Forum Replies Created
MemberJust to add to the Dunedin/Queenstown results chain.
Peewees played against Queenstown yesterday, won both games by good margins. Last year when they beat them once that was the first time Queenstown peewees had been beaten in the southern region for ages, now it looks like it’s a developing trend. Go the peewees!
Juniors also played them. They were close in the first game apparently, but lost it in the last period and finished up 3 (?) goals down. Joe apparently got them fired up for the second game and they came out really hard winning it 3-2 (I believe). That’s also the first time in ‘ages’ that the Queenstown juniors have been beaten in the SIHL.
All these games were played at Queenstown, so that’s beating QT at home 3/4 games yesterday.
MemberBlah. I was just trying to have a wee bit of friendly banter. Clearly that doesn’t work between Ryan and I.
I wondered if it would go that way when I posted it.
MemberHey Chris,
Was that you yelling out ‘trip him’ while I was skating around half your team last night?
And doing primary school loopy fingers behind the referee when he put you in the box for interference?
MemberRyan’s right, in that the DIHL got shifted back to accommodate the powerskating sessions. Though now the timetable is cramped, so it’d surprise me if we got on the ice at 8pm.
Adult’s powerskating is on Monday night at 9pm where the SNC practice used to be. Starting tomorrow.
Anyone know what you bring to a powerskating session? Apart from skates? Do we need helmets or anything?
That note you’ve got on the front page saying you’ve been advertising incorrect times – that’s not true.
Peewees practice was 6-7. With powerskating starting this week, powerskating is now going 6 – 6:30, peewees is moving to 6:30 – 7:30. It’s not been incorrect, it’s been changed as of this coming week.
The messages that you keep putting up saying times are wrong and so forth – I realise it’s a little frustrating not getting the information, but I’m not sure if putting messages on the site saying that it’s wrong is the best way to go. It typically has as much accurate information as the players ever get.
And why would people use the web site as a source of information if you put messages up there effectively saying not to?
MemberAnyone know who won that game in the last one – edmonton or dallas?
MemberNote the great glee that Guest briefly had when he’d received tidbits of information about what was being discussed here, before he deleted his post, presumably because it provided too much information about who he is.
Must keep our web forum administration state secrets such! A leak! A 5th column! Excitement!
Member"Ryan":1n57akwq wrote:"Kyle":1n57akwq wrote:There was a code of conduct discussed at Monday’s committee meeting I understand. It wouldn’t surprise me if something which (broadly) covered this sort of area was included. Hopefully it would anyway.I don’t get the impression it’s a big problem at the moment, but I think it will become a big problem at some stage in the future – a bit of a sitting time bomb really.[/quote:1n57akwq]
What exactly is a sitting time bomb? Naughty posts in the forum? Nasty comments in the changing room? I’m a little confused.
[/quote:1n57akwq]Umm, homophobia amongst the people in the sport, and how it’s expressed. I think I meant ticking rather than sitting however.
MemberThere was a code of conduct discussed at Monday’s committee meeting I understand. It wouldn’t surprise me if something which (broadly) covered this sort of area was included. Hopefully it would anyway.
I don’t get the impression it’s a big problem at the moment, but I think it will become a big problem at some stage in the future – a bit of a sitting time bomb really.
MemberThe A grade finishes a little late, but if anyone wanted to organise a retirement to a pub, or seek to use the social room for a few drinks afterwards, that would be encouraged.
It’s never been my intention for the DIHL not to have a social element, I just can’t organise it.
Member"Ryan":2dknx7jl wrote:"Kyle":2dknx7jl wrote:And Ryan suggested the rule change, and he’s not a referee. So his anal nature comes to him naturally Smiley[/quote:2dknx7jl]
Eh, who you callin’ anal bean pole?Ryan,[/quote:2dknx7jl]
Not me. I was just deflecting it to where the rule change suggestion came from.
Memberchduck noreris?
Man. I thought doctors were supposed to have undecipherable handwriting. Don’t tell me in the age of computers that’s been transferred to typing?
MemberMan, I go cook dinner and read a book for a while, and you guys all go weird on me.
I suspect given that the forum is part of the DIHA we should all behave a reasonable amount. There’s kids signed up to the forum and while it’s for discussion and debate, it’s also a way that people link into and see associated with the DIHA, so probably we should get a bit back on track.
My bad for all my innuendo. I humbly apologise there Matt for any slur upon your character. Hockey injury it is.
PS: I’m not sure I’d want to come out to the wider hockey community. Some would be fine with it, but overall it’s not the most enlightened group of people that I’ve been involved with, when it comes to those issues. Not unusual in sports though, particularly male dominated sports.
Member"battered_and_bruised":14w9rzl2 wrote:I was the one who iced the puck to start off. There was from what I gathered 5 seconds left. The DIHL is what they call a beer league in Canada, no one takes it seriously. I mean if you are considering making a rule change about this, then that is pretty sad. It’s part of the game and a good defencive strategy and if you want to make a rule change, then why don’t you make a rule where you can’t play a trap? My god you refs have got to stop being so anal about things, especially with things like this. It’s beer league guys, let the little things go.
[/quote:14w9rzl2]Well it’s a discussion that Mike started having with Stefan, and then with me, about the appropriate thing to do in the situation. I don’t think you should call delay of game on an icing, but if Mike comes up with a different answer, and backs it up with a rule or something from the IIHF casebook, then good on him. I mentioned it in the forum because it’s an interesting point, and as Ryan pointed out, the rules were designed for stop-time, not running-time games. One of the things we’ve been talking to the referee coordinator about is providing more information to players about rules and referee decisions, so that players can better understand the rules and how they’re implemented, so that they can play better hockey.
I understand that a bunch of players do treat the DIHL as just a social league, but a lot of people also take it very seriously. I know it was a big thing up at John McGlashan last year when their team won the B grade. Lots of people will never play hockey more serious than this, and some of them don’t view it as a ‘beer league’ at all. They expect referees to get it right (as I noted in the original post, we do get things wrong occasionally!). I’ve been in DIHL games where refereeing has affected the outcome of the game (the infamous Blake-blowing-the-whistle-denying-Pete-Sanford-a-goal incident of Autumn 2006 possibly denied Bullfrogs a spot in the final).
I can’t speak for other referees, but personally I’d want to referee a DIHL game just as well as a Prem game, and just as well as a Peewee house league game. Just because the skill level and intensity varies, doesn’t mean that the refereeing changes. Most of us referees are relatively new to the job, and the one of the ways we get better is by talking to each other about our decisions and the rules and providing feedback to each other. It’s a question that I’d want to know the answer for for a DIHL game, because it might come up when I’m refereeing Dunedin Prems vs Queenstown, and I bet then you’d want us to get it right.
And Ryan suggested the rule change, and he’s not a referee. So his anal nature comes to him naturally <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Member"rookie#19":l72ze8wd wrote:As far as i know the act of icing the puck when there is not long left in a game is a common tactic, and besides, at this level of hockey, is it really important?
[/quote:l72ze8wd]I dunno. If Mike had stuck you in the box for delaying the game, would you have thought it was important?