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MemberYeah I’ll get him Graham.
MemberUmm, they haven’t given me a minimum age, but they said 13 was fine.
MemberYes, you need to fill in the form and cough up some money, and give it to your team manager. He will need to be super organised and give it to me along with another 10 or more people <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Member"Ryan":1k12ivdf wrote:"Kyle":1k12ivdf wrote:There were 13 peewees at practise on Tuesday, including my son (very exciting!). They’ll get some more registrations and some kiwihockey kids, so I suspect they’ll make it up to two teams. So they’ll be playing a semi-regular game Saturday 5:30.[/quote:1k12ivdf]I suspect if there was a league and more promotion going on, the peewees would jump in numbers. You only need 3 teams to call something a league so I don’t see any issue with it. [/quote:1k12ivdf]
I’m absolutely of the opinion that you need four teams to be a league, but the reality is that they’re really going to struggle to get two teams. They had 10 people at practise tonight. The peewees are undoubtably the most organised team in the association, they’ve got two good coaches, they’ve got a communications person to stay in touch with the parents, a manager. They just don’t have the players.
I think Larry specifically wants to avoid everything that comes with making it a proper league.. He really just wants it to be a fun game, everyone have a go in goal, change the teams around. He’s really aware of where the kids are at and he’s doing a great job.
I suspect there’s a problem in the flow-through from the high number of kids doing kiwi-skate to the lower numbers doing kiwi-hockey, and then peewee hockey. Probably only about 5% of kiwi skaters end up playing hockey. There’s also an issue that there’s a high school competition, but we really should be having heaps more intermediate school age children. A competition at that level though would be difficult as you only have two years of students to contribute. Most schools would struggle to get a line, let alone a team. So then you’re back to people coming through the DIHA system, and that’s not happening as well as you’d like.
"Ryan":1k12ivdf wrote:"Kyle":1k12ivdf wrote:Midgets I can’t imagine are any better, but they might be able to pull in some high school kids who aren’t playing for the Association. They’re playing a game Saturday 6:30.[/quote:1k12ivdf]If the club can create an aura of superiority about the DIHA league over the high schools league, I think a fleet of players could be recruited into a midgets league. A structure in which all players can compete in the schools league but only the best get into the midgets league and then the best from the midgets league get to play in the SIHL league and then the best from the SIHL league go play in the SIHL team at Nationals and then the best from Nationals go play for NZ, bla bla bla. Should be good for 6 good teams IMO. It would require someone driving it from the ground up though and I suspect no one will volunteer – or at least no one capable of it will.[/quote:1k12ivdf]
Well we’ve already done this by having them all sign up for the DIHL. The B grade DIHL probably wouldn’t exist if all the high school midget age kids weren’t in it. I’m not sure if there’s any value in killing the DIHL to get a midgets league going. There’s a limit to how much ice hockey people will play and how much parents can afford. 3 games a week, possibly four if they play SIHL, plus one, maybe two practises. Why spread everything so thing, what’s wrong with how it is currently?
"Ryan":1k12ivdf wrote:I don’t think the paper work involved in forming a league would be terribly complicated, essentially all that is required is a rego form and an event notice. A few modifications to the rule book could make things less complicated if necessary.[/quote:1k12ivdf]It’s not the paperwork, though that’s actually a fair bit of work. It’s collecting the registrations, putting the teams together, answering the hundred questions etc etc. Larry’s avoiding that by just booking an hour and getting the kids to all turn up and putting them into teams on the night. There’s plenty of room for growth, as they’ll need 10 more kids just to make it work.
"Ryan":1k12ivdf wrote:"Kyle":1k12ivdf wrote:Women are struggling to make 1 team. And if they took every woman playing hockey and put them out there for a game, they might squeeze up to two teams, [/quote:1k12ivdf]Not true IMO, there’s plenty of female players, there’s just no one there to pool them all together and get them organised. As Phil PJ would put it, t’s kind of like a chicken and egg scenario, if they don’t form a womens league, they wont get enough players for the league. Might as well scrimp the barrel for a start and get some sort of competition up and running. The women told me a few years ago that there wasn’t enough players for one team in Dunedin and they were struggling to get players even for tournaments held in Dunedin. So I ran that one off tournament between the Dunedin women plus a few more players I gave them and the Dunedin Aces women and then had a half female, half male team as the third one. There are a lot more female hockey players in Dunedin now than there was back then. Practises at the Big Chill were struggling to get even 5 players. DIHL has less female players too I think and there was far less female players in the schools league. Again though, it needs someone to drive it forward and I suspect no one can be bothered.[/quote:1k12ivdf]
But this is the same problem. If we took the 20 women and had them in a two team womens competition, many wouldn’t play in the DIHL. The DIHL suits our needs because it welcomes in all players of almost all levels, so that the sport can grow. How long will it take until there’s enough women keen to have a four team league here. Maybe 5 years, but only if it keeps growing strong, and eventually growth in ice hockey is going to taper off.
There’s also no one stepping up to organise these things. At the moment they haven’t got themselves organised enough to have a womens practise, let alone intra-squad games, let alone a womens league.
And why should they, they’re entering the DIHL.
"Ryan":1k12ivdf wrote:"Kyle":1k12ivdf wrote:I’d be keen to see the women entering as a B grade team, and maybe an allowance for Zanzee to play down or something to help them out. [/quote:1k12ivdf]Yeah, would be nice if they’d do that. Perhaps the DIHL should have an option on the rego form for joining an all female team? If they can’t do it themselves then organise it for them?[/quote:1k12ivdf]
Well, I wouldn’t want to force them to play in the same team. I think that there’s enough people in there with brains and knowledge about the association to do that themselves. I know that some of them specifically _don’t_ want to play in an all womens team. If they wanted to do it, they will, otherwise we’ll keep doing what we’re doing.
"Ryan":1k12ivdf wrote:"Kyle":1k12ivdf wrote:Contact… worth exploring, but there’s issues we both know about.[/quote:1k12ivdf]Chicken and egg situation again IMO. Players wont learn to play contact unless they get the chance! Start small, work towards something bigger.[/quote:1k12ivdf]
Well I’m still on record thinking it should happen at the middle of the year. I either think it won’t happen, or it won’t happen in the best way. I suspect the way it would work out, the players that we would absolutely want to be leading it and showing the way in terms of playing contact responsibly (eg, Mike, Steve) would opt out, and the thugs will come in the other end.
MemberThe senior session was also really good – very fast, intense play. Excellent way to get back into the season, playing only with beginners the past few months had left me in a different mode.
MemberThat’s a seriously good price on the helmet. I don’t think I’ve seen a second-hand helmet in NZ for less than 35. Bung it on trademe with that as the reserve and you’ll definitely sell it.
I’d buy it for my son, but he’s already got one, and is getting a new one for his birthday.
MemberAnd a whistle. BYO whistle, sharing apparently isn’t the best.
Member"Kyle":1jh0u05t wrote:I presume we’ll be on the ice at least a little bit, so bring your ice hockey gear, though you’ll probably only needs skates and helmet.[/quote:1jh0u05t]I was talking to people last night about this.
I’d now suggest bringing all your hockey gear. The reasoning is, that there will be some on-ice practise of refereeing – everyone will get a go at refereeing and lining. Most likely it will be a mock up game with people going in and out of the teams and jumping into refereeing for 5 minutes and then back into the game. So if you’re not practising being a referee, you’re being the hockey players. There’s also face-off practise, which presumably involves two players and one referee, switching around.
So bring all your gear, you might get a bit of hockey.
(My first question would be, how many rules get broken in 5 minutes of hockey, and should we go out of our way to break rules. The old “what do you mean we can’t have eight people on the ice at once ref? I didn’t trip him, he viciously attacked my stick with his feet!”).
MemberMichael just phoned and said he’ll do it.
PS: Ryan’s a geek.
MemberYeah. It’d be an interesting experiment anyway. Probably wouldn’t work very well from the stands on the side of the rink as they start at ground level and therefore wouldn’t have a great angle on a picture flat on the ice.
MemberThat’s a sweet video Ryan’s put up on the front page Tom.
They should show something like that on a projector before the players head out for the cadbury cup this year, or when the ice blacks play the moose. I wonder what the effect would be like if you could project down onto the ice from above.
MemberDIHL registration forms were emailed out to everyone last night. Anyone who wants one but didn’t get one, please post here and tell me your email and I’ll send one asap.
Ryan will also hopefully have them up on the web site soon as soon as he finds some time.
Registration this Sunday 6pm, next Sunday 6pm at the ice rink, or Tuesday 13th March at the Bowler Tavern, 7:30.
B grades starts March 18th, so don’t muck around!
Memberyup. March 10 and 11
MemberI presume we’ll be on the ice at least a little bit, so bring your ice hockey gear, though you’ll probably only needs skates and helmet.
Pen and paper and $50.
I can’t think of anything else.
I’ve never actually noticed the control panel. The only reason I’ve logged in as administrator was to delete those spam posts.