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MemberAnd… given the billion or so web pages that probably use the word ‘click’ in the context of ‘click here’, what led someone here when searching for it, rather than one of the other 999 million sites?
Interesting that people have obviously come to the site a fair bit to try and find people.
MemberIf he’s got your ID, he’s in possession of stolen property. Assuming you’ve reported the crime and passed the photo onto the police, that’s enough for them to arrest him, and search him.
Even if he doesn’t have it on him and they have to let him go they’ll pretty quickly get it from him where he got it from. They’ll pop around and have a talk to him with his parents. They’ll bring around a youth aid officer, and even if he doesn’t cough, they’ll get enough information from his parents about his friends, what school he goes to. His parents will probably get given a list of what was stolen, and look through his stuff. The police don’t need a warrant, they just need to go talk to Mum and Dad. The school can link from him, to the people in a team who he knows.
This isn’t going to be a hardened crim who’ll tell the police to fuck off, this is a high school kid. Cops are real good at scaring the crap out of high school kids. My Dad used to do it a fair bit before he took charge of a desk.
And even if they don’t get him on anything, we need to know who he is, so he can be banned, and assuming he’s linked to one of the schools, we need the school to take action. If we figure out which team it was, but can’t tie down the individuals who did the actual theft, we’d have to look at banning the school from the competition, and the rink might look at banning them from the building.
Besides, if the cop thinks you’re being an idiot and doesn’t do anything at all, the minimum they’d do is get the kid’s name. And that’s all we really need for our purposes to link it to a team.
Member“Stupid” I think is what the cops call it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
MemberFor convenience’s sake, I put the pak’n’save photo in my wallet in case I see him.
These people really pissed me off by using ‘my’ ice hockey competition to steal people’s stuff, so I want to get them <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
MemberYeah, the police could get his name. That’s all we need. That’ll get them enough to investigate him, talk to his parents, his school, find anything he hasn’t sold, and put him into the court system, after they’ve arrested him.
And once we have a name, the ice rink can ban him forever from coming into the building.
Seriously, if you see him again, dial 111, follow him, and tell the police you’re following a person in possession of stolen goods, and when the police send someone, just point them out to the cop. You can explain the details later, but once a cop nabs him, he’s really screwed. Even if he didn’t steal the stuff, he’s in possession of it, and they’ll be able to get out of him who stole it.
MemberWhat? No citizen’s arrest?
I’d have called 111 and said that I was tailing a thief, and could a police officer come to George St real quick.
Or maybe I wouldn’t have had the guts to do that. But obviously the chap lives around town.
Maybe we should blow up the photo, stick it on posters, and do George St. That’ll get him real quick.
A quick question, what’s the providence of the original photo from Pak’n’Save. This was sent to Michael by the police and he sent it to you Ryan?
MemberI’ve emailed the photo out to all the B Grade managers, we’ll see if anything useful comes back.
MemberWell I can email the photo to the managers, which would be the best chance of finding out something.
Or you can <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
MemberThe guy on the left in the green top? His hair looks the same as Larry Wheeler’s nephew, but unless he’s gained about 20kg, it ain’t him.
I’d suggest we send this photo to the managers of all six B grade teams from last year, to be fair, and see if anyone recognises the person.
MemberYeah, I’ve deleted a couple over the past few weeks, including one just now. It’s not exactly a flood, so I don’t think I’d worry about it right now.
MemberWell, I suspect they have their own way of telling people when practises are and aren’t on. Like saying at the end of one practise ‘hey, practises are finished now guys’.
But no, none of those teams are operating at all anymore, and won’t be until February March I’m guessing. Peewees will probably be our lead-off hitter, Larry’s keen to get things going early as possible.
MemberI can’t imagine there’s going to be many people at beginners, I don’t know if Joyce has a very good email list.
MemberAnd Slap Shot 2 is on TV tonight, tV3, 10:55.
I presume this is the original slap shot II movie, which are pretty B grade, but which are _kinda_ about ice hockey. And fighting. More on the fighting really. Entertaining to watch.
They redid the first one recently, and it didn’t have the same B grade quality feel, and was just bad.
MemberYou didn’t want to wait until the Southern Region was actually… y’know, running?
That might actually draw some punters in after all.
Member"rookie#19":tyr1slxj wrote:Anyway, if u want highlights the best site in my opinion would easily be CIF-Forums ( I have been to almost every site with videos and nothing comes close, there are weekly highlights posted, about 5-10mins long each, and it will most definately keep u up to date with action round the league, and even some elite leagues like SM-Liiga etc.[/quote:tyr1slxj]OK, Stefan signed me up for this and it looks pretty good. There’s downloads of entire games on torrent (looks like about 1GB a game, so guess you have to have really good data caps, but still), highlights, links to youtube.
I can recommend another person after signing up, so if anyone else wants in, let me know.