Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
Member"jonnies":29gbluip wrote:The b grade John Mcglashan team was woundering what the gear requirements are for the final game on wed? just so there is no confusion.[/quote:29gbluip]Welcome to the forum Rob. Do you want more info. than was in the email sent out the other day? Basically you need to follow all the IIHF equipment regulations[/url:29gbluip] plus you need a mouthguard as per NZIHF rules and shin guards, elbow pads and gloves are part of the DIHL rules. The shin guards, elbow pads and gloves do not need to be designed for hockey but I’d recommend hockey specific gear anyway. The email sent out the other day is below.
Hi everyone,Just a quick note about the DIHL. The referees have been very lenient about enforcing equipment rules so far. But as of today they’re intending to insist that all players follow the rules. So …
In particular: The DIHL is being played under the IIHF jurisdiction and therefore all under 18 year olds must wear a full face shield and all players born after Dec 31, 1974 must at least wear a visor that meets approved international standards i.e. cover the eyes and the lower edge of the nose. NZIHF requirements also mandate that mouth guards are compulsory.
All players MUST wear:
half/full face visor/cage
mouth guard
elbow pads
shin guardsAll under 18 year olds must also wear:
throat protector
full face visor/cageAlso, the referees have requested that the following points be made to all players as there have been a few issues lately with on-ice antics.
a. This is SOCIAL hockey – not game 7 of the Stanley Cup.
b. Any verbal abuse or complaining to the refs will not be tolerated.We’re running short on referees at the moment and we don’t need to lose some due to players yelling at them during the game, they’re doing their best – yelling at them won’t help. If you have any issue with the refereeing standard, please contact either the DIHL or DIHA commitees after your game and we’ll deal with the issue as best we can. If you’re interested in becoming a referee yourself, then please contact us and we’ll let you know what you need to do to become involved.
Ryan HellyerRyan Hellyer
MemberI’ve re-uploaded the stats. I seem to be having some caching issues with my ISP though so I can’t check that it’s uploaded properly so someone please let me know if you can’t see it.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":3rrddhpa wrote:(P.S. good choice of forum hosting – rules)[/quote:3rrddhpa]Welcome to the forum Chris, but this isn’t hosted on, same type of forum (PHPBB) but we have our own web host which I’ve installed this on.
Kyle, I’ll fix the stats in a few mins.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberDepends on the tape I think. Crappy tape doesn’t stick properly.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThe problem taped on ones is that players don’t bother in my experience. Some simple stickers would be easier and (I think) should last a game. Plus they’d probably be cheaper than using stick tape.
Ryan,Ryan Hellyer
MemberWelcome to the forum Phil <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
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This all sounds reasonable to me. Too many people making a lot of huff over a minor issue I think. Hopefully from now on the players will wear the proper equipment.
I was talking to Clive Murphie (Aardwolfs club president) last night and he mentioned that the refs up in Christchurch have been sending people off for not having a matching uniforms, tucking their jerseys into their shorts and in their top grade for not wearing matching socks! So I’m glad you’re not enforcing those things, although the tucking of uniforms into shorts would be any easy thing to remedy.
Perhaps the club should look at purchasing/making a bunch of stick on C’s and A’s? At the moment the refs have no idea who the captains and assistants are. Some sticky labels would do the trick, they could be kept in the score box and handed out before each game for the designated players on each team.
It’s a little dissapointing to see that one of the Kings players got a game misconduct penalty tonight. Some people need to take these things a little less serious! Particularly when the infraction occured after the game was over! Although I think the Beasts didn’t help matters for themselves, a little more diplomacy might have prevented it.
Final scores for the B-grade are (I think, I wasn’t paying that much attention):
Bears 1 OBHS 4
Bullfrogs 1 John McGlashan 4
Beasts 7 Kings 0It’s looking a tense finals game between John McGlashan and the Beasts.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHmm, mysterious poster eh.
Ryan Hellyer
Member[quote:9eteysb2]If it wasn’t clear from my post, I approached the referees during the SK8 game the week before, when they were playing the Ducks, and asked the referees to remind the SK8 players who weren’t wearing visors then that they should be. Why there were people not wearing visors the week after, I don’t know.[/quote:9eteysb2]
I suggest we avoid a flame war with whoever this ‘guest’ person is. You were prefectly reasonable in asking SK8 to follow the rules and I don’t think anyone who knows the details would argue otherwise. It could definitely look dodgy to anyone who didn’t know the background behind what was going on though.
I’ll be sending an email out to all DIHL players very shortly outlining the equipment rules.
PS: this might be the first piece of controversy we’ve had on the forum <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
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Ryan Hellyer
MemberWelcome to the forum ‘guest’! Who are you? You really confused me with that choice of name as I’d altered the forum ages back to disallow people from posting as a guest. I fiddled with the settings for about 15 mins before realising your actual user name was ‘guest’!
I think you’ve missed the mark a little with the visor issue though, although I can see where you’re coming from – it didn’t look good for us. There was more going on behind the scenes than what you saw on the ice. Basically there had been a bunch of dialogue between Phil Handcock and Kyle and I (mainly Kyle I think) about enforcement of equipment rules well before that game. For whatever reason, the referees don’t feel they need to enforce the rules, I don’t understand why at all but anyhows. Kyle’s timing was definitely pretty shocking though, best to leave stuff like that till when you’re not the one playing them. But I don’t think believe he was trying to do anything vindictive to win the game or anything, he just chose a [b:2ws0pbcu]really[/b:2ws0pbcu] bad time to try and force the issue.
Personally my approach would be to get the DIHA committee to insist that the referees enforce the rules. That way it’s completely non-biased and the referees wouldn’t have any choice but to do what they’re told or risk not getting paid for their work.
Kyle’s explanation after the game was that it wasn’t really going to affect SK8 as they could easily have gone over to the equipment shed and borrowed a helmet and cage for the next two periods. Although I’m sure that would have put them off their game a bit.
There are some issues for Kyle and I with referees not enforcing equipment rules associated with our position as league organisers. If there are any injuries from referees failing to enforce rules and we don’t act on it when we know that the referees are refusing to enforce safety rules then there is some risk of us being held liable for injuries etc. That type of thing could go all the way to the DIHA president although I’m not sure, either way we don’t want anyone getting into legal trouble. There was a case in New Zealand a few years ago of the organisers of a cycling race being held liable for a death during a race as they supposedly hadn’t followed their own safety criteria, a similar problem was encountered at the Queenstown street race (for cars), infact the Queenstown street race has had to be cancelled due to that incident.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberAudrey is not a gross pet!
She is a very healthy venus fly trap who has just come out of winter hibernation and needs some good nutrients to get her ready for the busy summer fly season!Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThanks to Jon Kitchen for supplying me with a fly <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll be needing another one in a few weeks so keep a look out!
Ryan Hellyer
MemberOh yeah, I’m needing flies on a bi/tri-weekly basis so if anyone feels like growing a maggot farm there could be a steady profit to be made. I live in an apartment so growing a maggot farm in my living room may peeve off my flatemate a little.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI’ll pay $2 for a top quality fly, no more than that though!
And cats usually have a habit of injuring the flies, I require my fly to be in top notch condition![img:9j9550g5][/img:9j9550g5]
Ryan Hellyer
MemberGood thinking, I hadn’t thought of padding out a salary with refereeing, although it doesn’t encourage long term development of our referees.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI agree with everything you’ve said there Kyle.
If I was a referee I wouldn’t be very popular at all as I’d simply be chucking people in the box non-stop. The standard of refereeing in Dunedin is not that great (er, never use me as an example of how to ref though!). I warned the Aardwolfs of it before they played us last time and they didn’t believe me how bad it was going to be. I’m not interested in reffing in the slightest, it’s not my thing. But hopefully we do get some more recruits soon (Jack? wanna learn the finer points of hockey refereeing?).
Perhaps a professional coach (Jenel if it’s her) could teach referring skills if one is employed.