Forum Replies Created
Ryan Hellyer
MemberCool <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> You can now upload photos and videos to the photos gallery <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Plus, you don’t even need to re-register for it. Your username from here in the forum will work in the gallery too. It took a lot of shagging round to get this to work so I’m quite stoked it is functioning!
I’d already registered in the gallery under Ryan, so I’m using this alias here to test that it works, and it does!
Oh yeah, there’s a 2 MB cap per upload and the photos are limited to JPEG’s at less than 1024×1024 resolution. If you’re going to upload videos please make sure they’re well compressed as we have limited disk space on our web hosting account. If the uploading of videos gets out of hand I may need to stop it/start deleting some as we’ll eventually run out of disk space. I’ll be back in a few mins with information on what to do if you need to upload something bigger than 2 MB or you’d like me to compress your video footage before uploading.
PS: Big thanks to Paul Matthews from ProSouth Computers who has upgraded us to a 250 MB (was originally 100 MB) hosting account for free <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberSounds like a league with only two teams!
Better than one team though and good to see there’ll hopefully be some hockey on over the summer. It always seems a pity when there’s no hockey on simply coz noone can be assed organising, so good on Phil <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan Hellyer
MemberAnd we have yet another new photo and videos gallery.
This should be the final gallery over haul for a while.There’s a few minor bugs in IE etc which I’ll iron out shortly, but the gallery is fully functional and has lots of extra options which none of the previous ones had. In particular you can now add comments to each photo. Plus the videos gallery is integrated into the main gallery and there is a slide show function. I’ll also be setting up an uploading function so that users can upload their own photos for everyone to see.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberOnly 9 players so far! There’d better be some more sign-up’s tonight or it won’t be going ahead anyway.
Also, a VERY late change to the rules for the summer season.
Full-face cages are now compulsory.— hang on a minute —
have just re-read email from Phil. Apparently it is compulsory to wear both half-visor and a full-cage 🙄 Will email him back to find out what the story is.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":2ucplxrx wrote:No, no foul here ref! ….. Must have been playing the puck <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="” title=”Wink” />[/quote:2ucplxrx]
Typical Ryan Wick style of play!
More B-grade photos will be coming. Am a bit spent from preparing photos though so they’ll need to wait a few days/weeks.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":wcdobh0q wrote:Looking good. No A grade though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="” title=”Sad” />[/quote:wcdobh0q]
And your wish is granted. ~70 more pics added, mainly from the A-grade.
Plus two extra videos.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":p8imckdl wrote:Wow Ryan, you changed the default board style! You must be so damn bored :lol:[/quote:p8imckdl]You posted while I was in the middle of updating it. It probably looked a little goofy at the time.
I’ve been meaning to do this for yonks. The old style didn’t match very well with the rest of the site IMO. The borders on the left and right hand from the main part of the site are now here in the forum. Had to change to a new style or the borders would have looked ‘stuck on’.
I’m happy to change to another style if anyone can find something more suitable. This style is called “nose bleed”.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberChips were mushy, ick! Lemon Chicken on rice and Kung Po chicken were yummuy though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Didn’t eat much of the rice, tummy can’t handle it.Have set up apache password protection on which is now where the fake contactlist.xls is stored. Was really easy, just have to dump two files in there and it’s safe <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> No problem at all.
The password for both the uploader and the folder are currently set to “daffyduck”. Username is “admin”.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Chris":1paoj89i wrote:Silly question, but is there a reason you can’t just .zip or .rar a .xls file and stick a password on it?It’s just emails and phone numbers… you’re not going to need an rc4 stream cipher or anything to keep it safe, just something to protect it from web crawlers[/quote:1paoj89i]
That sounds far too easy, I’d rather waste ridiculous amounts of time doing it the hardway!
Besides, I’d like to know how to do this incase it comes in handy in the future, not sure what for, but you never know.
PS: Random fact. Stuck at home with no food, delivery from the Asian is minimum $20, so I’m now ordering two large meals plus chips, won’t be going hungry tonight!
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":35ob7wkp wrote:Yeah I’m not proposing banning anyone else doing it in emergencies. But having one person in charge of adding people, and sending it out, would mean that there was less chance of confusion between those two tasks. All normal emails should be done by them, as they know who should get the emails, and whether the address book is up to date.[/quote:35ob7wkp]We’re on the same wave length then. The thing is you’ve always been in charge of the emails, but I end up doing it on occasion anyway and I often/usually don’t have a very up to date copy of the address book. Admittedly using a proper address book and a better email account will make sending bulk emails out a lot easier/faster now.
"Kyle":35ob7wkp wrote:If it’s a mailto form, which are the easiest ones, then the spam harvesters pick them up in a second, because the email address is in the html. [/quote:35ob7wkp]No the address wouldn’t be in the HTML. AFAIK it’s not that hard, there are plug-in scripts for the purpose.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":266faamj wrote:I think the other ‘policy’ of sorts would be that one person does the emails at one time. That way, as long as that person has an uptodate contact list, we’re fine. Any additions need to go to that person.[/quote:266faamj]Perhaps, but sometimes that person can’t do it for whatever reason, ie: your missus popping a kid out. I wouldn’t approve of any old person having access, but the likes of Joyce may have a use for it, she is the DIHA secretary after all, but she’s not the right person for the job of looking after it. Access for her would be appropriate though IMO.
I had a chat with a friend of mine (hockey player from Vancouver actually). He’s an expert in web data storage (I didn’t know this till I posed the question above to him actually!). He said that it’s completely insecure and a big risk. He mentioned using a .htaccess file, I have no idea what that is but I’ll do some more info hunting and see what I can sort out. Putting peoples personal info. online isn’t a particularly good way to make friends and also illegal, so I’m keen to do this properly or not at all.
"Kyle":266faamj wrote:A question about these email addresses. Do they have a spam and virus filter on the server side? Because they’re going to be useless within a couple of months if they don’t.[/quote:266faamj]No idea. That hadn’t occured to me. My address has been active for months and I haven’t gotten any spam from it. Admittedly I didn’t post it on the web till about a month ago so maybe it’ll bite me on the arse shortly. Hopefully not. I assume there’s some sort of junk mail filter in place, ProSouth offers every other service under the sun so I’m assuming this is one of them. ProSouth don’t actually tell me what services they offer until I ask them which is weird, you’d think they’d have a list of everything they offer for their customers to see, but no! Strange company.
I could place a form on the website so that if anyone needed to contact us they could use that instead. It would re-direct all messages to the email inbox. Atleast then the address wouldn’t be plastered all over the web.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberEmail received. Works well. Good solution to the problem!
I’ve never heard of a .ldif file before but it seems to do the job. Will also gel well with the new address as you’ll be able to send emails directly via the contact list.
I think I need to find a more secure way to upload the file to the web though. My idea above is a little flawed. My CV along with all of my phone numbers, email address, street address, personal details, everthing! got posted on the Canadian Bristol Myers squib website once. They stuck mine along with 8000 others CV’s in a folder on their server so that various members of their organisation could access them, which is fine, I gave them permission to do that. However it was accessible via the wider internet (which I didn’t give permission for) and Google somehow tracked down the files within that folder and posted them as part of their search results. Even months after Bristol Myers Squib removed my CV it was still accessible via the Google cache. Admittedly my idea above has slightly more security as you can’t view the folder contents due to the index.php file, but you never know what Google bots may dredge up. I’ll do some more research and see if I can find some way to encrypt the file on upload.
Ryan Hellyer
MemberEr, how do we go about doing that?
What sort of address book format are you talking about?You stuck all those email addresses into the Yahoo mail account, but that didn’t include phone numbers, addresses etc. You can add them to the Yahoo mail account but that I would be a very unpleasant job. Some sort of document/address book containing all the information would definitely be useful.
Ryan Hellyer
Member"Kyle":1ovw9juz wrote:lolyou need to stop breaking shit. way too much time on your hands.[/quote:1ovw9juz]
Yeah, yeah I know!
The gallery has been binned in favour of an even easier to maintain one:’s also some new piccies under DIHL Spring 06.
PS: more piccies coming soon to your favourite Dunedin ice hockey website.
Ryan Hellyer
Password is “daffyduck”
Current document is at: … ctlist.xlsYou can view and re-upload the contactlist.xls, but can’t see what’s in the folder. So if you don’t know that contactlist.xls is there you have no way of finding it.