Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThere were a whole two people who requested a tips section actually. Which is quite a lot really as most people never ask for anything to be posted on it.
Coming soon to everyones favourite website dedicated to ice hockey in Dunedin … players personal webpage links <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberIs this an email to be sent out? Do you want me to send it????
Ryan,Questions answered! I hadn’t read your previous message first!
And Keith Dickson has been repeatedly telling me, like a billion times or so, that he can’t play for the next few weeks coz of figure skating.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYep, writing something up will be necessary as I’m a bit pinched for time and my brain aint working too well today.
I’m sure you can get it to work though, it just seems to depend on the browser as to whether the stupid thing will let you send lots of emails or not. I don’t get how a major company like Yahoo! can have such a major bug in there system, but oh well. I can send them anyway.
Ryan Hellyer
Beasts lost 3-1 to John McG
Bullfrogs lost to Kings 3-8 (it was 2-3 till last period when our team just weren’t fit enough to keep up)
I didn’t stick round till the end of the last game so don’t know the final score, but the Bears were leading 1-0 after the first period <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberAh, have been trying to figure out why the heck we still keep getting spammed! It was coz I only changed the permissions for the General forum, not the buy sell and exchange one! All spam should be gone now – hopefully.
Yeah, gear is a problem. I mentioned it to Phil a while back and he didn’t seem too bothered by the lack of enforcement. I also mentioned it to Jackie Christos and Joyce Miller and suggested that the club should do something about it. The refs should be calling anything and everything if you ask me. If it’s a rule, they should follow it. I don’t necessarily think they should need to a full check, ie: checking if someone is wearing elbow pads under their jersey shouldn’t be necessary, I’ve never seen or heard of refs doing that before. But something blatantly obvious like not wearing a helmet, visor or gloves should be nailed on the head immediately. Particularly since I’m guessing it’ll open the club up to some liability problems potentially. If the refs can’t see that the player isn’t wearing the equipment then fine, but if it’s obvious then they should definitely do something about it. It also creates a society where it’s cool to wear less gear which is stupid, I don’t like the idea of kids looking up to James as some sort of role model and deciding not to wear a visor because of it. It’d be nice if some of the top players would wear a full-cage for that reason, but I’m not holding my breathe. John Thomsen is one of the only top level players I’ve come across (that I can think of right now) who ever wore a full-cage, and even then he often wore a visor instead depending on his mood.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYeah, I’ve bruised ribs twice now. Didn’t stop me playing for more than a week or so, but apparently it can be dangerous. The word on the grapevine is that Jack will be back in action tonight.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberCracked rib, ouch! So how long will you be out of action? 6 weeks is normal for bruised ribs I think, Im’ not sure about cracked though, sounds worse than bruised ribs.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWhy isn’t the DIHL running for the next two weeks?
Ryan,Ryan Hellyer
Member"Janey":l8xmqmxg wrote:drills in which you are learning to pass (as that is lacking in our games) and put shots on the neta session of power skating skills for beginners??[/quote:l8xmqmxg]
I have some ideas for drills which take up a lot more ice hence can accomodate more players at once and include passing, skating with the puck, fast skating etc., no defense at this stage but we could add that in too.
The powerskating lesson would be easy to organise, just sort out ice time with the club (via Joyce) and get Fanis or Deanna to coach. Ice time plus coaching should be under $200 I think, so if you have 20+ players then you’ll be set. You may be able to get a deal with Neil too, so that players pay per person rather than as a group, that way there’s no risk of coming up short on numbers.
Ryan Hellyer
Member[quote:nfo8lpur]I went along to Monday’s meeting again. It wasn’t on the agenda. I raised it in general business, but there didn’t seem to be much point pushing it as no one had read it.[/quote:nfo8lpur]
Sheesh, this is exactly why I don’t like dealing with the DIHA!
Ryan Hellyer
Member[quote:ajaqu50r]It’s rule 9.14 in the rulebook however:[/quote:ajaqu50r]
The rule book still doesn’t seem to have been voted in by the DIHA so it doesn’t apply here. Plus because it’s not official yet it hasn’t been supplied to the teams either.
What the heck’s up with that by the way? Three meetings and all I’ve seen in the minutes is that the rules will be looked at or comments made at the next meeting or something!?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWas still getting spam showing up in the forum yesterday. I thought I’d fixed it the other week, apparently not. We shouldn’t get any more now though. Unless of course the spam bots start registering via fake email addresses which is possible; but I have found a widget addon thingy so that you need to read one of those squiggly messages and type in what it says to register, I’ll add that if we get more spam arriving.
Unless everyone wants to see Maria Carey getting nailed that is?
Ryan Hellyer
Member[quote:1dprafi9]ps: at the top of the stats (B grade), you’ve got round-robin two, when it’s round-robin 1.[/quote:1dprafi9]
Ryan Hellyer
MemberStats for the second round of the DIHL A and B-grades now available for download … ring06.pdf
Ryan Hellyer
Member[quote:36pq8mgq]Last night I line/refed the first game with sean, are there actually suppose to be set refs comming each week?[/quote:36pq8mgq]
Yep, the refs/linesman are organised by the club. Except for the first week of the B-grade when Phil left for a few days and I sourced some refs.