Forum Replies Created
MemberYeah, you guys played a good game last night with some good goals. I was surprised that the Sharks didn’t get more shots on.
Though, when I made my picks, you didn’t have Toby Schuck playing in goal. That does tend to help out.
MemberBut if people have the same top through their hockey career – when they join the club and get serious they buy a top – then normally they’ll have one already. Or, they should buy one when they get called up, because they’re going to need it later anyway.
In the few instances where someone might play SIHL but only for a couple of games in their life I’m sure the club could have a few extra tops.
But what I’m meaning is that I don’t think there’s a problem with ‘general chatter about ice hockey in Dunedin’ being considered to be either about ice hockey, or just general innane chatter between ice hockey people.
I mean the friendly sniping – Kyle’s tall, Stefan’s a girly wuss, Ryan’s anal. These are pretty fringe to ice hockey. But as long as they remain friendly (or if unfriendly, at least polite and civil), and indeed in the most part, it has, it could stay where it is.
The DIHL topic ranges around a fair bit for example, but it’ll keep coming back to the DIHL because I keep posting on the DIHL, and it’s obviously a wee home that people feel like posting in.
I think if you split off the forums then you’ll find that the reason that people get into the non-hockey chatter is through the hockey stuff – talking about games and boasting and being silly about hockey things. If you split them, then you’ll get the non-hockey stuff in the hockey forum and you’ll have to move it across. It flows naturally now, so why change it?
MemberSo are you going to share?
MemberThe unusual sight of a personally written 404:
The page cannot be displayed because you need some fresh air
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* If you would like Windows to try and discover them, click Detect Computer-Induced Stupor”.
* There are a host of things awaiting you in the outside world: hockey, inline hockey, power skating, coaching, drills and tournaments for example.
* If you are unable to get up, click here and your power strip will emit a large enough shock to scare you back to your senses. If that doesn’t work, then we give up. You are officially in need of serious help. Dial 477-1468 to reach a mental hospital near you.
* Click the Back button to melt your computer.Cannot find reality files
Internet ExplorerOh, and the link to this weekend’s snc/peewee schedule is broken Ryan.
MemberEither that, or we reconsider what should be in ‘general chatter’ – nothing in the title at least limits it to ice hockey.
Member"Ryan":3a76f58m wrote:"Kyle":3a76f58m wrote:I think people should have to buy their own top (and presumably socks) when they start to play ‘rep’ (SIHL) hockey.[/quote:3a76f58m]I think people should be allowed to buy their own uniform, but that the club should have some available for those who don’t. After all, some players may only get to play the occasional game, so purchasing an $80+ jersey may not be an option. We ran into a similar problem with the Dunedin Aces and Otago University Inline Hockey Clubs when the committees decided to go down that route. But yeah, being able to buy your own uniform is definitely a major step forward. I’ve never understood why the club never offered them before, it’s a good way for the club to make money too.
[/quote:3a76f58m]I think there’s a problem here though, and Steve thought so as well. People seem to sign up for SIHL rep teams, without thinking of the commitment involved. The Monday night practices died once people found that they were going to have to fork out a bunch of money and stopped turning up. Some teams struggle for numbers because players float in and out.
There should be minimum requirements if you’re going to represent the club. You have to come to a weekly practice during the season. You have to own all your gear. You have to own your own top. If the club does its job well and gets sponsorship for the tops, they won’t cost $80, they’ll cost $40 or something.
I don’t think the club should make tops available for SIHL teams because it’ll mean maintaining a whole system for half the people in teams. There’s no advantage in that.
I don’t think people should be able to sign up for a DIHA team and only play a few games. At the very least their commitment should be for a season.
MemberI bombarded Steve with my thoughts on this when he put it around the committee, so I won’t repeat those in depth here. I might just raise some of them for discussion.
Currently the club owns tops, and gives them out to people. I think people should have to buy their own top (and presumably socks) when they start to play ‘rep’ (SIHL) hockey. This would mean they could put their name on it, and also mean that the top is their responsibility, looking after team tops is a major pain. Sets of club tops could still be retained for DIHL etc competitions. The club could own a couple of sets of ‘alternative’ tops for when colours clash – most likely when two Dunedin teams play each other. As people got older and bigger, they’d have to buy another top, but they’d get five years or something out of it. If you worked it well, a person could have a number for their hockey career, at least until the sport got really big here.
Steve’s document focuses a lot on ice hockey tops. The colours and branding need to be applied across a number of other things: the web site, letterhead, clothing, bags, hats, possibly other merchandise like badges and so forth. Also signs – at the rink, possibly on the side of a vehicle, etc. I think the whole thing needs to step back a bit from the hockey tops and think about wider things. What are we trying to convey with our branding? Energy? Speed? Excitement? Skill? Power? These are the sorts of things that should come through the branding exercise. Perhaps the logo on the tops should indicate movement in some way? Or be a symbol of something that is fast, or strong. If we were to stick with the penguin, then alter it so it looks like a penguin with those attributes (or whatever attributes get chosen), rather than a stubby fat bird <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” /> The colour also is part of that – it’s part of why I like black. To me it looks fast, powerful, dangerous.
I think one thing to keep in mind is that part of the purpose of the branding is to produce an end result that businesses are going to want to pay money to be associated with. So thinking about what would attract sponsorship or advertising should be part of the mix.
I also think the ‘possible Dunedin logo’ – the gothic type letter, does nothing at all. We’re a modern fast sport, we should look like it.
I think all the teams should be the same, except the premier team. I’m a real fan of having hockey ‘heroes’. Top players that kids and lesser beings such as myself can look up to. People that you can use to promote the sport and people that the public will come along to watch play. To me that means they should look different. Having a separate prem top might be too much, but maybe a badge when you get picked for the top team, that gets added to your top. I like the movie Mystery Alaska, where the whole town talks about who is going to be promoted up to the Sunday Game. Providing a structure where there could be some interest in the hockey community at least, in who is going to be playing Prems next year, is good for local hockey.
Member"Chris":ebvjqizk wrote:No, that would just be silly. What I issued was a challenge.
[/quote:ebvjqizk]And you didn’t look silly at all doing it. Honest.
"Chris":ebvjqizk wrote:The point about this is that she’s Canadian, but I was giving her shit about being American….. but good try on ripping me out Kyle. A for effort <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="” title=”Wink” />
[/quote:ebvjqizk]And it was so original too. She must be the first Canadian that someone has tried that on.
I’m not coming to hockey tonight. I’m putting in place world peace.
I’ll be back playing next week though, because it’ll be sorted then.
Member"Chris":2vfqpr13 wrote:"Jono_":2vfqpr13 wrote:its getting rather annoying to see the constant dribble of whinge coming from one guy getting binned on the forum. Get over it buddy.[/quote:2vfqpr13]Then why don’t you come and shut me up? Seriously. I dare you.[/quote:2vfqpr13]
Wow. Did we all get sent back to primary school and no one told me? What’s next? “I know you are, you said you are, but what I am?” “A pinch and a punch for the first of the month and no returns?”
"Chris":2vfqpr13 wrote:"tess":2vfqpr13 wrote:how you manage to talk a mile a minute on the ice, in the lockerroom, and on the forum is beyond me.
[/quote:2vfqpr13]I have a lot to say tess, all of it intelligent. You AMERICANS wouldn’t understand <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="
” title=”Wink” />
[/quote:2vfqpr13]Because no Americans are ever smart? I heard they don’t have any of the world’s top universities there either. All morons, clearly.
Member"matt a":oera8jkw wrote:so does anyone actually know why this topic was deemed too controversial for the masses?
[/quote:oera8jkw]I’m not sure what Chris was doing moving it, but nothing about this topic has changed my mind about the identity of guest.
Perhaps if Ryan feels there wasn’t anything wrong with it originally, the first post could be moved back into the general chatter forum, and the rest deleted or left here.
MemberNo we’ve got a team.
Just not a large one <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />
Pete offered to drag Mike Sam down, but given that we’re already hoping to bring in one ringer who’s probably pretty good, I thought it’d be a bit rude to bring in a second. If Jacques doesn’t turn up (I didn’t get a contact phone number unfortunately) we might make an emergency phone call to Mike.
I’ve hit up a couple of Beasts to see if they’ll play, so the balance doesn’t get out of whack, but no use.
I’ll see how we’re looking at the beginning of the game, maybe a shark or two will want to help us out. I was trying to add casual players to the lineup without stacking the team unfairly, so I’ll keep trying to do that.
MemberI’ve just received emails from a couple of Bullfrogs who are injured or sick and unable to play tonight. The team is going to be real short of numbers (we only started with 9 skaters, and two injured and one not coming in from central leaves us with 6), so if any A grade level player wants to come along tonight and play a game at 9pm, contact me on and let me know.
MemberWell we’re down to 5 now. Buffalo and Ottawa make fairly impressive advances in the East. Ottawa is looking like a bit of a dark horse, they got rid of New Jersey 4-1, which is no easy feat. Stefan’s Sabres made to work a bit 4-2 against the Rangers.
Joe’s San Jose, of the good photos are still in it, but they’ve got to beat Detroit at home and then away to take it 4-3, which is a tough ask. Whoever goes through will face off against the Ducks who looked fairly good against Vancouver.