Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’ve moved some off-topic posts out of here into the off-topic topic … Off-Topic Topic[/url:2fchnwcc]
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":1d5ogjic wrote:No, ’cause it’s kinda funny
[/quote:1d5ogjic]That’s why I didn’t immediately remove them <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
The problem is that some people don’t have the warped twisted sense of humour that I do.I’ve been considering turning the off-topic topic into a seperate sub-board as there’s a bunch of random polls being created which are cluttering the general chatter board. The sub-board would be accessed exactly the same way the current off-topic topic is accessed, but when you clicked on it, it would be a seperate board of it’s own. That way polls etc. could be added. Any opinions on this?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’m after TEAMS, not players. Otherwise I end up stuck organising two teams which I don’t plan to do. Thanks for offering though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
RyanPS: I’ve edited my original post to make this clearer.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThis conversation has gone rapidly downhill!
"Tom":1v6onigv wrote:Haha laing a little birde told me (your mum) that you have a pinar[/quote:1v6onigv]What the heck is a pinar?
Ryan Hellyer
Member[size=1:2qo82g8p]I haven’t received the official word on the schedule for this week (or last week either!?), so here’s my best guess on the schedule for this week, this concurs with one which Joyce suggested too so should (in theory) be correct. But I was wrong last time, so don’t trust me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />[/size:2qo82g8p]
6:00pmJetsJohn McGlashan
[size=4:2qo82g8p][b:2qo82g8p]DIHL Picks[/b:2qo82g8p][/size:2qo82g8p]
The semi’s are over, so the 3rd-6th placed teams are just playing some friendly games this week.[b:2qo82g8p]Friendly Game 1: Jets vs John McGlashan[/b:2qo82g8p]
John McGlashan has had it’s ass handed to it on a plate this season. They’ve gone from being one of the strongest teams during the previous two seasons to getting totally whooped in every game. They began to redeem themselves last week with a hard fought game vs the Bears, but they still didn’t look like winning and ended the game 3-0 down. This week however they’re breaking out the big guns! Since this game doesn’t count for jack all apart from pride, Stampede player Stefan King is gearing up to bolster their team. The Jets are a much stronger team than the bears, but will have their work cut out slicing their way past Stefan and had better make sure they can score when he’s not in the ice or they’ll be in trouble. My Pick, 4-1 to Jets. Two goals to Sedgwick, Noble and Reymond to share one apiece, Owens to score zero goals coz he doesn’t exist and Wilson to score off an assist from Wick.[b:2qo82g8p]Friendly Game 2: Kings vs Bears[/b:2qo82g8p]
Kings are straight off a soul destroying win to the Bullfrogs and will be looking to sink a few goals into the Bears net. The Bears lost 4-2 to Kings last time they played and will be looking to improve on that this time around. The key for the Bears will be holding the ruthless attack of the Kings forwards. My pick 3-2 to Kings. Woodhouse, Mitchell and Harrison King to pick up the goals for Kings, Wood and Ronayne to pick up the Bears goals, Hellyer to look like an idiot with a camera stuck to his head.[size=4:2qo82g8p][b:2qo82g8p]FINALS: Bullfrogs vs Sharks[/b:2qo82g8p][/size:2qo82g8p]
Ohhh, the big game is here!The Sharks have been a ruthless goal scoring, soul destroying machine all season long. With some uber awesome coaching from veteran Richard Sykes, no weak links, some serious fire power up front and the most experienced (relaxed?) goalie in the league, they’ll be looking to stomp the gribbit right out of the Bullfrogs once and for all. The key for the Sharks will be ensuring that their speedy forwards can make it past the solid Bullfrogs defense.
The Bullfrogs started the season with a draw against the previous seasons wooden spooners, the Bears. But with a couple of extra recruits, some extremely aggressive defensive work, good team work and the best full-time goalies in the league, they’ve managed to make their way through to have a chance for glory in the big finals game. The key for the Bullfrogs will be ensuring both their defense and goalies can stop Laing from scoring.
[b:2qo82g8p]My Pick:[/b:2qo82g8p] The Bullfrogs to shutdown Laing and the Sharks attack nicely to only let goals in from Regan Wilson and Johnstone. The Sharks to let in two goals, one from a goal-line to goal-line waddle from Phipps-Black, another from a pass from Hareb straight across the goal for a tip in off the far post from Honore. Final score 2-2 to put them into sudden death overtime. Laing to get two and both Wilsons to get one minor penalty each, no goals will be scored. Then the big game will be down to a shootout. They’ll be neck and neck until Laing shoots and scores to win the Dunedin Ice Hockey League B-grade Spring 2007 season for the Sharks.
[size=1:2qo82g8p]The big question though is … will Hellyer look like more of an idiot before or after sticking the camera on his head? And will it break? These questions and more to be answered after the big Wednesday night hockey extravaganza.[/size:2qo82g8p]
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYep, I’ll be there. I generally prefer people to email me suggestions though.
James van Leeuwen had a bunch of suggestions for me recently, some of which were discussed in a meeting. Most them were good suggestion, with a couple of impossible/expensive ones thrown in. I’ve started nutting out how to do some of them and there’ll be changes coming up accordingly. In particular, you’ll be able to have news posts added directly to your Facebook account. One important one James was keen on was to be able to register to receive email notifications whenever a news post related to a topic you are intererested in is posted, this is a little trickier but I think I should be able to sort it out – I haven’t started on that yet.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberMinor changes will be coming shortly (including Smash James being moved and a hockey pic in it’s place) and major changes will probably be coming at some stage next year.
Ryan Hellyer
Hope you enjoy the music StefanI picked it especially for you!
Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.var so = new SWFObject(””, “46”, “480”, “360”, “7”, “#FFFFFF”);
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Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’m not sure what you have in mind Chris, but definitely let me know if it’s something simple.
Off-topic: We may have SkaterCam soon! The Dunedin Ice Skating Club may be using the camera for their Christmas show DVD.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Ryan":257u5q9y wrote:[size=3:257u5q9y][b:257u5q9y]Wooden Spoon – Bears vs John McGlashan[/b:257u5q9y][/size:257u5q9y]
My pick: 10-0 to Bears[/quote:257u5q9y]An overestimate this one! Despite John McG’s insistence that they would get thumped in this game without some help, they have proven themselves wrong by putting up some solid defense against the Bears onslaught. The Bears were missing a little firepower as Roth and Patchett seniors were off galavanating round doing whatever it is that they do when they’re not playing hockey (curling for Roth senior apparently!?) and four of their players were still recovering from a VERY tiring pink field hockey game the night before. An easy chip in by Hellyer and some goals from both Patchetts (I think) rounded out a 3-0 game. Wick had a blinder in goal, ticking Hellyer right off by stymying (sp?) his deft deke around three players, deke the goalie and backhand it over their leg pads move by coming about a meter out of the goal <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” />
Congratulations to the Bears who are now the official second last place winners in the DIHL Spring 2007 season <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Woot!
NetCam was in operation for this game so you’ll be able to watch some in goal coverage tomorrow.
"Ryan":257u5q9y wrote:[size=3:257u5q9y][b:257u5q9y]Semi-final numero uno – Sharks vs Jets[/b:257u5q9y][/size:257u5q9y]
My pick: 4-0 to Sharks. Kliegl, both Wilsons and Johnstone to pick up the goals.[/quote:257u5q9y]7-1 to Sharks in the end. The Jets were looking pretty solid for a while, holding the Sharks out 1-0 for quite a while, but then the Sharks got their groove on and decimated the Jets as expected. The Sharks are certainly look the class act of the DIHL Spring 2007, but the Büllfrögs who they will be facing in the finals next week are looking like much tougher opposition now than they were the last time the Sharks face them.
"Ryan":257u5q9y wrote:[size=3:257u5q9y][b:257u5q9y]Semi-final numero duo – Büllfrögs vs Kings[/b:257u5q9y][/size:257u5q9y]
My pick: 1-1, goals will go to Läïng and Dilkes.[/quote:257u5q9y]Jeepers! My prediction was a bit off here. The Bullfrogs fought an aggressive game and shut down the Kings forwards nicely. Congratulations to both McDonald and Dudley Snr who’s deft goalie skills prevented Läing from scoring any goals whatsoever. If the Bullfrogs rapid aggressive improvements continue at their current pace, we may yet see someone challenge the mighty Sharks as numero uno in the DIHL Spring 2007 season!
Video footage of this game will be posted eventually. NetCam was a bit munted though as it was pointing at the ice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” /> Apparently phone cable isn’t the best thing for tying cameras to goal posts … who would’ve thought!
Ryan – back in pink, but at least it’s dry this timeRyan Hellyer
MemberAnyone know the scores? Bears vs John McG was 3-0, I don’t the other ones though.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":2yhcl3oq wrote:[code:2yhcl3oq]Today at 07:52 PM
Latest statistics for the Southern Ice Hockey League (SIHL) Juniors grade are now available ... SIHL page »[/sihl][/code:2yhcl3oq]Fix code for latest news item
[/quote:2yhcl3oq]Thanks Chris. The pinkness must’ve gone to my head.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWhat exactly have they shot down? Last I heard, they weren’t willing to offer a discounted deal on rates (or something along those lines) which they had promised at one point. However the almighty grape vine told me that the owner was still planning to go ahead with their plans anyway, they were just holding out to try and pressure the Wellington City Council into fulfilling their original promise.
In defense of the Wellington City Council, the rink here in Dunedin is a charitable company whereas the Wellington rink was being setup as an entirely private commercial entity. I can understand councils being more willing to plow money into something which isn’t there to make a profit but only to help the community.
It’s definitely a bummer to hear it’s not going well for them though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” /> It would be nice to have another rink in the country, particularly in a major center such as Wellington.
Ryan Hellyer
Member[align=center:3m00ivwo][size=4:3m00ivwo][b:3m00ivwo]Some videos of recreational level hockey in Canada[/b:3m00ivwo][/size:3m00ivwo][/align:3m00ivwo]
Here’s some clips from the University of Calgary Intramural hockey league. This is basically the social grade for the university. They had A, B and C-grades for non-checking and a contact grade. The contact grade was about the same level as the B-grade although there was a larger range of players competing. I’ve only got footage of the B and A-grades though. C-grade was pretty crappy, I would have been one of the stronger players in the league (top 20% maybe) if I’d competed, I’d guess it’s somewhere between Christchurch’s A and B-grades, but with a broader range of playing skill.[align=center:3m00ivwo][size=3:3m00ivwo][b:3m00ivwo]Team Group Velocity vs some random team | B-grade[/b:3m00ivwo][/size:3m00ivwo]
Team Group Velocity was the team I played for. It was actually
the physics and astronomy departments team, but they were short
players so let me and my friend Janay (yellow socks) play for them.
[html]Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.var so = new SWFObject(””, “29”, “320”, “240”, “7”, “#FFFFFF”);
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Team Group Velocity[/url:3m00ivwo][/align:3m00ivwo][align=center:3m00ivwo][size=3:3m00ivwo][b:3m00ivwo]Stubble Jumpers vs some random team | B-grade[/b:3m00ivwo][/size:3m00ivwo]
I played with most of the stubble jumpers at lunchtimes.
This video is from them winning the B-grade finals.
[html]Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.var so = new SWFObject(””, “29”, “320”, “240”, “7”, “#FFFFFF”);
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Intramural Finals[/url:3m00ivwo][/align:3m00ivwo][align=center:3m00ivwo][size=3:3m00ivwo][b:3m00ivwo]Individuals Team vs some random team | A-grade[/b:3m00ivwo][/size:3m00ivwo]
This video is from the finals of the A-grade. I played with a
bunch of these guys as well including Janay (yellow socks) and
the guy Rick who scored the winning goal at the end of the video.
[html]Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.var so = new SWFObject(””, “29”, “320”, “240”, “7”, “#FFFFFF”);
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Intramural Finals[/url:3m00ivwo][/align:3m00ivwo]Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Scotty":3r9tzqj3 wrote:Thanx for the help. BTW how do you get to the ice rinks with out having to walk over the speed skating rink?
[/quote:3r9tzqj3]Lol, that tricks a lot of people <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> There’s a tunnel which runs underneath the rinks and you pop out between the two hockey rinks. You have to go through the tunnel to use the speed skating oval too as they don’t like people hopping over the barriers.