Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Dan":2xnbz0hu wrote:Count me in Graham[/quote:2xnbz0hu]
Welcome to the forum Dan. Is this Dan Dilkes? Or another Dan?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"leftright":46q810se wrote:altering the time on the website to account for daylight saving[/quote:46q810se]Fixed … in under 3 min <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
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Ryan Hellyer
Member"rookie#19":2n1e8wl2 wrote:I seriously think that the online ice booking idea would totally rock the party, it works so well for Phys Ed and think its perfect for what we want. On this website it is ok to search through and find what information you are looking for, but to have a giant diagram form of the practice times and game info would be the best way to go I recon.[/quote:2n1e8wl2]Agreed. There’s been a bunch of us nattering about this concept for over a year now. Unfortunately there isn’t any off the shelf software that does this very well so we need a custom built one. The off the shelf software which does exist is far from intuitive; any system used has to be 100% idiot proofed or it won’t be used, hence the need for custom software. My knowledge of programming is near on zip however, so I’m relying on others to build it.
If we don’t get something rolling before February’ish I’ll look into getting some polytech or uni. students to do it as part of their course. I’d rather avoid that though as they’d probably need a lot of hand holding and instruction to get it done.
"leftright":2n1e8wl2 wrote:Ryan; You should just drop all that PHD crap ( get a real job) and concentrate on the important things in life, running around after whingeing ice hockey players’ … [/quote:2n1e8wl2]I wonder if BK has any job openings?
"leftright":2n1e8wl2 wrote:altering the time on the website to account for daylight saving, more floral backdrop arrangements, important stuff but just do it much quicker will you.[/quote:2n1e8wl2]Ah, the forum time is out. I wonder how long it’s been like that?
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Macca":2kv6phn2 wrote:Just a note on the scheduling system. I have talked to Neil about this and they used to use one a few years back but had even more problems than what they currently have with the little black book.[/quote:2kv6phn2]Yeah, that type of thing could be a nightmare if some moron designed it or they used an off the shelf design which I’m assuming is what happened last time.
"Macca":2kv6phn2 wrote:I am willing to have a go at writing it in conjunction with others but i need to know more detailed specifications as to what they would like. And no that is not an invite to list it on this forum incase you were wondering.[/quote:2kv6phn2]Cool. I have a crude system set up which will handle event scheduling and that will be available by 2008 hopefully. It won’t cover practice times though. Macca, PM coming your way with details of the event scheduling system.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Macca":3gr2wwiu wrote:Oh and Ryan i have done a little bit of research lately into the cost of web development and Chris’s guess would be about right it even might be a little low. And that is just for the initial set up not to mention the continious updating that you have done.[/quote:3gr2wwiu]Depends where you get it done. If you go to the wrong place it will cost you $20,000+ but if you know where to look you will get the same sort of service for much less. For the record, if some random person reads this, I’m happy to create a similar site (in fact a lot better) for $2000, email me at for more info. Of course, like Macca said, updating would be an additional cost but there’s no way it would approach $20,000.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI post the times which I am told by the DIHA. Period. I occasionally post unconfirmed times or times which I assume are correct since I’ve heard them from a reliable source – I did this with the practice times the other week which I received by PM from Ryan Wick.
And I’m not changing that system just because someone wants me to phone around a bunch of people asking what time the practice is on. My job is not to arrange practice times, my job is to run the website, which I do. The people who organise practices are supposed to inform me when they change, they don’t, hence the confusion. However that’s not my fault and I’m certainly not apologising for it or doing a bunch of extra work because of it.
PS: the site is definitely not worth $20,000 but thanks for the compliment Chris <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif" alt="
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Ryan Hellyer
Member"leftright":aa7fpu9r wrote:I thought practice ran for 2 Tuesdays then reverted back to Thursdays. Has this changed?[/quote:aa7fpu9r]No, practice is back on Thursdays again as per usual.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":2udnh3ld wrote:Even if Stefan has booked the ice, and the mistake is with the rink, ice hockey should give up the time. The practice on Wednesday night is important for their show, it’s their biggest event of the year, and ice hockey should just be gracious about it and not play what is essentially a game of pickup hockey.[/quote:2udnh3ld]My comment above may have been ambiguous. What I meant was “the DISC have had the time booked for months. So they’d have first dibs on it anyway.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberStefan, is this another screw up by Neil? That ice time has been booked for months but I assumed the schedule had been changed since you managed to book it. I posted a news item on the home page, but I’ll remove it till hear back from you.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThe people who run that site seem to be complete morons. They ‘accidentally’ wiped their entire database including my login info!? Apparently they have never heard of the concept of backups <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
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Ryan Hellyer
MemberWelcome to the forum Geoff <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
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Ryan Hellyer
Member"Crash":12od1o74 wrote:But I am a fan of the blue yellow one I think that was one of my choices. Having that extra colour in there breaks the silence, it makes you actually focus on the penguin. Contrast alone just isn’t enough sometimes.[/quote:12od1o74]It will need to be a different colour though as we can’t use blue and yellow together as it clashes with Stampede, SIHL and Albury.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":3qs45bsm wrote:I presume since it’s not on the list, Bebo isn’t an option? I’ve never used it, but it seems to be fairly popular.
[/quote:3qs45bsm]Bebo is too crappy. AFAIK they don’t support bookmarking sites, adding notes or anything fancy like that. Which is quite annoying as there are a lot of hockey players on it.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThanks for the input Mark <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
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"Crash":39xqwkv3 wrote:I’m not a fan on the backwards designs.[/quote:39xqwkv3]Do you mean backwards letters? In which case I agree. Seems to be all the rage with hippy designers at the moment though, they’re everywhere!
"Crash":39xqwkv3 wrote:I also like the DP design but now that I think about it those are two letters that should never be seen together so maybe not.[/quote:39xqwkv3]Why shouldn’t D and P be seen together?
Marc would probably appreciate some reasoning behind you liking or not liking certain ones too. Simple ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ isn’t as helpful as ‘yay, because …’ or ‘nay, because …’.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThanks Kyle <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
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"Kyle":1cbo9nfq wrote:I’d take this bit out:Welcome to the official website of the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association. If you are a beginner or new to Dunedin, then please visit our beginners page for an overview of the sport in Dunedin.[/quote:1cbo9nfq]
Yeah, I was wondering about that too. I shrunk it quite a bit from the current site, but I’ll remove it now. I read an interesting article on using paragraphs like this on your home page. Basically the article said don’t do it. However I can see that it’s moderately helpful to new people wanting to know the basic gist of what we’re about. But yep, it’s gone – or will be in 10 mins.
"Kyle":1cbo9nfq wrote:The news on the left is whole stories. I’d use a tidbit which is much much shorter.[/quote:1cbo9nfq]They’re just an arbitrary length at the moment. I hadn’t thought too much about how long they needed to be, if they’re too long you can just click the READ THE REST OF THIS STORY button.
"Kyle":1cbo9nfq wrote:The login on the right needs some explanation. You could interpret that as you need to login to the main website. lump it in with the forum stuff and put it on a different background or in a box. I know you haven’t gotten onto design stuff yet…[/quote:1cbo9nfq]Yep, that’s a design thing. But good to hear you think it looks odd too.
EDIT: Remember that it’s not just a login for the forum. It’s a login for the entire site. There will be non-forum stuff which you need to login for.
"Kyle":1cbo9nfq wrote:I’d put ‘upcoming events’ as higher priority. and practice schedule I’d move off the front page, and just make it a link.[/quote:1cbo9nfq]Erm, yeah, that could work. I’m always in a bind as to how to provide sufficient information about each practice without overflowing the page, so moving it elsewhere could work much better.
"Kyle":1cbo9nfq wrote:Everything from ‘latest member’ down i’d remove.[/quote:1cbo9nfq]What if they were only displayed to logged in users?
"Kyle":1cbo9nfq wrote:And the latest forum posts…. can we take out the board names, and the people posting, since it doesn’t use real names but internet handles.[/quote:1cbo9nfq]That’s another thing I was pondering. It does look more jumbled at the moment than it would once it’s “styled” as the less important bits would be smaller and less noticeable. I’ll do a quick crude rejig of them and so we can see how it looks. You could be right though, too jumbled.
"Kyle":1cbo9nfq wrote:and change the date format to 08/11/07, 11:05pm so it uses less text. And if it was today, say today instead.[/quote:1cbo9nfq]There are some technical difficulties with that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> I had similar problems with the current Latest News posts on the home page as you’ll notice they all have the exact time stamped on them. This is annoying, but the bugger is hard coded into the forum software somewhere and I haven’t nutted out how to change it yet <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” /> I’ll see what I can do though.
Since I last posted, I’ve also added some random images which show up underneath the news articles. They may be slightly confusing as they’re not related to the news post necessarily. Hopefully it wont confuse people.
I’ve also updated the other pages so that they work now.
I’m intending to trim down some of the pages which aren’t used much, including most of the pages under ABOUT. Those are rarely visited and I can’t be bothered maintaining them.
I’d also like to ditch the tips section, but unfortunately we get quite a bit of traffic from them <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” /> I may shunt it off onto Jenels site next year perhaps. Very few local players seem to bother using the tips section of the site, most of the traffic comes from Wikipedia links and a few google hits.
I’m quite stoked with how this has panned out and am glad I didn’t bother putting up the one from a month ago. You can’t see from the outside, but underneath the exterior it’s actually a lot more slick. The admin interface is massively simpler whereas before it was slightly complex. A monkey could work it now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> There are a lot of SEO tweaks in this version too.