Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberJack … I forgot to mention that I’d put your name forward as a potential new refereeing recruit.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberPhil has replied and it seems there was some sort of miscommunication as Shaun was sposed to be reffing all of the games on Wednesday night.
He is currently trying to sort out refs for Tuesday and Wednesday and will email Tuesday morning with info about who is doing what. Apparently moves underway to get another referees clinic down here but that the NZIHF thinks we already have plenty of accredited refs which isn’t infact the case. He also said that he believes Matt newton and Duncan Sykes aren’t keen to ref anymore due to abuse they’ve received while reffing … so no more bad mouthing them!
That bad mouthing comment goes for you too Jack! Even if they are wrong, yelling at them doesn’t help and just means we’re more likely to end up dredging the barrel for any old unqualified ref we can find next time.
Also, check out the latest news section on the home page for some very useful videos on the new rule emphasis.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHeader/menu is now the correct width <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> Or more to the point, the forum has been shrunk to the width of the header/menu.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWebsite update:
The forum now has a CAPTCHA thingy, that’s a fuzzy image which you need to enter to register for the forum.
The forum is also in the process of having the main website’s menu and header integrated into it. That way you’ll be able to seamlessly navigate your way from the forum to the main website. It currently looks a little goofy as the main site has a different width than the forum, but I’m working on that problem – will be fixed in time.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberAll going smoothly, channel 9 will be there to film the DIHL A-grade finals.
I was asked to do an interview but they already interviewed me on Thursday and I’m not keen on making an ass of myself again! Kyle, you seem to be good at public speaking ….
I was thinking of sending them to one of the Van Leeuwens to talk to as well, they’re pretty good at ranting about themselves for a while, should provide some good sound bites for them!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberSounds reasonable. I got a similar deal for a composite shaft a few years ago. $29 from SK8.
Although it was ridiculously stiff and definitely not my favourite stick.Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
MemberEmail to Phil Handcock below:
Hi Phil,
Am just wondering what’s happening with the referees for the B-grade. Last night we only had Andre reffing the first game and no one for the second and third games, although luckilly Shaun Hinson turned up and offered to ref them.There were also some concerns raised at some of the behaviour during those second and third games. I didn’t see any of the incidents, but Jack Li sent me a message about the second game saing “There were a serious amount of slashing, hooking and tripping, not to the mention the occasional fights” and also that some of the Peewee players on the Bears were trying to check the Beasts in the third game, Larry Wheeler wasn’t there to look after the Bears in the last game which may have lead to some of them getting a little out of hand so he should be able to sort them out next time.
Could you pass on information about who is supposed to be refereeing/lining each game for next week so that I can make sure they turn up/know who to contact when they don’t.
RyanRyan Hellyer
MemberHmm, yeah, this is a bit of a problem.
I’ve been trying to avoid getting involved as I’m keen to let each unit organise itself, ie: refs organise themselves, scorers organise themselves etc. but obviously it’s not working for the refs so we’ll need to do something about it. I’ll send an email shortly and post it on here for you to see. Email coming shortly!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYeah, I gave Hodge a prod and told him to shut up on the bench which seemed to work. Tim seemed to enjoy hurling abuse though.
Is Shaun Hinson available on Tuesdays? He seems to enjoy reffing and needs to use up his community service (unless he’s done that already). Mike Mitchell is also interested in reffing, albeit has no training whatsoever, he has been reffing some of the games at the beginners session though and there weren’t any complaints.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThe users have now been deleted. I couldn’t figure how to track down their IP address though. Since they haven’t posted anything it doesn’t seem to have been stored anywhere (that I can find). I have permanently banned their email addresses though so they can’t re-register under the same one again.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYep, CAPTCHA was what I was talking about and yep, guest posting is turned off.
Thanks for the tips <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” />
Which Jason are you?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberLMAO, rumours sure do travel fast!
My girlfriends flatmate works for Channel 9 and I’m planning to ask him if he can wrangle us some footage on the news of the DIHL A-grade finals.
I asked at the committee meeting the other night if anyone minded me arranging coverage of it. The answer of course was ‘go ahead’. In between times Graeme Sykes contacted someone at Channel 9 who phoned me yesterday asking if we’d be keen on having the entire game shown and what time slot did we have in mind?????
…. ahem ….. this was followed by ‘the cost is usually around $1200 per hour of footage, does this sound okay to you?’ So I checked my wallet to see how much I had on me, I’m short about $1195 so if anyone feels like pitching in for the rest of it we’ll get full coverage of the game shown <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
On a more likely note, she said that a snippet on the news is definitely doable. I’ll probably get to talk to my missus flatmate tonight about it and see what he can do.
Long term …. I’d actually be interested in seeing how much it would cost to hire some video cameras as I reckon we could patch something half decent together ourselves for them. I’d need a fairly decent Mac with Quicktime Pro for the editing, but I’m sure it can’t be too hard to prepare something moderately professional, most of channel 9’s stuff is pretty budget looking anyway. The cost if you provide your own coverage is apparently much cheaper, like $100 or something which sounds fairly reasonable to me. Anyone know where you can hire professional grade digital video cameras from?
Ryan Hellyer
MemberMy main concern is that the sites are probably virus/spyware ridden.
Ryan,Ryan Hellyer
MemberA quick Google search showed that other people have had this trouble with PHPBB forums and they were certain it was caused by Spam bots not people. … -Spam.html
[quote:15p5u5a2]I removed the URL field completely from the signup form, and any bot that tries to submit it will fail. This might have stopped some of the bots, but there are still fake users being created. Their profiles list no websites, but you can still tell they are bogus when they list their interest as “pills” on a sailing website!”[/quote:15p5u5a2]
I’ll look into it more though. They did suggest ways around it, but it involved messing with the PHPBB code which could get messy, I’d rather not crash the forum just coz I screwed up the coding so will leave this for the mean time.
And yes I can force people to wait for authorisation before being allowed to post on the forum, but I think some people might just not bother registering if they have to wait for a day before I confirm them. So I won’t be doing that unless it becomes absolutely necessary. At some stage I may add one of those fuzzy piccies you need to recognise to register, but I’m not sure how to do it – yet.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberWe seem to be having some spam issues on the forum at the moment.
I’ve fixed the main problem which was spam bots signing up and posting links to dodgy sites.
But now we seem to have spam bots signing up with usernames just so that they can have their website links in the members list! I haven’t removed the links yet, I’ve left them for people to see what I’m talking about. But whatever you do DON’T CLICK ON THE LINKS, who knows what’s in them.The offending users are:
PoencebasIf you see any further examples popping up then please let me know so I can delete the users.