Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThanks for the tips. I’ve chosen the third one.
I’ve updated the home page, and the rest of the pages in the main part of the site are updated except for the active page buttons which I need to go through and change for each page. I’ll get onto that tomorrow hopefully. The forum will need to updated manually as well.
Not sure I like the new style though, doesn’t gel well with the rest of the site, but oh well. I might change it again at a later date, but we’re stuck with it for the mean time.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThe main menu buttons for the website haven’t prove to be very popular. The problems are apparently to do with the font not being very readable and the black on red causing problems for some people (slight colour blindess issues).
Here’s some examples of potential new menu buttons. Let me know what you think. The Ones I prefer the most are the second and third ones from the top (the top one is the current design).
The outer glow would be present for ALL of the buttons and I’d either add an even brighter glow for the active one or highlight the entire button. The mouseovers will possibly have the same look as the active button – this isn’t decided yet and if you have an opinion on the issue then let me know. There’s a billion different fonts out there so feel free to suggest another one. The fonts below can also be stretched, made bold, italicised, pretty much anything you can think of so feel free to suggest modifications to the existing ones too.
Random info: the third one is based on the font from the Swatch watch company, the fourth one is based on the font of Gilligans island and the last one is the font from Evanescence.
RyanRyan Hellyer
MemberThanks, bug is fixed properly now. I forgot to put the header and menu inside the main table wrapper of the forum, hence the forum kept breaking out to the side.
My temporary solution broke whenever you reduced the font-size of your browser, now it shouldn’t do that either.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberShould be fixed, or atleast a stop gap solution should be in place.
Let me know if it hasn’t worked.
Ryan Hellyer
Memberah yes, I know exactly what is causing that.
I’ll fix it later.I’m assuming this is Firefox 1.5 on Mac?
I jerry rigged the header into place, but I’m assuming it’s a change in font which has goofed my attempt to hack it into place.It doesn’t have this problem in Firefox 1.5/2.0 on Windows.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberNo idea. Feel free to work out who the leading goal scorer, assist leader and goalie were for each grade. We normally give out awards at the end of the season – not necessarily based on stats, but it helps!
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":lrnv38rv wrote:Menus work ok, but the entire section below that (white) starts further to the left than it should.The dates in the news are also having some issues vertically in relation to the actual news content. I’ll email you a screen shot.[/quote:lrnv38rv]
Yeah, that”s just lack of CSS support in IE. As long as the site is navigatable and you can still read the content I’m happy. I’ve made the CSS work in IE6 and IE7 with an addtional style sheet via a conditional comment in the HTML. There’s probably some way to send a seperate style sheet to Mac IE via serverside scripting but I can’t be assed learning how. The alignment screws up in Win IE5 and 5.5 too but again they are navigatable and the content is still readable.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberGo into Profile at the top of the screen, there you can adjust your time in relation to Greenwich mean time.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberI thought the time settings were applied from your own settings in your profile. I’ll check it out though.
Also, can you check how the new menu looks on Mac IE for me? Not the menu in the forum or photos gallery pages though as they haven’t been upgraded yet.
‘In theory’ it should work with Mac IE but I can’t test it. The old one had a little spaz and did weird shit in Mac IE, although it did function fine in Win IE5 and IE5.5.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberHow’s that? Now both sides are done <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberYeah, just a recommendation, I’m not expecting much to come of it though. And no I’m not about to start running their meetings!
Larry seems to be the resident expert on these things so I generally take what he says as gosple. But yeah, it does seem greedy, but Larry doesn’t see it that way so who knows.
They’ve got some serious funding for other things before though so I don’t see this as too unreasonable. I heard something about the Auckland Ice Hockey Association getting about $80,000 in funding for ice time, so $30,000 for us doesn’t sound too unreasonable in comparison.
The applications are going to 6 charities each, even if only half of them are processed for the ice time, and half for the coach, then that’s $70,000 which is stacks to easily bankroll a coach for the season. Chances are Jenel will work for considerably less than they realise. She is afterall essentially on holiday at the moment and totally loves hockey, so getting to work in a far off distant land as a hockey coach is pretty much perfect for her.
Incidentally she’ll be arriving in ChCh on November 15th. She doesn’t have any plans at this stage, but hopefully we’ll see her down here at some stage.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThat’s why I left it till the end <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="
” title=”Tongue” /> So they didn’t have time to debate the issue <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
You’re right though, it’s ridiculous they approved it without reading it. But anyhows, it’s a good thing so all is well.
Come AGM time I intend to send a reccommendation a few fundamental changes to be made to help improve hockey here.
(a) A strategic plan – what is happening during the season and when, ie: no more DIHA A-grade comp.s organised at the last minute and messing up what happens with other areas of the club
(b) Committee rule that anything which needs to be discussed in the meeting has to be outlined in detail by email well before the committee meeting so that any questions can be asked beforehand, not during. I’d word it in such a way to emphasise that this is to convince more people to attend.
(c) Request that ALL club related information which members would be interested in should be emailed to me for posting on the website. At the moment there’s too much secrecy (I don’t mean intentional secrecy), half the time I have to hear about things through the grape vine or even worse wait to hear about hem from the ChCh SNC or Aardwolfs.Ryan,
Ryan Hellyer
MemberSheesh, worlds most boring meeting over and done with! Too much talking, not enough action …
I’m glad I got the Rule Book pushed through, didn’t want it left on the dust heap forever.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberEdit: since I posted this the DIHA Rule Book has been approved by the club and is now not considered a draft document anymore.
[url:2fbcrte8][/url:2fbcrte8] – edited:changed to the new official document.
The link above is the official “DIHA Rule Book” that Kyle and I prepared a while back.
Basically it’s intended for any new league organisers as a guide/rules for how events should be organised. It covers all in-house games organised by the DIHA, this wouldn’t include events such as SIHL rounds held here as they are not in-house games. It is also intended for players and particularly new teams who want to know the finer points of how various leagues under the DIHA umbrella are organised. This document is roughly what Kyle and I have been following for the Spring 2006 DIHL season. There will probably be a simplified version of this document for referees, players and team managers as well for the 2007 season to save them having to scrawl through this main document.
I intend to ask the committee to accept it as their official rules tonight (edit: done and approved). We gave it to them a month or so before the Spring DIHL 2006 started. Since there aren’t any more leagues to be organised this season (well, I don’t think there will be anyway) it shouldn’t matter if there are any errors so hopefully they’ll just agree to this. Any errors can be corrected afterwards.
If everyone could have a good read through and pick out any potential bugs that, would be awesome. We’ve tried to keep it as succinct as possible without missing out too potential loop holes. The risk of having a set of rules like this is that people find loop holes and exploit them and we don’t want that. We have added some ‘executive powers’ to the league organisers to allow for loop holes to be closed mid-season but it would be best if they were closed beforehand.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberThanks John, they’re now updated.