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Membercool sounds like the lineups are going to be solid, should be good hockey!!
Looking forward to playing this yogi bears team!!! See if that guy is as bad as iv heard he is!!!
We have 2lines for 2mrw kyle, so we are sweet hopefully
MemberWow those shots joe is taking are pretty sweet huh??!! Keep them rolling dude!
Kyle u look like a pro with that pretty visor, wonder who was legendary enough to sell u that?! Haha, but honestly we are expecting some big goals from you this weekend!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif" alt="
” title=”Cheesy” />
I think we should stick to the 8team schedule, and just reduce the number in the teams if we have to, I dont know about you guys but im keen to play lots of hockey over the weekend, although i dont know if this will make the ice time more expensive???
Takes me back to the inline days of 4 drunk players, a drunk goalie, and no subs… good times. 😯
MemberScott is a guy that came down the other night, hes keen to get into hockey this year for dunedin, hes pretty good as hes played recently for the Red Devils in the Superleague. Iv txt him, but no reply yet, he said the other nite he was keen for the tournament.
Um maby Matt Newton can play for the Juniors if they have hardly any players, does anyone know the situation with the aardwolves yet??
We have our roster, and dont really want to add to what we have which is fair enough I recon, we dont want a 4 line team!!
MemberKyle, u doubt urself too much, ur up there with the rest of them, just check last years DIHL stats!!! We clicked as a team well last year so hopefully we can again this year, despite a few changes to the roster.
Na hodgee is goin to Nelson for a week, so it up to him, I think the tournament might be a bit below his level of play, so he may just play premier stuff this year i guess.
I will check with Blake and the others, but im sure they wont mind payin another $50, as they will have to pay at some stage this season. As for Stewie, I was told by Ryan he was looking for a team for Easton Cup, and could he play on our team, he fills the 10th spot, so im not too worried. With the amount of money hes making over there, im sure another $50 wont be a problem for what looks to be a great tournament!!
MemberHey guys the phantoms lineup for the easton cup:
Stefan King
Simon Christos
Ryan Wick
Joe (canadian photo-dude)
Darcy Knyvette
Peter Lamb
Kyle Matthews
Scottie (dude from
Blake SinclairAaron Bryant (G)
MemberWell the poster, which im sure everyone has seen, stated that entries were due by the 31st, so yea
MemberYEa i will post it tonight, I have made some changes, with some people not being able to make it, and some being added to our roster. I will contact everyone today and confirm numbers, and whether there will be any room in the mighty phantoms.
I guess ur right kyle, people should have put teams in well before now, so i guess there might be a large number of spectators!!
Anyway il post team tonight. Peace ya’ll
MemberHi all,
Its seems from the draw that we only have 3 teams for the Easton Cup from dunedin!!
The beasts I know are playing, and have a full roster from what i know.
The Dunedin Juniors, im assuming, will have a fairly full roster, and our phantoms team will have the amount of players we need, as we only ever wanted 2 lines max (10 players), so that we could have lots of game time and get some consistent lines going.There are so many people that I have talked to that want in to this tournament, and many even think they are playing but they will not be if this schedule is correct.
To mention some names, I thought that Sam and Shane and those boys were putting in a team??Also many other A-League players like James V.L. and others, where will they fit in?? Im assuming they will be playing surely?? I guess if they have not entered a team they will not be playing but mabye we put in another team to replace the aardwolves, once their withdrawl has been confirmed.
From talking to some players they are assuming they are in a team, and may just turn up on friday expecting to play. If we make a random dunedin team up, i wonder if it could be filled by these players??
I would rather not have a 20 player roster, although this may seem unfair to some, our team and im sure the other teams would rather stick to what we have at this stage in terms of a roster.Anyway, does anyone know what the deal will be for these players??
MemberOk i get it now, but someone could have explained it after the first posting about whether we would be pulled up for our visors when travelling, u obviously like a good debate!! owel all is resolved, and the DIHL rule book obviously needs to be changed, so thats cool.
Peace and godbless hockey and tinted visors!!
MemberAnd yes i fully agree with guest in saying the key word for this whole situation is [b:19cgef06]recommended[/b:19cgef06].
MemberOk yea im totally confused right now, whose belief was it that the IIHF had a rule on visors having to be HECC regulation visors?? U cant be serious that its a recommended rule?
um yea…rookie19
MemberAre u fkn kidding me?? Under IIHF rules there is nothing on HECC certification??
Ur right in the fact ur saying one rule should be for all. I fully agree. I think the point is being missed a little.
I am simply saying that there is very little difference in terms of safety between the HECC cert. visors and those that are not certified, I know this through experience. So what i am saying is why is there such a big issue whether they are certified or not, they still cover the important areas of your face and do the job well. If the DIHA were to say “no” to all visors because they deemed them unsafe, sure this would be acceptable, but as there is so little difference between cert. and non-cert. visors i dont see the big deal. All certified visors are, are a non-cert. visor with two attachments at the top.
All I am saying is that why bother causing complications with gear and make people buy new gear when they could have the choice to use non-certified visors and still be relatively protected from injury.
Perhaps there should be more emphasis on stopping high sticking in the league?
MemberWell said Kyle, i do not oppose what u r saying at all, I just feel that in dunedin we are getting too wound up on rules which have little significance to the game of hockey.
By the way, the HECC cert. visors we have at sk8 are referee visors which hang strangely on the face which i wouldnt want to wear. I have worn lots of different gear over the years, and have tried nearly everything in facial protection, and the visor i am using is my personal favourite. I feel therefore, that i should be able to use it, as it is my choice to risk wearing a more dangerous? visor, just like it was my choice to wear a visor and not a cage, which also increases my chance of getting hit in the face.
Anyway im over talking bowt visors, i hope no refs pull us up for them, but if they do thats their choice. Its just kind of annoying because i know a lot of poeple well that come into the store, and they have brought visors that are not certified, so it leaves me in a bad position. If there was a years notice or something, sure we could start to phase them out, but its pretty out of the blue, to instatly enforce them is kind of unreasonable i feel.
MemberI say we start a poll.
-Whoever is in favour of us having rules so that all visors must be “certified”.
-Whoever is in favour of us being allowed to wear whatever visors we want.I garantee next to no one will go out and get new HECC certified visors.
I know the rules are there for peoples safety, and i agree it makes sense to have the safest gear possible, but we just want to play hockey with whatever gear works for us, i just cant see how this is such an issue. I have been hit in the face before, causing blood loss haha. I have been hurt to a greater extent by getting a stick to the throat, should we all wear throat guards??