Forum Replies Created
MemberHoly crap. You guys got cleaned up.
Be interesting to see Johnnies play Beasts then, see who’s tops.
MemberDing ding! Round two! That’s right. Get that bikini-clad woman off the ice with the sign. Play some hockey.
[b:2xsvjnks]A Grade[/b:2xsvjnks]
SK8 vs Phantoms: Both winners in round one, this is a big game, with the winner well on the way to securing a finals berth. Phantoms thrived last week with the steadying influence of Steve Jackson at the back, where he played a massive role. This enabled the forwards to cut up the ice, putting 7 in the back of the net. They’ll be looking to keep on trucking. SK8 were without a number of players last week, who all had other commitments, but they’ll be expecting them back and making up some serious numbers. Watch for James van Leeuwen on defense, firing some big shots from point and cutting up the ice when he gets the chance. Phantoms are going to have to stick to him hard, and chase him if they want to win. My pick: Phantoms to take it, 4-2. Jackson, Smith, A. van Leeuwen, and King to net for Phantoms, J. van Leeuwen and Heyd to net for SK8.
Stars vs Ducks: Both teams will be disappointed with last week’s effort – Stars with some missing defense, letting the Phantoms through for too many good shots on their goaltender, Ducks with an offense that had a bunch of shots, but only got one through the SK8 goaltender. Ducks have definitely got the players to rack it up – Sam, the Sykes brothers, and Gilchrist can all score goals. Stars had some good offense last week, but let too many Phantoms players right up the middle – they’ll need to shut this down with some bigger commitment. My pick: Ducks to take it out, 3-2. Sam, D. Sykes to net for Ducks, Lamb and Benda to net for Stars. Blackett to have a big last period in goal to see his team through.
[b:2xsvjnks]B Grade[/b:2xsvjnks]
Kings vs Bears: Both teams struggled last week I understand, but I’m just waiting for the Bears to click. Once this mish-mash team starts to get the passing and defense going, I think they’ll be a threat. Kings have played here before, and they’re a team that will probably struggle to make the finals, but they’re sure to pull down a couple of teams who think they’re easy beats. I think that might be this week, with Kings to take it 5-3.
OBHS vs Beasts: Beasts came into the competition looking like the class outfit, and that is probably set to continue, as goalie Marc is only get better once he gets used to sliding around on the ice rather than the field hockey pitch. Watch for manager Mark on forward as well, his game is moving along nicely and he might be looking for an A grade berth next year. OBHS come in with a good coach, and he’ll be looking to put some heat on the Beasts, but they’ll fall short. Final score, 4 – 1.
John McGlashan vs Bullfrogs: Bullfrogs had a good week last time, with a couple of their goal scorers making hay with the Bears. John McGlashan might be a different prospect however, as rookie goaltender Rhys Leask is building up a heap of experience, culminating in him playing for Southern Region at nationals, so the shots won’t just go in as easy this week. I’m picking this to be close, with both teams struggling to score to much, so I’m calling it a draw, at 2-2.
Member[quote:3r3i0xg5]Game 1: Phantoms vs Stars: First game will be a bit loose, my picks: Phantoms 4-3.[/quote:3r3i0xg5]
Well I’ve picked the result, and one half of the scoreboard right, but Phantoms step up and knock up a pile of goals, 7 in all. King and Adrian van Leeuwen get hat tricks, and Matthews picks up a goal and two assists (3 points in the first night! stoked!). Phantoms keep the shots down to 12 on goalie Nick Metzger, while putting 27 on Bryant. Stars defense will be disappointed with that. Good work from Peter Lamb to pick up a double for the Stars however.
[quote:3r3i0xg5]Game 2: Ducks vs SK8: I’m picking a tight game, not so many goals, taken out by the Ducks 3-1.[/quote:3r3i0xg5]
Interesting. Ducks struggle against SK8, with Tony Pasco only letting in 1 off 15, and despite racking up 10 penalty minutes, SK8 takes it out 4-1. A hat trick to James van Leeuwen sees them through. There’s some good Ducks players in that line up, and they’ll be looking to do better than a solitary unassisted goal to Gilchrist.
MemberAnd the bears team. I’ve emailed Larry, but no answer, and I tried phoning him but not there. If we don’t have any luck getting him by Monday I guess we’ll just phone those that need to be told about it.
Larry and Devin have agreed about splitting goalie duties by the way. We’ll need to refund Larry some money as he won’t be playing 3 games, just running the bench.
MemberWho did you send the Kings team list to? Jake Woodhouse is managing the team, not Ian.
Member[quote:1gmluhkb]Well if he’s on their registration sheet then he has to go on their team I guess.
How did he register? Is someone still collecting registrations? Or did he just ask to register?
And yep, $10 late fee sounds good.
He posted it to me. Arrived on… Wednesday or thursday.
MemberI had a phone call from Dexter Wallace’s mum. Can we move him from the Bears to OBHS. He’s listed on their sheet, but must have come in seperately and I didn’t pick up on it.
I rejected a kid who registered today, had to phone his parents. And I got a phone call from Stefan at the shop who had another kid there enquiring, told him we were full in B grade.
I’m intending to keep on accepting A grades on Tuesday, but charge them the $10 late fee.
Memberoops, my bad. deleted that.
MemberWe should be clear from the outset, that the A grade is a ‘graded’ competition. Each player has a grade associated with them, and teams are made up so that they all basically have the same average grade. Well that’s the theory, the reality is that giving someone a number out of ten, doesn’t necessarily work out that well on the ice. People have good days, and bad days, and any system of assigning numbers to players is pretty rough and ready.
Game 1: Phantoms vs Stars: Starting off the season, the Phantoms will pit themselves against the Stars. Both teams will be looking to start off the competition with a win, and get in place good lines and systems. Phantoms are probably the most used to each other, as the team is similar to the one that played in the recent A grade competition. Stars have got some real talent though, and Simon Christos is as likely to try and score by himself as using his team mates. First game will be a bit loose, my picks: Phantoms 4-3.
Game 2: Ducks vs SK8: Following right along, Ducks and SK8 will be stepping up. The SK8 team is similar to the one that just played in the A grade competition, and they started off well there, but faded in the finish to miss out on the final. James van Leeuwen should tighten them up a bit, but the Ducks are a solid team, with Duncan and Richard Sykes, and Mike Sam. I’m picking a tight game, not so many goals, taken out by the Ducks 3-1.
[b:o6p8mmr1]B Grade[/b:o6p8mmr1]
Wednesday kicks off the first ever B grade DIHL competition. Don’t let the B fool you, there’s some good players here, a number of whom are playing up into the A grade, and a bunch who should do likewise next year. B grades stacked with a bunch of pre-formed teams – two based around the Sunday beginners session, which has been going well all year, and three formed from high schools – Kings, OBHS, and John McGlashan. There’s going to be a bit of feeling between the teams, and it’s looking like a good competition.
Thing to watch in the B grade, is the goalies. A good goalie can make all the difference in this grade, as often there’s a lot of shots, and if a goalie can get most of them, they’ll be giving their team a great chance. Goalies to watch – Marc Dudley in the Beasts, who’s converted from field hockey this year, and who has a glove that any A grade goalie would be proud of, and Rebecca Brassett, who played for the Beasts last year in the DIHL, and returns to stand between the posts for the Bullfrogs. Also Larry Wheeler, who will be sharing goal time with Devin Williams for the Bears. Larry’s about as experienced in goal as I am at flower arranging, but he’s a really good player out on the ice, so if he figures out where to put his hands and the pads, he might be seeing a shutout or two.
Game 1: Beasts vs Kings: Kings fronted up bravely in the first DIHL this year, but took a bit of a hammering some games. The playing field has been leveled for them in the B grade, and they’ll be looking to make an impact on the first night. Beasts is largely made up of beginners in the sport, but Jack Li is playing in both grades, so look for him to put some heat on the Kings goalie, as will Rob Owens. Beasts to take it out, 5-2.
Game 2: Bullfrogs vs Bears: Both these teams are a bit hacked together – the Bullfrogs from some beginners, and some kids from Taieri High School, and the Bears from everyone left over at the end of the registrations. Watch out for the father-son pairings in the Bears – Peewee Ben Roth to skate all around his father Paul after a big year scoring a stack of goals for his team, and Geordie Wheeler to show father Larry Wheeler just how it’s done out on the ice. Bullfrogs might be in trouble as there’s some real beginners in this team, and they’ll need old hands Ryan Hellyer and Gina Bosselman, who’s come out of a long retirement for the DIHL, to step up and show them how it’s done. Can’t go past the Bears, the biggest team in the league however, 5-3.
Game 3: OBHS vs John McGlashan: This might be a bit of a grudge match, as both these teams have just recently finished a high schools competition. There’s a lot of names I don’t recognise here, but JMs has a proud history in ice hockey, and OBs will struggle to top them I think. JMs to take it 4-3.
Off ice. It’s the first week. So yup, duties are going to be messy. We’re getting serious about goal judging this DIHL though, so let’s sort it out people. Big question – referees. Will there be any? Watch this space!
Memberit was a guest user, not a registered user.
I didn’t look at the movies, but they were titled up britney spears gets raped or something, so I can’t imagine it was very pleasant, and if the title was accurate, possibly not legal.
It had me wondering if we could turn off the ability of people to post as guests. Apart from making that sort of shit much less likely, we don’t really want hockey people to not register, and it would also stop people who are registered, forgetting to log in before posting. That’s happened a couple of times.
MemberMost of the… 22 people have signed up some time ago – Paul and Ben Roth, Larry Wheeler and his two, Devin Williams and the Spiers brothers, Keith Dickson, Andre Jacombs, Ethan Kelly – they all signed up on the 20th, or before.
I don’t know when Jackie got given this extra kid, but it probably would have been Wednesday or thursday at the latest – she’s been in Queenstown over the weekend. Certainly before I got the John McGlashan kids last night.
Let’s see if we can find homes for them in the teams. There’s a guy in Claire’s team who was also listed as unpaid on OBHS’ team. There’s a couple of kids who I think are kings kids in the 6th team, and John Bradfield might take a couple of his overloads if we were threatening to cut them if he didn’t. If we talk to some managers and some of the people that we might be switching, then we might be able to get it down to a more reasonable 15 or so.
Of course, if we squash these people into other teams, we’ll going to have to refund money, but if we turn them away we’re going to have to refund money anyway, so no real difference.
But yes, I agree. No more.
MemberCurrently Claire’s team has 10 + goalie. they needed one more to pay for their free goalie. If we added two more to that, they’d have 13 + goalie, and we could refund $10 to each of them.
Yeah, I’ll put together some draft team lists once I add your ones. Currently I have 22 spare players for one team, Jackie just phoned to say that she had another one that she found in her papers that she’d forgotten. That’s 23. Andre might try and put Joss in, if we allow that, it’d be 24.
Unfortunately the one Jackie just phoned me about is a goalie. She’s briinging the form on Tuesday.
I think the reality is, any team that doesn’t have 13, we’re going to have to look at adding some people. We’ll then have to give some money back. We’ve got to get that 6th team down to 15 people or so.
MemberMy current listing, not counting about 6 A grades that Ryan has, and about 15 B grades.
Current A List
Sykes Richard
Liam Paul
Jesse Paul
Senger Kim
Handcock Drew
Handcock Mallory
Christos Simon
Honore Timothy
Phipps-Black Graham
Phipps-Black Rane
van Leeuwen Adrian
Smith Sam
Wick Ryan
Dobson Nigel
Sharpe Paul
Lang Logan
Elkin Jono
Storm Latham
Gilchrist Megan
Matthews Kyle
Heyd Paris
Bryant Aaron
Metzger Nick
Mannerswood Pete(25 in total. This includes Richard Sykes, who wanted to play B grade, but has been declined. He may not choose to play A grade.)
Cross Anthony
Willan David
Roth Paul
Ben Paul
Jacombs Andrew
Dobias Jesse
Sharpin Claire
Williams Graham
Craw Anna
Handcock Deb
Conway Logan
Wheeler Geordie
Wheeler Larry
Phipps-Black Ruby
Kelly Ethan
Wallace Dexter
Baker Estelle
Parsons Sam
Lobitz Jonas
McCaughan Andrew
Holland Hamish
Thomas Kurt
Woodhead Scott
Ihaia Api
Dixon Matt
Miles Cody
Woodhouse Jake
McAlevey Rhys
Bodnardvik Adam
Auton B. J.
Reddington Craig
Bishop Jon
Griffin Alexander
King Harrison
Crawford Jonathon
Keiller Ian
Bley Henry
Dickson Keith
Vidal Andre
Hanff Jeremy
Bradfield John
Kliegl Mark
Wadworth Nick
Craven Thomas
Nailard Thomas
Leask Rhys
McLean Rob
Hay Christian
Fleming Adam
Dodunski Sam
Wakelin Andy
Ibbotson Arthur
Henderson Nick
Lewis Dylan
Wilson Tom
Wilson Oliver
Williams Devin
Spiers Ben
Spiers Patrick
Skinner Taylor(This includes 4 people who listed themselves as A grade (all four midgets players) who I’ve bumped down)
60 in total. Plus about 15 from Ryan (a couple from Claire’s team, most from Mark’s team), we’re up to 75 or so. There are 21 unplaced players on my current list, which need to fit into Claire’s team, and the 6th team. Only one of those players – Ruby Phipps-Black – is unpaid at present. Obviously we can’t make a team of 21 people, but if we bump a couple of them onto Claire’s team, a couple onto Mark’s team, and since five of them are the John McGlashan overflow, maybe two of them could get added to the John McGlashan team.
I have emailed Richard Sykes as well. There was talk from him of another person organising another part of a team. Richard wouldn’t give me this person’s contact details, and they haven’t been in contact with me. We can’t take another half a dozen people, so I’ve asked him to make sure that they don’t bother.
B grade is absolutely closed, so please decline anyone who approaches you trying to add people. We are currently over subscribed, we simply can’t take any more.
A grade we obviously need a lot more people. That’ll be the job of Sunday and Tuesday night.
A grade players who played in the last DIHL, and who would hopefully play in this one, but aren’t currently registered are:
Bowen Kurt
King Stefan
Newton Cy
Newton Matthew
Bulling David
Dey Brendon
MacDonald Shane
Bell Bob
Hendry Tineke
Aitken Matt
Reay Matthew
Schuck Toby
Watson Damien
Wilson Garett
MacDonall Cory
Squire Dougie
Pasco TonyKyle
MemberWhy, I don’t know. But I spoke to Jack about it (I believe she’s now paid twice, but I didn’t know this when I gave the cheque to Jackie) and when we see her we’ll give her $70 back.
MemberHere’s a list of registration forms I have to date, with name, grade, amount paid, and potential team or people they want to play with. 37 in total, though the B grade is very light here as I’m expecting whole teams in the next couple of days.
Williams Devin ? $70 Midgets
Spiers Ben ? $70 Devin Williams
Spiers Patrick ? $70 Devin Williams
Skinner Taylor ? $70
Liam Paul A $70 Juniors
Jesse Paul A $70 Juniors
Senger Kim A $60 Phantoms
Handcock Drew A $70 Mallory
Handcock Mallory A $70 Drew
Christos Simon A $70
Honore Timothy A Phantoms
Phipps-Black Graham A Rane Phipps-Black
Phipps-Black Rane A Graham Phipps-Black
van Leeuwen Adrian A $70 Phantoms
Smith Sam A $20
Wick Ryan A $70
Dobson Nigel A
Sharpe Paul A $70
Lang Logan A $70 Juniors
Elkin Jono A $70
Cross Anthony B $70 Claires
Willan David B $85 Claires
Roth Paul B $70 Ben Roth
Ben Paul B $70 Paul Roth
Jacombs Andrew B $70
Dobias Jesse B $85 Claires
Sharpin Claire B $70 Claires
Williams Graham B $95 Claires
Craw Anna B $80 Claires
Handcock Deb B $85 Claires
Conway Logan B $95 Larry Wheeler
Wheeler Geordie B $70 Larry Wheeler
Wheeler Larry B $70 Geordie Wheeler
Phipps-Black Ruby B
Kelly Ethan B $85
Wallace Dexter B $70
Baker Estelle B $70 Beasts -