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MemberTwo guys from the midgets team have signed up – Spiers brothers. They’ve both put A grade. I’m going to bump them down to B.
Taylor Skinner, who played in SK8 in the last DIHL. He’s also put A grade. Anyone know if he was any good? He got one goal in the first DIHL, so I’m thinking he’s B as well.
MemberYeah, my pile of forms are at home. I’ll try to get them sorted out tonight and into a spreadsheet.
Which two goalies signed up last night? Larry Wheeler and ?
MemberB grade update:
We’re still looking I believe at 2 beginners teams, though one will require a couple of extras.
OBHS are entering a team, and they have half of another team.
JM are the same – one full team, and half another team.
We’ll either merge these two teams together to make two halves, or split them into two other teams requiring extras.
Midgets are apparently a possibility, but no actual work has yet been done.
No update on Kings, I’m not holding my breath.
Peewees are a no as a team, but some will be entering as individuals.So with 2 beginners teams, and 2 schools teams, plus a merged school team, we’re probably on 5. That would give us a 6th team to slot individuals into. If the midgets end up being a sixth team, then we only have the beginners teams to slot individuals into. I suspect we probably need to limit it to 5 set teams – we’ve already got a small pile of individual registrations, and since those people were first in, they get first claim to play. I wouldn’t want 6 set teams all entering – some of them undoubtably late, and shutting out the individuals who registered early.
After a few weeks ago being more worried about B grade, now I’m more worried about A grade. Email coming up to try and motivate people to register on Sunday.
MemberTeams that I’m aware of as at today:
A grade:
Richard Sykes said there might be a second team from OBHS ‘organised by the seniors’. I’m unclear whether this means it’s A or B grade, I’ve asked him to clarify.
Andre was talking about taking the current Bullfrogs team and entering it in the dihl. Not sure whether he’s going to follow up on this.
Aaron isn’t organising a team, but would probably run one for us if we put it together.
I’ve emailed Paul Roth to ask him to confirm whether the juniors are entering a team.B grade:
John McGlashan
Beginners 1
Beginners 2
Ian Keiller spoke to me the other day, he’s not putting in a Kings Team, but apparently Jake Woodhouse is trying to put together the kings team to enter. I have yet to speak to Jake about this.
I’ve emailed peewees and midgets managers and asked them to look at putting their teams in.There’s still a lot of unknowns on the list, and there’s also gaps for teams that we put together from individuals that register as individuals. I’d like to tie up some of these teams so we know where we stand, and if we need to chase a heap of people up, or if we’re going to fill up quick and can just let things slide.
MemberHow’d we go last night Ryan? 50 people signed up and gave you heaps of money?
I’m a bit worried about how quickly our deadlines are approaching, so I think we should keep an eye on who’s registered, and who we need to keep chasing up.
MemberYeah, and I’m aware that if you live in a hall… sorry, college I believe now… they kick you out the day after the exam.
Anyway, it’s an idea. I’m not a student, so the weekend doesn’t affect me at all, but if we get feedback from those that are, that’ll give us something to work with.
MemberWell at this stage, only people in a few limited courses know when their exams finish, as the exam timetable doesn’t come out until mid-August. I think med students for example finish a week earlier than the main campus, but they also started a week earlier. If it was arranged now people could plan their travel home on the basis of the trip.
MemberI’d suspect, that their ice is so busy, that if we wanted to do it next week, we’d be out of luck.
However with a couple of month’s lead-in, I’m sure they can rearrange things, as long as we work around them.
Just looking at the phantoms for example, a lot are students who would go home in mid-November. I wonder if we looked at the weekend that exams finish (last exam Saturday 11 November, but unlikely anyone would have an exam on the last day), then maybe people might fit it in as part of their trip home to up north. Either fly out of Chch, or keep on driving.
Or put it on the backburner and look at early next season – end of February or March.
MemberPlaying and talking to some of the Aardwolfs last night, got me to thinking – Dunedin teams really should take up this touring thing. Or, at least, take a weekend next season, and go to Christchurch. You could fit in 3 or 4 games easy, travelling up Saturday morning, back Sunday evening. Wouldn’t cost too much at all.
MemberLooks good Ryan. Very professional.
I think that competitions page should be split. Would be useful to be able to have addresses such as and Those pages could head whole sections, rather than being part of a bigger page.
The site doesn’t seem to be working though as it’s just a table with some images in it, there’s not even any text !? I’m guessing they’ll sort that out in July when they say they’ll be haopening. It’ll be interesting to see what their pricing is like.
[/quote:2ukm65xb]I presume none of the links work, because it’s not ‘open’ yet. Once they open they’ll probably activate it all.
Either that, or their website designer needs to be fired!
MemberStats: I haven’t had a good look, but you’ll definitely need to swap over shots on goal between Rhys and Tony in our game. We put a crapload of shots on Tony, he had a blinder, and we couldn’t put them away. Rhys definitely didn’t have 25 shots.
Also, the two hat tricks in Kings went to Garrett and Damien. someone had the wrong top on.
Member[quote:1bxsbwb9]Kings vs Beasts: Kyle’s pick: 5-3 to the Beasts, Watson to get a double for Kings, King, Newton and Sedgwick to net for the Beasties.[/quote:1bxsbwb9]
Ooh! The Kings hoodoo continues for the Beasties, with Garrett there as the puck drops, and Damien Watson strolling casually around the rink five minutes in, the game turns from 3-1 to the Beasts, to 8-5 to the Kings boys, who’ll be gloating all the way back to class. Wilson and Watson pick up three each, and Mitchell and de Graaf also net for their school. Stefan King gets a hat trick for the Beasts and they finish an unhappy season with both hands firmly grasping the wooden spoon.
[quote:1bxsbwb9]Bulls vs SK8: Kyle’s pick: 3-2 to Bulls, Blackett to save the game for his team with a couple of big late saves, Rane Phipps-Black to break the deadlock late in the game.[/quote:1bxsbwb9]
SK8 play the first part of this game sans-goalie, and despite some good work from Kings goalie Devin Williams doubling up, Bulls put them away, with Blackett looking solid in net. Bulls spread their goals around four players, father and son Larry and Geordie Wheeler net for SK8. Bulls finish on a high, SK8’s up and down season continues.
[quote:1bxsbwb9]Bullfrogs vs John McGlashan: Kyle’s pick: Bullfrogs 4-3. Smith and Bulling to score, Bulling to continue his tradition of ending up in the box once in every game. Small scuffle to break out early on in the match – silly silly boys, it’s just a game! Weir and Cleugh to net for JMs.[/quote:1bxsbwb9]
The Bullfrogs strange end to the season continues, with another disallowed goal (seriously Blake, don’t walk into any dark alleys), and a late goal with 10 seconds on the clock, but the timeout calls ignored. Great work in goal from Tony Pasco, who was a rock for 44 minutes, stopping a heap of shots. JMs unlucky not to get a couple more at the other end, with a couple of shots pinging off the metalwork. Wier and Kliegl net for JMs, Smith for Bullfrogs. Bulling misses out on his goal of a penalty in every game, giving it to Matthews instead (that was so not hooking, holding maybe, but it’s not my fault that he was clamping down on my stick with his arm!). Final score, 2-1 to Johnnies, who finish up on 3rd spot. Another season that _almost_ was for the ‘frogs.
[quote:1bxsbwb9]Ducks vs Sharks: Kyle’s pick: Ducks to take it, 5-2. Matt Reay to get a couple, Hellyer to also net, as will Knyvett. Aitken to miss out, well because he was rude to me. Christos to get a double. Game will unfortunately be gone by the third period.[/quote:1bxsbwb9]
A pretty good game – Simon Christos breaks the facade and gets a double on Toby Schuck, but no one else in the Sharks able to look like scoring. Aitken gets three, and Reay another for the Ducks. Both teams looked really good, skating hard, changing fast, nice game to watch. Well done to the Ducks for an undefeated season, and a deserving title. Game was indeed gone by early in the 3rd, when the score was 4-1.
[quote:1bxsbwb9]Off Ice: People get registration forms for next DIHL. No one able to make sense of split grades at all. Many questions. Referees to feel burning shame from mistakes of the week before. Burning I tell you! Bullfrogs sulk during final.[/quote:1bxsbwb9]
Ohmigod! Kyle’s giving me paper. But Andre just gave me paper. What do you mean you’re giving me paper for something that’s happening in September already? How many teams? Average grade what?
Cheers for Autumn 2006, see you all in Spring, if not before.
Kyle Matthews
0 goals, 0 assists. Man that’s bad.Kyle
MemberBeasts? I picked them to win, what can they complain about?
And for Matt, “Psychology is an [in]exact science.”
I was thinking more, half a dozen people doing the off-ice justice. Except for Matt, he’s pretty scrawny, I think Zanzee could sort him out.
MemberYes that’s right, after last week turned into a bit more of “Let’s get ready to ruuummmbbbllleee!” than hockey, it’s big finals night. Four games, all looking like they’ll be good, but only the big one at 9pm matters. Lets get straight down to business.
Kings vs Beasts: With only one win this season, you’d normally be picking Kings to lose to Beasts, but of course, their win was a big 6-2 drubbing of the Beasts, so all bets are off in this game. For the Kings, it’s the same story – who will be there on the night. Last week they were left all alone, and caught it heavy from the Bulls, but they look an entirely different team when both Garrett and Damien are on ice. They’ve been working hard all season, and will be looking for a repeat victory over the Beasties to help launch their schools competition, which has just started. The Beasts are a bit of a different story, they’ve looked good in patches this season, but at vital times their defense has just opened up gaping holes, and the goals have flowed. Their better players – Stefan King, Matt Newton, Kurt Bowen need to take the puck up themselves more, and pepper the goalie with shots. Kyle’s pick: 5-3 to the Beasts, Watson to get a double for Kings, King, Newton and Sedgwick to net for the Beasties.
Bulls vs SK8: A couple of teams that came close for the semis this year, but left their run too late after a bunch of early close losses. SK8 won their game last week, but it really was a shocker, with 20 penalty minutes clocked up, and some real rough stuff which saw the Beasts players getting seriously unhappy. If SK8 can’t tidy up their game then there’s going to be some questions as to whether some of them should be back next time. Key for them – I’d like to say keeping players out of the box, but unfortunately last week they still won with a shocking penalty count – getting some of their stars having good shots in front of the net on the Bulls goalie. Bulls will be looking to finish on a high after the defending champions fired too late this season. Key for them, a good game from Blackett in goal, who’s been quietly putting up some good results this season, and getting sufficient shots on SK8 goalie Kinraid, who’ll leak a bit under pressure. Kyle’s pick: 3-2 to Bulls, Blackett to save the game for his team with a couple of big late saves, Rane Phipps-Black to break the deadlock late in the game.
Bullfrogs vs John McGlashan: The playoff for third and fourth, this should be a good game, after Bullfrogs took the round-robin by only 4-3. Bullfrogs will still be spitting over a couple of referee calls in the semi-final, but John McGlashan will be looking for revenge for a loss which saw them, rather than the Sharks, facing Ducks in the semis. Key for the Bullfrogs, working their strong defense up into offensive positions, without letting the breakaways through – Johnnies have a couple of players who will eat up the ice and put good shots on goalie Leask if they get through. Key for Johnnies – working as a team to keep down the Bullfrogs offense, and then getting good chances on goalie Leask – a Johnnies boy who’ll be playing for their first team in net this year. Kyle’s pick: Bullfrogs 4-3. Smith and Bulling to score, Bulling to continue his tradition of ending up in the box once in every game. Small scuffle to break out early on in the match – silly silly boys, it’s just a game! Weir and Cleugh to net for JMs.
Ducks vs Sharks: This is the big one, the final. The ducks steam roller moves on, one more win and it will be almost the perfect season. Sharks pulled off a big game last week, when with some help from the referees, they landed themselves a finals match. Can they step it up another notch and put some heat on the Ducks to give themselves a chance. Key for the Ducks: keep on doing. Their formula has been working well all year, keeping shots down on their big doorstop of a goalie, Toby Schuck, who’s let in only single figures all season, and putting some superior heat on the opposition, weaving their way through the defense and piling up the assists with good passes. It’s been working well for them so far. Key for the Sharks, meeting a couple of Ducks players – Matt Aitken and Toby Schuck ought to do it – at the door and dealing out some off-ice justice. Failing that, shutting down the opposition offense. Sticking two good defenders who can shut down Matt’s, Aitken and Reay, and sticking to them like glue. Sharks have an offense that can score against the opposition goalie – Simon Christos has got a bunch this season, and Cory MacDonald has also piled up some points, with Gilchrist and Pielak-Jones likely assists and goal scorers as well – but they’re not going to get four or five, they’re going to get two, maybe three if they really go well, so they’ve got to shut the opposition down, and when they can’t, Sharks goalie has got to pull off some big saves.
All this being said, you’d get some really long odds to beat against the Ducks, who have been the form team of the whole DIHL. Kyle’s pick: Ducks to take it, 5-2. Matt Reay to get a couple, Hellyer to also net, as will Knyvett. Aitken to miss out, well because he was rude to me. Christos to get a double. Game will unfortunately be gone by the third period.
Off Ice: People get registration forms for next DIHL. No one able to make sense of split grades at all. Many questions. Referees to feel burning shame from mistakes of the week before. Burning I tell you! Bullfrogs sulk during final.