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Memberwell, there’s a referee and two linespeople, so there’s no requirement that they do the refereeing all the time.
But if you think about the dihl – 16 weeks or so, and the school competition, another 12 weeks or so…. another 1500 – 2000 to add to the potential money, and we already have the money, so it wouldn’t need to be fundraised.
I think Ryan has just tied up the nomination for several end of year awards:
‘Grossest pet’
‘Most lacking in life outside of hockey’
And other things not appropriate for this forum!Kyle
MemberYeah, well lets see what Phil comes up with. We’ll scrape through this DIHL, and if we can add another four or five committed referees to our roster by early next year.
Right now the referees are annoying me for entirely different reasons. Ah well!
Perhaps the thing to think about now is who are people that we could target to do refereeing courses. Jack and I are two people. Obviously people that are going to be here for a long time are ideal, but some students might be suitable – Stefan could be OK, Darcy, Zanzee. Michael Mitchell. Rob Waddell? Dave Mason and Jono Wills are both leaving at the end of this year I guess, so no good. Nigel Dobson? Matt Reay?
And on top of Ryan’s suggestion about a coach being a potential referee trainer, that could also be a way for them to pick up additional money – refereeing the dihl and the high school competition, because they’d never be attached to one of those teams exclusively.
MemberWe’re right into the serious end of the competition now. B grade goes to semi-finals in 8 days, and tonight will most likely make things a lot clearer in the A grade come the final week.
[b:3e0uysca]Phantoms vs SK8[/b:3e0uysca]
Phantoms were their own worst enemy last week – a bunch of penalties, and the team simply not being ready when the puck was dropped – they’ll be feeling that last week was a game they should have won, cementing themselves a finals spot. They’ll be looking to make amends this week, but they struggled to get the puck in the back of the SK8 net first time around, and Tony Pasco really has been the goalie of the competition to date, so they’re going to have to front up. SK8 really just need to keep on trucking. Wick, van Leeuwen, Roth brothers, they look dangerous all over, and as long as that defense holds the goals will come. Kyle’s pick: I can’t pick against my own team, but it’s going to be tight if we get it. Phantoms 3-2. Matthews to net to celebrate the birth of his daughter last Thursday (photos![/url:3e0uysca]). Wick and van Leeuwen for SK8.
[b:3e0uysca]Ducks vs Stars[/b:3e0uysca]
Both these teams need a win to stay in the running, the loser is playing early on finals night, the winner keeps on hoping. Ducks won last time, but Stars are picking up, and have had two draws against the top teams. Watch for Benda, Mannerswood, and Lamb. But bad news for the Stars, regular goalie Bryant is out for an exam, and the replacement might not be up to his standard. Ducks will be looking to come on strong, and both the Sykes boys should net. Kyle’s pick: 3-2 to the Ducks, Blackett to have a good game in net.
[b:3e0uysca]OBHS vs Kings[/b:3e0uysca]
OBHS scored their first point last week, and a win here would see them in the running for the finals, but Kings suffered hard last week, and will be wanting to come back and win to cement third place. Kyle’s pick: Kings 4-1.
[b:3e0uysca]Beasts vs Bullfrogs[/b:3e0uysca]
Beasts have looked the business all DIHL, and the Bullfrogs have gotten better, but not good enough. There’s going to be Bullfrog splattered all over the rink, and I’m picking it’ll go to 8-1 to the Beasties.
[b:3e0uysca]John McGlashan vs Bears[/b:3e0uysca]
Bears will be running scared against Johnnies, and rightly so. MacLean has been in good form this season, piling on a heap of goals, and the Bears just aren’t going to have an answer to the kids from JMs. My pick: 7-0 to JMs.
That would see finals qualification, in order, for JMs, Beasts, Kings, and Bullfrogs sneaking in at 4th.
Member[quote:3hb080bu]Stars vs Phantoms
Kyle’s pick: Phantoms to take it 4-3. King and van Leeuwen to net for Phantom, Benda and Lamb for Stars.[/quote:3hb080bu]
4-4 draw. Phantoms started with a nightmare, with no goalie, and half the team wandering onto the ice after the puck dropped. A call for slowing the game down, and they were 1-0 down while some people will still placing their water bottles. They started to settle down, and went ahead a few times, but every time they got up, Stars came back and tied it up. The last two minutes were chaos in the Phantoms box, with Matthews, Senger, and then van Leeuwen getting boxed, and there were rumblings from the bench. Phantoms clock up a whole 18 minutes in all. Hodge and van Leeuwen get two each, and Mannerswood and Lamb also get a pair. Lamb in particular makes it a hard night for the Phantoms defense with a big stride to get around. Stars still in with a chance of making the final, Phantoms still not safe.
[quote:3hb080bu]Ducks vs SK8
Kyle’s pick, SK8 4-2, van Leeuwen and both the Roth boys, and Wick for SK8, Gilchrist and Sharpe for Ducks.[/quote:3hb080bu]
SK8 again roll the duckies, and lock in a finals spot. Goalie Tony Pasco is again the difference, stopping 95%. R. Sykes scores a lonly goal for the Ducks, Wick, van Leeuwen, and Lang score for SK8. 4-1.
[quote:3hb080bu]Bullfrogs vs OBHS
Kyle’s pick: 4-2 to Bullfrogs.[/quote:3hb080bu]
A 4-4 draw to keep the points table interesting. Api in goal for OBHS picks up his stats and gets his side their first point. Bullfrogs will be disappointed not to roll over the top of the school, but well done for Sharpin for her first goal.
[quote:3hb080bu]Kings vs John McGlashan
Kyle’s pick: John McGlashan 5-2.[/quote:3hb080bu]
Johnnies keep rolling, 9-2 over Kings and are looking pretty unstoppable. Rob McLean looks like the top goal scorer in B grade. Kings only manage 5 shots, so two goals isn’t too bad considering.
[quote:3hb080bu]Bears vs Beasts
Kyle’s pick: Beasts 6-1.[/quote:3hb080bu]
Beasts do some serious damage to the Bears, 12-1, and spread the goals around 7 players, Mitchell leading with four. Young Ibbotson gets a solitary goal for the Bears.
I think refereeing is probably the biggest problem that we’re going to face over the next… year or so. The sport is growing, and referees are shrinking. Phil is doing some stuff OK, but I think some stuff he’s completely missing – strategic thinking about getting more referees involved, and about keeping those that are qualified wanting to turn up. Personally I’m surprised with what some referees let players get away with – including a couple of Phantoms who I’ve wished would get boxed for conduct unbecoming or something.
Someone needs to be firmly behind these referees out there on the ice and afterwards, because if we end up in a situation with only one or two referees willing to run games, we’re not going to have a DIHL.
There’s a SIHL code of conduct draft which is doing the rounds, which doesn’t nothing to address this problem, unfortunately.
I’d also be keen to do a refereeing course. My feeling on the matter is, which I’ve mentioned to Phil before, that if the NZIHF can’t help us out before the DIHL starts again next year, we should do an unofficial one in early March, and Phil and someone else should run it, and we consider them qualified for DIHL games. Any further qualifications would need to happen at an official course. I don’t think we need a dozen or so people to do it, but if we had 4 – 6 people who we knew were committed to the sport, then that would be just as useful as 15, only half of whom ever do any refereeing.
Memberwell I’ve ordered one, so I’ll see how it is next time I play.
Memberah, our adoring fans.
wait till we rope them into running the next one! They’ll hate us.
MemberYeah, I’m not sure where Shaun’s at, but that would be a good option. I’ll suggest them both to Phil.
I think Phil is happy to bring people up into refereeing, but I don’t think A grade is the place to do it. The players know the rules too well, and take it too seriously. I’ve been pushing him to get another referees course happening in Dunedin for a few months now. People need to go through that and have a few goes of it at a lower level before they’re thrown in at A grade.
MemberWe’ve got a referee problem. Matt Newton said last night that he was quitting. I’m not sure how much it has to do with the flack he was getting from the Phantoms bench (I went out there and apologised on behalf of the team between the 1st and 2nd period of the following game), but also he’s apparently paid off his debt to the ice hockey association so he’s not interested in doing it any more.
Anyway, so that leaves us with Phil refereeing the A grade games next week, and nobody else. Blake is the obvious replacement. I saw Aaron this morning and he said that Blake needed the money. Failing that, I’m not sure who we can get to referee. Hodge is keen to do some refereeing, and we could probably ask Steve Jackson, but neither of those people help with the first game, as they’ll be playing in it.
I think some words to the team next week about shutting up on the bench might be in order though. I think our team is the worst in this area.
MemberYeah baby. Week four. Everyone’s had two weeks off, and no doubt most people forgot to take their gear out of their bags, so it’ll be smelling right toasty in the changing rooms this week. Everyone’s been hanging out for some hockey, so lets get into it.
[b:2xb6r5k8]A Grade[/b:2xb6r5k8]
A grade cycle through for the second time in their round-robin. Things are getting sorted out in an order, but no one is out yet. Stars need to pull out something serious to find themselves in the final through, and SK8 are looking pretty likely to end up playing in it already. It’s all about the maths if you’re interested in the details.
Stars vs Phantoms
This is really it for the Stars. On one point, the Phantoms are in second place on 4 points. If phantoms win they go up to 6 points, and Stars have no chance of making the final. Key for the Phantoms – who turns up on the night. They’ve already got the smallest team in the competition by two players, with Smith out, and a couple of people have been occasional no-shows. On their plus side, they did some serious damage against the Stars last time, racking up 7 goals, and they’ll be looking to repeat the feat and get their name solidly in the top two. Stars have got the talent – they’ve been the only team to not be beaten by SK8 this competition, they just need to step up and put the puck away. Kyle’s pick: Phantoms to take it 4-3. King and van Leeuwen to net for Phantom, Benda and Lamb for Stars.
Ducks vs SK8
Ducks really want a win to keep themselves in the running for a finals spot. A loss, and they really have to hope that the Phantoms have lost. SK8, on the other hand, with a win, can guarantee themselves a finals game with two weeks still to go. Ducks looked pretty rusty the first time these two met, but I’m picking a much closer game this time around. Key for the Ducks – stepping it up. SK8 play well together, and are solid all through. They’re going to need to play well as a team, and Blackett is going to need to have a good night in goal. For SK8 – keeping on trucking. If they settle down from some of the stupid stuff that came into their last game, with 6 penalties, they should be able to win this game. Kyle’s pick, SK8 4-2, van Leeuwen and both the Roth boys, and Wick for SK8, Gilchrist and Sharpe for Ducks.
B Grade
B grade continues to have several points of interest with a couple of round robin games to go. Beasts and John McGlashan are out on top, looking good for first and second. Of the remainder, Kings have had a couple of wins, and even if they lose to Johnnies tonight, as long as they can beat OBHS the week after, should settle into third. Fourth place is more difficult to pick. Bears and Bullfrogs both have a win, Bears have yet to play the top two teams though, so they might stay where they are. If Bullfrogs can beat OBHS on Wednesday, they should be good for fourth place. On the other hand, if OBHS beat Bullfrogs, all eyes will be on their game against Kings next week – a victory there should see them sweep past the other two and into the semis.
Bullfrogs vs OBHS
So a key game then. OBHS haven’t been looking like the money this season, but they had the hardest start, and they’re onto easier meat now. If they can step up, and probably most importantly for them, if their goalie can front and pick up his percentage, they could get on top of this game. Bullfrogs however are improving well, and getting more used to the game environment of the DIHL, and will want to make their claim for a final spot this week. Kyle’s pick: 4-2 to Bullfrogs.
Kings vs John McGlashan
This could be a big game. John McGlashan have been on form so far, and the Beasts were unable to trip them up. Kings look the other team that could be possible of upsetting them, but it will have to be a big game for them to do so. Johnnies will look to keep on rolling. This game will cement their first place, and set them up for an easier game in the semis against 4th. Kyle’s pick: John McGlashan 5-2.
Bears vs Beasts
Bears got their first win the other week, a good effort against OBHS, but they’re back to playing the big boys, and Beasts have looked pretty money so far. They’ve got a good goalie, some serious goal-scoring power, and a number of players who’ll be looking at playing solely in A grade next year. That being said, Bears are looking like the improvers of the competition, and Wheeler is coming a long way in goal. Their key though, will be goal scoring. Can they get enough shots on the Beasts goalie to rack up three or four goals, which they’ll need to win? Kyle’s pick: Beasts 6-1.
MemberNot so much a rumour, as minuted from Monday’s meeting.
I know that most TV stations won’t accept amateur footage, but I guess channel 9 probably would.
I don’t know where you could hire them from commercially. I’d try two places through, OUSA owns a camera or two, which they let out for Mothras, and use for other stuff. I would presume that it would be hireable, and I could probably get it cheaply.
But the university has a film unit – the natural history unit. I’m not sure if they have any other film students, but either cameras, and possibly camera people might be an option from there.
Memberreally? I guess that’s the side-effect of using a ‘out of the box’ coded system – it’s become worth someone’s while to code stuff to attack it specifically.
Anyway, sounds like you’re on top of it. Personally I’d never look at the memberlist unless you’d mentioned it, so it’s pretty minimal. but I guess it would get to be a problem if there were thousands of members and only 30 of them were real people.
Memberthe avatar uploading works now, which is good.
If someone’s going to that much trouble, they’re doing it manually. Who they are – someone associated with ice hockey, or just some twerp with time on their hands I don’t know.
I wonder if you can push registration through an email address – so they get a confirmation email which they require for registering. Or have the registrations pend until you agree to them. It’s not like they’re flooding in, or are ever going to do so.
Or if it logs ip addresses. Then you could cause some trouble with their isp.
Member[quote:2j432m4s]Phantoms vs Ducks: I’m picking Phantoms to knock over the Ducks, 4-2. King, Jackson and A. van Leeuwen to net for Phantoms, Duncan and Richard Sykes to get once each for the Ducks.[/quote:2j432m4s]
Phantoms knock it over 7-2, including a second goal of the season for Matthews, off a lovely pass from Jackson. Five hole! Phantoms were really short on players, with van Leeuwen, Smith, Pielak-Jones, and Knyvett all not showing up. They pick up Hodge and Wheeler, and then for unknown reasons the referees swap over Sharpe to the Phantoms from the Ducks. Hodge and King quickly sort themselves out into one forward line, and absolutely murder the ducks, racking up six goals and three assists between them. Phantoms goalie Metzger on a shutout until the 2-3 period break when Hodge mentions the ‘S’ word. Thirty seconds later, Ducks score.
[quote:2j432m4s]Stars vs SK8: I’m gonna go out on a limb and call it 2-2 draw. van Leeuwen and Roth the younger to score for SK8, Lamb and Benda for Stars.[/quote:2j432m4s]
Oooh. Two weeks in a row, a perfect pick on the score. Picked a correct goal on both sides as well. This was a really rough game, with a total of 22 penalty minutes between the teams, and some really stupid stuff from some of the players – Hinson and Wick getting angsty for SK8, and Dobson coming in as a third man with a wee brain explosion. A little bit of grow-up-it’s-just-a-game juice wouldn’t have hurt.
[quote:2j432m4s]Bullfrogs vs Kings: Kings to take it, 4-2.[/quote:2j432m4s]
Kings rack up a pile of goals here, spreading them around four players. Bullfrogs only manage 3, and are looking like they’re going to be fighting it out for bottom two with OBHS and the Bears. B J Auton gets a hat trick. Bullfrogs only take 7 shots, which is their downfall – the Kings goalie is leaking, but you can’t win on 7 shots, when your own goalie is facing 33.
[quote:2j432m4s]Beasts vs John McGlashan: My pick: Johnnies, 4-3.[/quote:2j432m4s]
Big game, and obviously was worth watching, but Johnnies take it 3 – 1. Kliegl and Nailard net for Johnnies, Jason Sedgwick gets one for the Beasts. Johnnies goalie Craven stops 10 of 11 shots, that’s a good effort. Johnnies take outright lead in the competition.
[quote:2j432m4s]Bears vs OBHS: OBs to take it 4-1.[/quote:2j432m4s]
Bears rack up an important first win, taking it over OBs 4-2. Conway gets a double, Wheeler stops 90% in net – a big improvement over the early stages of the competition. Ihaia can’t match it, stopping 50% of 8 shots, Conway takes two, Spiers and Kelly each net for Bears.
We’re kinda at an unofficial halfway stage in the competition now. A grade has completed the first round, SK8 and Phantoms are looking like the teams to beat. There’s no semi-final in the A grade, so finishing in that top two is crucial if you want to be playing in the big final.
B grade, Johnnies well on top, and no one is looking like stopping them at this stage. Beasts clearly second, and there’s a scrap at the bottom for fourth. There’s semis in the B grade, so finishing in the four (but preferably not fourth, as then you’ll play the top team) is the goal.
Two weeks off, picks for the next round be out then.