well so they plan to keep a similar thing happening now.
Now the choices for the poll are:
[*:3dn1j037]Structured games[/*:m:3dn1j037]
[*:3dn1j037]Scrimmage + Drills[/*:m:3dn1j037]
[*:3dn1j037]Drills only[/*:m:3dn1j037]
[*:3dn1j037]Scrimmage only[/*:m:3dn1j037][/list:u:3dn1j037]The only thing is that the polls don’t work to well as people don’t see it or they can’t be bothered clicking on it. So Ryan if it is possible maybe you could have the poll as a pop up for signed in members that way at least they are reading it and are likely to then pick a choice.[/quote:3dn1j037]
I’m definitely not adding a pop-up. I’ll add a news time instead. Not sure why I ended up with this job, but anywhos. Any poll on here is going to be quite skewed as it is, but yeah, adding a news item might help so I’ll do that.
So there’s two practices in a row with the same people in both? I’m assuming not, but from what you’ve said it seems that that is the case.
Would be nice if I can get a definitive answer on this practice messup as it’s starting to look a little ridiculous again. I’m assuming the intermediate and advanced practices have been cancelled and replaced by this new 7pm unnamed one, but I’ll keep advertising as per Joyce’s request until I hear otherwise.
EDIT: I’ve added news posts for the 7pm session and another one for the merged session, with a comment saying that it ‘may’ be part of the 7pm session, but it may not be and more information will be posted when provided to me.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberCorrection: I was thinking that intermediate practice was at 7pm which was wrong.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":cecxer5j wrote:Hence senior (advanced) players same thing. But this is what I really need to talk to you about tomorrow. But this is what I was told to tell the team as of 7pm tonight when I was rung up by Jackie as this was all discussed at the meeting last night.
[/quote:cecxer5j]I’ll post a message on the home page saying that practices are continuing as per normal then but that things may be changing shortly so keep an eye on the latest news section for updates.
What the heck the committee thinks it’s doing changing practice times and not bothering to tell me is beyond me!?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":1r374g0f wrote:Hey guys for this week only (Thursday) there is going to be a combined practice of seniors and intermediates etc starting at 7.30pm $10 each.For the weeks after this one, once ice time is confirmed there is going to different activities arranged.
So see you Thursday night if people are interested.
[/quote:1r374g0f]I’m hearing conflicting stories again. I got a random text from Aaron Bryant before saying that things are continuing as per normal but that advanced session players are allowed to attend the 7pm session as well now.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":rpll1k0f wrote:it doesn’t necessarily mean that all competitors are gay, bi, transgender or any other weird ass sexual preference some people have.”[/quote:rpll1k0f]That’s just a typo. And yep, I did edit my original post.
"Chris":rpll1k0f wrote:Kyle, you are such a dick.
[/quote:rpll1k0f]How poetic, and here I was expecting a giant diatribe from you.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’ve shunted a couple of posts in the “Website Administration Forum” as they were a off-topic. I’ve also edited one of my posts as it was apparently offensive!?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThis was a topic about starting a queer friendly hockey event here in New Zealand which got a bit off-topic coz Kyle took offence to a joke by me. It was originally in the “Hockey Administration Forum” which is mainly populated by committee type people. So I’ve shunted it in here to get it out of the way of my original topic.
For the record, my reference to “bums to the walls” had nothing to do with rape. I was referring to homophobic mens fears of being hit on by gay men and that by having their bums pointed to the wall the other men wouldn’t be as attracted to them. In retrospect Kyle’s understanding of the phrase is probably the original meaning, but I’ve never used it in that context.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":3njcvx12 wrote:If homophobic is how you like your humour Chris, up to you. But this really isn’t the place for it. Keep it in a changing room that I’m not in.
[/quote:3njcvx12]Chris’s reference was to you, not me. And what he wrote is not homophobic anyway.
Best you both chat in private about such stuff though or you’ll clutter my topic with off-topic junk.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":p6584nyq wrote:"Ryan":p6584nyq wrote:Albeit you’d better keep your bum to the wall if you aint into that kinda thing <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="” title=”Tongue” />
[/quote:p6584nyq]Cause we can’t have a conversation about this without bringing in irrational primary school fears about gay people can we?
[/quote:p6584nyq]It’s called mockery of homophobes. I’ll refrain from cracking jokes from now on <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gif" alt="
” title=”Cool” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThis type of event is normally in support of alternative sexualities, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all competitors are gay, bi, transgender or any weird ass sexual preference some people have. Obviously most of the competitors tend not to be straight as Kyle pointed out, but it’s usually not a requirement.
Another Dunedin hockey player I talked to about this a few weeks ago said they’d be too scared to compete in something like that if it wasn’t open to non-gays as they didn’t want to come out of the closet. Leaving the door open to everyone prevents that from being an issue. It also means that random people can enter and drag along friends to join them so they don’t feel out of place joining a team of random people they don’t know. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told by people who have entered these events in the past.
But in a nutshell, yes Aaron, it’s a bit weird, in fact the whole concept of having sporting event based around sexuality is a freakin’ bizaare since sport has nothing to do with that facet of life – well, not for me anyway! But they seem to be popular and from what I’ve heard tend to be super fun. Albeit you’d better … [i:3aj588uw]removed coz was apparently offensive!?[/i:3aj588uw]
There’s also the added bonus that player numbers could be a little lean, so allowing randoms to play beefs up the ranks a bit. Kinda like how the NZ University ice hockey games allowed non uni. members play to beef up numbers.