Forum Replies Created
MemberSo you did. Somewhere!
MemberOr I won’t see you on Sunday and that won’t work.
Let me know a way to get them to you – and a way to contact you, you damn person who never put in a form for last years DIHL.
MemberUmm no. Ryan will have kittens if you try and push the green rubbery shit. Though I’d be entertained.
I would imagine samples would be difficult. Once you’re talking about skating you’d need a few square metres to be able to skate rather than just stand there and puck handle. That’s an expensive sample, especially if it’s coming from overseas.
MemberNot a real recommendation, but that green stuff at the stadium was great fun. You’ll pull a stop and slide for 4 or 5 metres by the time you actually stopped.
About as close as I’ll ever get to (car) drifting.
MemberNo Friday is good. I’ll try and get them sorted and give them to you on Sunday.
MemberWell it’s too late to tell me now. Everything’s done. The forms are being given out at clubs and socs as we speak.
And what financial things are being sorted out? Is the price of ice time changing?
MemberHoly crap columns.
You’re totally freaking me out dude.
MemberFrom my memory, and Ryan knows how long it’s been, they were about a foot square each. So… 10 – 12 per square metre.
They ripped all sorts of layers of skin off when you dived though. I just about needed a skin graft after those 10 games.
MemberYup, it is $10/game.
Or at least, it’s $10 a game if you register and pay the whole lot. The casual fee is more.
This DIHL will be 7 games, so it’s $70 ice time, or $770/team.
MemberThe other things I’m going to be looking for volunteers for:
Someone to ‘manage’ the B grade competition. I’ll probably be around the B grade competition this DIHL (unlike last year where I wasn’t there at all), but I’ll need someone who works with the B grade managers, score people, referees, and is around on the Sunday night to deal with any problems. My attendance won’t be reliable enough for me to do it. It could be a B grade player. The work isn’t really too much, it’s mostly talking to the managers and them knowing who you are.
A couple of managers of A grade teams. This involves handing out and getting back tops, and ensuring that if you have any add-in casual players, that their money goes to the scorebox. Occasionally it requires phoning players who don’t have email addresses, but not much of that.
Statistician: Ryan’s done the stats for the past couple of dihls, but he’s keen to do something else I think. This person needs to collect, or be sent the scoresheets, and convert them using a spreadsheet or database so they can go up on the web. Good for a keen computer geeky sort of maths/stats type.
Anyone who wanted to collect registrations on a Sunday night would also be welcome, but that’s not essential at this stage.
MemberNo interesting decisions. Not too much of a meeting really!
Anyway, I need someone who has the time to wander around campus, and if they’re really keen, down George St cafes, putting up about 50 posters. Or more.
Chris? Anyone else? It’s a bunch of fun, honest.
I’m desperately hoping that someone will tell me a registration date/time/amount so I can print off materials for clubs and socs day tomorrow. So far I’ve got two times for registration (different ages, or just two times?), and no indication of cost at all. The cost I _really_ need, otherwise the DIHL ain’t going no where <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
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MemberWhy not just paint the concrete up there and save yourself $9,900? Use an inline surface and pucks. For shooting there’s almost no difference at all. The goalies might have to use different pads to avoid their ice pads getting munted, but they might have to do that for the plastic court surface a’how.
MemberRyan cruelly deleted my intelligent and insightful post about off-ice area vs inline hockey rink. Boo! Hiss!
Stefan, I think it’s the same as that mat SK8 has in the shop. I believe you don’t maintain it, it just eventually degrades and gets worse quality as it gets scratched.
I’m curious as to how it affects your skate blades – does it make them go blunt faster?
MemberYeah we looked in there. Someone must have taken it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />